Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ SAA: Sex Addicts Anonymous ❯ The Close Encounter. ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Millie: XD
Hiei: I fucking hate you, you…fucking…..I CAN'T BE MEAN I AM ABSTINENT AND EVERYTHING IS GOING WRONG YOU BITCH!!!! >_<
Black: -_____- I….hate….my….life…*hides so as to not be tempted by Hiei's “fine” ass*
Millie: XD I do not own YYH at all only me. Enjoy the fic.
Sarah was sitting in her room on the floor with her knees to her chest when she heard a growl in her stomach. Her eyes dropped lazily down to her tummy clad in an over-sized shirt with a big grey hoodie over it.
“….food…I guess I need it….but Hiei's out there…my life…sucks dirty plumber ass.” She said to herself, looking at the door.
Hiei on the other hand wasn't in the living room but instead in the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror thinking about how lonely he was.
“Yusuke is going to die tonight!” He growled as he saw the dark circles under his eyes. “A whole week and then some…..he is mine!” He added before turning around to put his shirt back on along with his cloak. Melissa was in the living room on the couch with Yusuke. They were kissing to the point of making out and Hiei walked out to witness it.
“GET A ROOM DAMNIT!!!” He yelled. They parted immediately from the startle and turned to see him.
“Sorry Hiei hehehe.” Yusuke was laughing as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Yeah hehe sorry.” Melissa added as well. Hiei only glared at the two. He was getting none and they could have all they wanted. It wasn't right and they were damned if he was going to let them continue in front of him.
“So how is it going?” Melissa asked him as he stomped over to his beloved window sill.
“How the hell do you think it's going?” He snapped back. Melissa raised her brows and looked away. Sarah decided to get something to eat and walked out of the room to the kitchen. She saw Hiei and immediately averted her gaze to look at the floor.
“Hey you sons of bitches.” She growled and roughly grabbed the bag of chips, shoving each chip into her mouth. Hiei tried not to look at her but he found himself glancing over a few times. Sarah tried her hardest but she couldn't help herself, he just looked so sexy.
~Damn you fucking mother fuckers.~ She thought.
“You are such a potty mouth Sarah, Jesus.” Melissa replied after reading her mind. Sarah opened her mouth so she could see all the munched up food.
“Gross.” She said. Sarah only closed her mouth back up and smiled. Hiei smirked.
“Shit.” He said. “That faucet has been leaking all damn day!” He was getting mad that he couldn't fix it, not with Sarah around.
Melissa shook her head.
“Well Yusuke and I are going out. We'll see you two later. Don't miss your meeting.” She said and within a few minutes they were both out the door with a giggle here and a chuckle there.
“Ok let's go!” Sarah said as she ran to Melissa's room.
“Hn, what are you doing?” Hiei asked as he followed her.
“Vandalizing her room, what do you think?” She asked. He rolled his eyes and leaned on the door frame as she leaned over to pull up the sheets and comforter on her bed to throw out the window.
“Sarah…please…step away from the bed.” He told her as he looked her up and down as she bent over to pick up the pillow she had dropped to knife it with Melissa's daggers.
“What? Why?” She asked him. He raised a brow as he continued to check out her body.
“Ooooh.” She stated as she straightened up and walked away from the bed. “Damnit! I can't even vandalize her room without you getting hot.” She added. Hiei merely shrugged.
“It's best just to not mess with things near beds, couches, showers, and comfortable things to do…that…on.” He said to her as he walked out. She sighed and crossed her arms.
As Hiei walked into the living room, he saw and heard water dripping from the faucet. Sarah had gone back to her room so if he were to fix it nothing would happen, right? That's what he thought. He grabbed a wrench from the drawer and opened the bottom cabinet doors to get under the sink. His legs were left out for anyone to see and he had stripped of his cloak so if someone were to walk by they could see his well defined abs being outlined by the muscle shirt he was wearing.
“Here we go.” He grunted as he tried his best to turn the wrench the right way.
