Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Taking Care Of Yoko ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
KS: Thank you for being so patient with me. Here's the next chapter. It might be a little short. Really short. Sorry!

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Sometihing was hitting Kori's head. Again, and again, and again.... Then a voice... "Ko....Re..." and again "Ko-re." She jumped up from her laying position and Yoko tumbled down from her chest and landed on her legs. That had to have been her imagination. "Ko-re." It wasn't.

"Ko-re," the small Yoko stated and clapped his hands. He was saying his first word and it was her name! Although, it was truly pronounced Kor-e, not Ko-re. Who cared!? "Ko-re?" He yanked on her hair.

"OWW!" she smacked his hand away. "That does hurt you know!"

Yoko gave Kori, an unhappy look and murmurred, "Ko-re."

"Damn, you are adorable."

"Kori!!" came two voices and they didn't sound too happy.

"Yeah?" she asked, as Kuwabara and Yuske made themselves known.

"Do you know the humiliation you put us through? First-" Yuske started, but Kori inturrupted, "What the hell is that?" "Oh this," Yuske started, "is an antidote for Yoko. It should revert him back to his normal age. Wanna give it a shot?"

"Hell yes," Kori stated, as she placed Yoko on the table. His eyes got big, and he stretched his arms out towards Kori, frantcily repeating, "Ko-re" in a small frightened. A snap went off and it took everything not to rip the camera out of Kuwabara's and Yuske's hands and shove it down their throats.

"Well, here goes nothing," Yuske stated, as he dropped the small bottle near Yoko and a gray smoke substance engulfed him.

It started to dissappear and -"Oh Kami."

~*~*~Authour's Note~*~*~

KS: I just realized that I forgot to tell what happened at Malievo's or whatever the hell his name was. I'm such a baka.

Kori: Yeah, you are.

KS: You know you're no help.

Yoko: Neither is Kit.

KS and Kori: Where the hell did you come from? Just Kori: And quit it with the Kit.

Yoko: You ryhmed.

Kori: You know what-

KS: While, Kori and Yoko try to kill each other I'll get back to the point. Noting really happened at his place or was it at a tavern. I confused... Anyway, noting really happened. Kori just dragged herself and Yoko, of course, home and she was in the middle of sleep when he woke her up. Anyway, back to the story. And thank you for your time.

~*~*~Authour's Note~*~*~

There sitting in front of all of them was a five year old Yoko. "Oh... I'm screwed," Kori repeated to herself. Yuske and Kuwabara on the other hand, were angry, more like pissed off. "That was supposed to work!" Yuske shouted. "Yeah, I know," Kuwabara stated. Maybe Kuwabara wasn't as pissed off as Yuske was.

Yoko cocked his head and continued to stare at Kori. He couldn't remember much just a supreme liking of this girl and her name... "Kori?" The kitsune's head shot up and with a raised eyebrow she asked, "Yes?"

He slid off the table and climbed on to her lap. The now five-year old Yoko nuzzled Kori's neck and said, quietly, "Tired." Another flash went off and she swore she would kill them. In the morning, when she could get Yoko off her.

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