Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Soul Stealers ❯ Gone was her soul? ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Ok new story! ^^ Um… I've been having a lot of trouble writing my CYOA so yea sorry! TT-TT… neways This is the only chapter I have of Soul Stealers but if I find ppl like it then I'll continue ok? So yea! ^^ the little ~*~*~ means that it's switching POV so yea! ^^ alrighty then!

Roses are red

Viloets are blue

I no own

So u no sue!

I mean I no own YuYu!


It was like her originality was stolen she no longer laughed or smiled or acted quirky. Everyone seemed to notice but no one could find out what was wrong with her. Usually the class joker was, well a trickster and everyone notices when the trickster starts acting normal. No normal wasn't the word for this…even when she was sad she would go out of her way to make others laugh. It's like now she was always in la la land, always off in her own little world, always daydreaming.

"Have you found out what's bugging her?" My red head friend broke my thoughts.

"No…" I responded looking at him sadly.

"Hm…well I'll do some more digging and see what I can find out…" He spoke trying to be helpful.

"Thanks." I smiled then looked and saw the topic of our conversation walk by.

"Kawaire!" I shouted her name through the crowd. She looked then walked over her normally bright green eyes looked dull and full of nothingness.

"Hi." When she spoke it was less than monotone it had less than emotion

"You sure nothing is wrong you know you can tell us anything." The red headed boy spoke to her kindly.

"No nothing." She shook her head and smiled although it was empty. "I have to go thank you for your offer though Kurama." She spoke as she walked away.

"Wha?" The boy stared at her.

"Who's Kurama?" I asked.

Kawaire didn't turn but kept walking.

"What did she mean?" I asked looking at the shocked look on his face.

"I don't know." He spoke although it was apparent he was hiding something. "I'm going to go home. Ok?" He asked not taking his eyes from Kawaire. Then walked off.

"Wait! Shuiichi!" I yelled hopelessly after my friend who was quickly disappearing in the crowd of school kids rushing to leave the campus.


`How could she know my real name.' I thought running after my friend. `She shouldn't maybe it's not really her.' My mind kept racing over conclusions for her strange behavior.

Following her scent, which was always of strawberry shampoo and cookies though only beings with an acute sense of smell could tell, I found her standing in a clearing facing me. Her eyes seemed to gaze through me filled with sorrow.

"Kawaire." I started out with a cool, clam, yet commanding voice. She didn't even seem to hear me.

"Are you mad at my puppet?" A cold voice came from the shadows behind Kawaire.

"Puppet? So that's what's wrong with her what did you do? Show yourself." I spoke in my usual cool voice but it still had the commanding tone.

"What did I do? Why? Are you mad at her…or me for stealing what is so precious to pathetic Ningens from your friend?" She spat out the word friend like it was poison.

"Tell me." Was all I said.

"You are in no position to command me when I have your sweet Kawaire at my disposal." She was still in the shadows but I could tell she smirked. "I took her very soul her hopes her dreams! Those things that make her laugh and make jokes. Those are the very things that keep me strong!" She laughed. "You would be surprised what high hopes this Ningen has."

`How could I not have noticed.' I silently scolded myself, but visually clinched my fists.

She obviously saw this cuz then she said "Are you angry?" She taunted. "She no longer felt emotion when I came and offered her a contract."

"What kind of contract?"

"She signed there is nothing you can do to stop it. It is so easy to trick humans they are sooo trusting. Trust is a sign of weakness. I just offered her relief from her crisis." The shadows laughed.

I was silent.

"What is your mind thinking up Kurama? Oh, I know would you like to see my puppet's lost hopes? How about her dreams?" She kept taunting me knowing I was in no position to attack. The words she spoke stung `her puppet'.

I turned to walk away.

"Oh, What's the matter now Kurama? Are you sore that you can't save her?"

"I don't care." I said walking away.

"Yes you do or you wouldn't have come." The shadows spoke knowingly but with a hint of uncertainty.

"I just wanted to know who knew my name, but now that I know you are no threat I'm leaving." I turned to look at the shadows then turned my back again to leave.


`What the hell! My plan wasn't suppose to be like this he was suppose to surrender to my demands! I need that Spirit Detective! Fine I'll have to find a new weakness for one of them…or maybe he'll give in when I…yes lets try…' I thought watching the kitsune from the shadows. A blue aura started to appear smoking around me then it crawled to Kawaire smoking circling around her…they were all her hopes…dreams and soul… They started to whisper her secret thoughts, her weaknesses, her strengths, even who she liked. They crept along the ground; one floated in front of Kurama. "Shuiichi…" It said ghostly. "I just want to become an actress…" Another whispered. "Nobody truly knows me… heh nobody cares about the true me…" Yet another relayed secrets Kawaire told to herself… "Why did she have to go?"

This did seemed to affect him…Kurama's eyes widened. `Yes so he does care!' I thought; `I knew it!'

"So it seems you do care Kurama…wish to do a trade?"

"What kind of trade?"

"Your soul and body…for hers."

"Show me her contract."

"Not until you agree." I was pulling him in.

"Fine…I agree now show me her contract."

"Yesssss…" I knew he would fall for it. I pulled her contract out of thin air then… "AHHHHHHHHHHH." I screamed as a vine plunged threw my heart…and Kawaire's contract. Suddenly Kawaire's entire aura along with her hopes, dreams, and her soul, disappeared. Her body blinked and I knew my plan had failed… My blood seeped into the earth as I crumpled to the ground everything was cold…so cold, and I welcomed it….I welcomed death.


Ok end chapter one! ^^ hope you like it remember you guys make it a story or one shot! ^^