“Damn…unruly piece of shit.” He growled as it didn't budge an inch. Finally the bolt turned and did what he wanted it to do. Only now that that was done, the leak wasn't finished pouring out water from the faucet. Apparently that had not been the pipe that needed work on. The one next to it was causing all the damage and the effect of messing with the other one was that now the under side of the sink was leaking on him instead of inside the basin of the sink where the water is supposed to drip into. This was bothering him to no end. He was annoyed with the leakage, had to work on this fast before Sarah came in, and now he was getting water all over one of his favorite shirts. There was an easy fix for the shirt though; take it off. And that he did. He pulled the shirt over his head and tossed it to the side. Getting back under the sink, his chest was now exposed and wet. Beads of water cascaded down to his abdomen and his hair was a little damp but still kept its style, not falling to mat on his head.
As he was now working without his shirt off, Sarah entered the room. She noticed something in the kitchen and with it being half covered up she didn't know it was her mate. She was now standing next to him and was staring at his lean body.
“O_O Woah.” She stated under breath. Hiei thought for moment.
~What was that?~ He asked in thought as he came out from under his work space to see Sarah looking at him with her eyes glazed over thinking of what she wanted to do.
“Onna!” He called out; afraid he was going to get chewed out for doing something he was told not to. Not that he had really cared about breaking the rules that were set before him in the days prior to their predicament of having to be abstinent, but this was Sarah; his mate and she was the one that told him not to be a `hot fix-it man' as she would like to call it.
“Hn, sorry but that damn sink was driving me up the fucking wall.” He tried to cover himself up by blaming an inanimate object. Sarah was still staring at his chiseled body even after he stood up to face her.
“Don't be sorry.” She told him, still mesmerized. He raised his brow at her reply.
“Hn, but I thought you told me not to try and fix anything or my ass is yours.” He retorted. She only took a few steps closer to him and wrapped her arms around him, one around his waist and the other hand now grabbing said ass. His eyes widened.
“Melissa and my stupid brother aren't here to tell us no.” She smirked and gave him a very generous kiss on the lips.
“Hmm.” He moaned into her mouth.
~FINALLY!!!~ He cheered in his head. They had gotten to a point where Sarah's shirt was off and Hiei's belts were undone as they began to get hot and heavy in the kitchen, trying to lead their way into their bedroom. They were smirking and smiling in between kisses as they thought they were going to get away with breaking the rules. Just then the sex patrol walked in through the front door.
“SARAH!!! HIEI!!!” Melissa called from the living room. They were seated on the kitchen table, Hiei on top of Sarah barely clothed. Once Sarah heard her voice she got up rapidly, making Hiei slip and fall to the floor. Yusuke walked in a few seconds later to his sister in such a position. Her long pants hiked up to her thigh and her chest only being covered up by her bra. Hiei wasn't so innocent by looks either. He still had no shirt on and his pants were undone falling down to his knees. Yusuke only smacked his hand to his forehead.
“Can't leave them alone for more than two hours and this is what happens.” Melissa stated as she threw Hiei's shirt at him. He caught it and glared at her.
“Hn. And if you came in ten minutes later there is no way in hell you would be stopping us and it would last long as hell too!” He spat back.
“Sarah!!! Get some clothes on!!!!” Yusuke yelled as he turned to face the door as to not have to look at his baby sister half naked.
“Fuck you!!!” Sarah yelled. “I hate you two!” She added as she retrieved her shirt from the cabinet handle from when Hiei quickly tore it off of her in a rushed manner and threw it in the air to land anywhere it pleased. Melissa and Yusuke merely shook their heads.
“I don't even want to know how this happened, just get fixed up and hurry your asses to your SAA meeting!” Melissa called, wanting to laugh at the fact that Hiei was in a bit of trouble and needed a while before he could leave.
