Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Strawberry Gashes ❯ To Be Loved Or Betrayed ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own the song that I used in this… And I don't own Yu-Yu Hakusho.

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Shuiichii Minamino, also know as Kurama. He walked up the stairs to your apartment with a pleasant smile set on his face. A bouquet of red roses in his hands. Today was your seven month anniversary from when you two became boyfriend and girlfriend. He made it to your door, and knocked… only to be surprised by the door opening by itself. Curiously he stepped inside, placing the roses on a side table and looking around. Emerald eyes scanned the rather large apartment. You had a wealthy family, though they were never around.

" (Name)!" Kurama called out, only to have an echo followed by an eerie silence as a response.

He walked into the kitchen, shoes tapping lightly on the white marble that was shined to perfection. Making his way to the refrigerator, he plucked the note that had his name written on it in neat French script. Opening it, he skimmed it over. Though it was difficult because the ink was slightly smeared.

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17 minutes earlier…

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You were dressed in a pretty red silk dress that stopped right above your knees and was strapless. Your hair was done, and you had put on some make up. This was actually a big thing for you since you never wore dresses or skirts, and you never wore make up.

Walking down the street to Kurama's apartment, you thought about how lucky you were to have a nice boyfriend. Your relationship was just going absolutely perfect. Sure you two had those minor fights but they were quickly solved. Seeing his apartment complex come into view, you trekked up the stairs quickly and made your way to his apartment.

Opening his door, because you wanted to make your arrival a surprise, you walked in as quiet as you could possibly manage. You looked around, only to find no one there. Blinking slowly, you walked to his bedroom and opened the door slightly. What you found made you want to scream.

There was your boyfriend having kinky sex with that obnoxious, perky, blue haired bitch of a grim reaper. You stood there stock still, and quiet. Her moaning and his grunts as he pumped into her, resounded in your ears.

When they both collapsed, you were still there just staring and they didn't even notice you. But what happened next was just horrible. He pulled out of her, and told her that he loved her. Kurama told Boton that he loved her.

You silently closed the door and walked out of his apartment, then out of the building. Your face held no emotion, and your mascara started to run from the silent tears that flowed.

Turn her over
A candle is lit, I see through her
Blow it out and save all her ashes for me

You walked all the way back to your house, not even bothering to close the door behind you. Slumping onto the couch you stared blankly in front of you, eyes hollow.

Curse me sold her
The poison that runs it's course through her
Pale white skin with strawberry gashes all over

Then you knew what you had to do. Standing up again, you let your hair down and wiped your face, while quickly writing a note and putting it on the fridge.

Watch me fault her
You're living like a disaster
She said kill me faster
with strawberry gashes all over

Exiting your apartment you made your way down the street till you reached a quaint little house. Proceeding to the doorway, you knocked… a pleasant smile on your face. The door opened and---

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Called her over
and asked her if she was improving
She said "feels fine" it's wonderful, wonderful here

"Mother…" Kurama uttered as the not fell from his hand.

Emerald eyes wide, he sprinted out of the house and ran as fast as he could down the street. His heartbeat going a million miles an hour.

Hex me told her
I dreamt of a devil that knew her
Pale white skin with strawberry gashes all over all over

He flung open the door to the small little house, and called out to his beloved mother Shiori. Finding her no where, he started looking in all the rooms.

Watch me fault her
You're living like a disaster
She said kill me faster
with strawberry gashes all over

Opening the last one which was the bathroom, he almost threw up at what he saw. Tears streamed down his face at a rapid pace.

I lay quiet
waiting for her voice to say
"Some things you lose and some things you just give away"

His mother was sobbing into your red silk gown near the bathtub. And in the tub was you, bathing in red liquid. Eyes closed forever, neck sliced right open.

Scold me failed her
If only I'd held on tighter to her
Pale white skin that twisted and withered away from me away from me

He didn't even pay attention to you, just went over to hug Shiori who pushed him away.

"Get away from me!!! You are not my son!!!"

His eyes widened, filling with hurt. Then he glared at you lifeless body. Shiori smacked him across the face.

"Don't you dare touch her! This is all your fault!"

He stared at her shocked.

Watch me lose her
It's almost like losing myself
Give her my soul
and let them take somebody else get away from me

"W-wha?" He muttered.

Shiori glared knives at him, and told him to get out and to never come back. He reluctantly did so.

It was later explained to him what had happened, but he never forgave you for ruining his and his mother's relationship. But why the Hell should you care?

Watch me fault her
You're living like a disaster
She said kill me faster
with strawberry gashes all over all over me

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Well that sucked. Oh well. REVIEW!!!