“Make no mistake Melissa; I will kill you for this.” Hiei growled. “Just give me a minute Sarah…I have...something to do before we go.” He added looking up to see her eyes looking back at him. His face flushed as he looked down and ran to the bathroom. Poor guys, once they're ready they can't stop…or they have to finish up on their own. Hiei came back out of the bathroom in a good amount of time and looked both ways before entering the hall and into the living room.
“Grrr is Sarah ready to go to this god forsaken meeting?” He asked Yusuke and Melissa. Yusuke looked up from the television screen to see that Hiei was both a little satisfied with the previous event in his life but also really pissed off since he had to do it alone.
“She'll be out in a minute I think she's still changing clothes.” Yusuke answered him with a smirk and at that Sarah entered the room in fitted, grey sweat pants and a fitted black v-neck t-shirt.
“I'm ready to go…I guess...hn.” She stated as she retrieved her black hoodie. Hiei put on his cloak and they were on the road within minutes.
“I say we flee to another state…” Sarah suggested to Hiei. “Let's go to Las Vegas in America…that's like…the sex capital of the world.” She added. Hiei smirked and chuckled a little.
“I would go in a heartbeat if I wouldn't have the police on my ass. One killing in Makai or Ningenkai and they'll think it's me if they don't know where I am and once they find me they would ask `why did you leave and disobey orders?' I don't think I want my answer to be, `All I wanted was some damn sex with my mate!'” He shrugged, pulling into the parking lot of the recreation center that held many meetings.
“Guess we have to go in…” Sarah stated as they just sat in a parked car for a few extra minutes just staring at the building; more like Hiei scowled at it and Sarah glared menacingly. A few minutes more just waiting and they were out of the car and into the room they had come to despise with all their heart. Surprisingly to them the same people that were there before had actually showed up a second time like they had.
“So should we begin?” asked Jeff, the leader once everyone was seated in a circle. Hiei only rolled his eyes. Sarah crossed her arms over her chest just as Hiei had and then she crossed her legs, making sure not to let Nathan get any ideas. Edward was looking the most refined. He wore his suit and tie like he had before but now he looked satisfied as if something great had happened.
~He CHEATED!!!! I know he did!!! He had S-E-X!~ Sarah went on in her thoughts as she saw the look on his face. The woman from the first meeting was also back as well. This time she was wearing her sluttiest outfit yet. She wore a short short jean skirt with a tube top that could pass as a bra rather than an actual shirt with a skimpy jacket over it. Nathan sat in the corner again, biting his nails wearing fitted jeans and a dark blue t-shirt with a band name printed on the front. Jeff continued to look around the group with a smile plastered on his stupid face.
“Any volunteers?” He just had to ask. Hiei merely glared at him again.
“I-I'll go.” Nathan volunteered as he raised his hand the tiniest bit. Jeff nodded towards with a smile.
“Go ahead. Tell us of your week being abstinent.” He stated. Nathan began to rock back and forth averting his gaze from the floor to look at Sarah, to the other woman, and back to the floor.
“Well…it's been hard let me tell you. I see the girls walk past me on the busiest hottest street in the city with their perfect dark skin and breasts all pushed up and almost falling out of their shirts. Their butts are perfect you just want to go up and have a squeeze…but then you have to remember that you are fucking SEX ADDICT and you have to go WITHOUT!!!” His voice began to rise and crack as he spoke, still rocking back and forth.
~Hn, what a moron.~ Hiei thought as he listened to Nathan drabble on and on about different girls breast sizes.
“And then at night it's the worst. My magazines are still in my room and I'm there, lyin' in bed when it comes to me that I can be abstinent but still get off right? Well I go get them but they're not enough. THEY'RE JUST NOT ENOUGH!!! O_o I WILL NEVER BE HAPPY WITH PICTURES!!! I TRY!!! I REALLY DO!!! But the women, THEY CALL!!! AM I INSANE!?!?! I THINK I-…I…I can't breath!! This is too over whelming. Gah…air…GOD I'M COMIN' TO YA!!!” Nathan began to have a mental breakdown as you could tell but no one paid any mind.
“So, anyone else like to contribute to this topic?” Jeff asked, completely ignoring Nathan. Edward looked around the room and saw that no one was going to fess up to anything, at least not when it came to volunteering.
“Sure, I'll go.” He replied; Nathan still screaming somewhere in the background. “This week was HELL!!! You know you want it more when the MAN tells you you can't have it. All I want is a simple fuck but NO! I am denied. I was planning on just picking up some piss drunk chick and bangin' her in the ally way but then I thought, why fuck an ugly drunk chick that would want it with anyone when I could get a hot stripper? So I go down there and this girl is ALL over me. I mean seriously, it was a little pathetic. So she buys me a drink and we get a room in the back of the club and she's kissin' my neck and I'm feelin' all on her perfect round boobs and BOY are they soft.” He continued. Sarah was just looking at him with a horrified expression on her face.
~Gross!! Don't tell me he is going to explain it, Hiei.~ She thought to Hiei as they listened to him rant on about his sexcapades.
“So I'm touchin' her and then she's all ghostin' her hand over my erection and I'm like `let's go! Stop teasin' me!!!'. So she finally has her hands down my pants and she's all massagin' me and it's AWESOME but then she clamps down WAY too HARD!! So I'm gaspin' for breath and she's all `Do you like it rough?' I'm sittin' there like `NO!! LESSEN YOUR DAMN GRIP YOU LITTLE WHORE!!' but she does nothin' and I have to ride it out until the end…I came to find out, I do like it rough.” He finally finished his gross little story with a wink and smack of his gum he was chewing on. Hiei was disgusted.
“Hn, seems like that girl should have gripped a little harder, ugly bastard.” He mumbled under his breath. Lucky for Edward he hadn't heard him or he would have said something stupid and Hiei would have kicked his ass even though it would have been his fault and not Edward's.
“I also realized…I love boobs…and women…with boobs…and tight asses.” He added with a gross grin, looking over at Sarah as he said this. She contorted her face to a mixed expression of disgust and `boy, you must be crazy if you think you even have a chance'. Hiei let a growl escape from the back of his throat as he saw this man gazing at his woman's body.
“Hn, you want to put your eyes back in your sockets you sex obsessed little son of a bitch.” He spat. That wiped Edward's little smile off his face.
“What, is she your girl?” He asked Hiei with smirk now replacing his smile. Hiei growled even louder and stood up from his seat.
“She's my mate and if you keep looking at her like that I'll rip your dick off so you can never get head again, you keep whining about not getting any.” He spat back.
“Now now, please don't fight. We want a nice environment for our sex deprived friends.” Jeff stated in a soft, fruity tone.
“Friends!?!?!” Hiei yelled and sent a death glare his way. “None of us are friends if you hadn't noticed!” He added, hands balled into fists he thought of beating the crap out of them. At that moment Edward had swooped over and grabbed Sarah by her neck.
“WHAT THE HELL!?!! GET THE FUCK OFF ME!!!” She spat with a growl. He only snickered and smirked.
“Your girlfriend here smells nice.” Edward stated as he took in the scent of her hair like a crazy stalker.
“Let me go or I'll break your nose so you'll never be able to smell again!” Sarah called back. Hiei turned to see this and he became enraged.
“You MORON!!! Let her go or I will kick you in the balls and rip your hair so you can't even pay for sex! Or I can just kill you!” Hiei yelled and kicked him in the leg.
~Hiei, calm down, you know you can't kill any humans. Just let me handle him.~ Sarah told him telepathically. He merely rolled his eyes.
~Oh yeah? And how are you going to do it?~ He asked her.
Millie: XD I hope you guys like it. I know I do hehe.
Hiei: >__________< Fucking BITCH!!!!
M/Y: *raises brow*
Millie: We're learning about Romeo and Juliet. -_____-
Yusuke: >_><_< Uhh…ok.
Millie: R&R XD