Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The Day She Found Out ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yuu Yuu Hakusho or any of its characters. I earn no money from this at all; it is only for entertainment. I just thought you might want to know.

Author's Note: This fic contains spoilers through Vol. 12 of the manga, so if you really don't want to find out, then don't read this fic. If you don't mind or have read all of it, then by all means, please do read this fic. This is all that I have to say, So I'm just going to start the fic now. Enjoy minna-san! (^_^)

The Day She Found Out

By Kurama no Miko2003

"Bye, Shuuichi, I'm leaving for vacation! Be careful and don't mess up the house too much, okay? Don't forget to do your summer work! I'll see you when I come back in a month!" Shiori, Kurama's mother, said as she left to get on the taxi to the airport.

"I know, mom, I know," Kurama replied as he waved goodbye to her. He then picked up the phone and called Yuusuke and Kuwabara. "Yuusuke? You called yesterday and said something about a mission from Koenma."

"Yeah, I haven't watched the tape yet, I thought you might want to come along. Can I come over now so we can watch it?"

"Sure, my mom just left for vacation. She won't be back for a month. Is Kuwabara with you?"

"Not right now, but he's supposed to be coming in another fifteen minutes. Why don't we meet at your place in half an hour?"

"Sure, I'll go and get Hiei right away. See you then," Kurama said as he hung up. The doorbell rang just as Kurama was about to leave. He opens the door to find that Hiei was there.

"You know, you really don't need to get me, Kurama," Hiei said as he entered. "Let me guess, your mom's on vacation, and Yuusuke and Kuwabara are coming over in half an hour?"

"How'd you guess? Wait, I think I know," Kurama replied with a smile.

Half an hour later . . .

"Hi, Yuusuke, Kuwabara-kun, Puu. Come in," Kurama greeted as he closed the door. "Where's Botan?"

"She'll be here in a couple of minutes. She's right outside," Yuusuke said as he looked towards the window. Hiei opens the window to let her in.

"Sorry I'm late, Koenma had to give me something for your latest assignment," she said as she flew in and landed, acting like it was no big deal to fly into someone's house. "Yuusuke, did you bring the tape and your luggage?"

"Yeah. Hey, Kurama, do you have any junk food?"

"Mm-hmm, how about chips and pop?"

"That'd be perfect!"

"Okay, I'll go get it," Kurama said as he walked towards kitchen.

Five minutes later . . .

"Your next assignment is to check and see if the rumors about someone planning to steal one of the three treasures are true. This is only a surveillance mission, but all of you will be going. If they are true, you will contact me to let me know. We will plant a trap for the demon and, if it all goes well, the treasures will not be stolen and we will have arrested a criminal. You have one month to complete this assignment. The location is some random tropical island in the Pacific. Good luck, and be safe. Koenma, out."

"Koenma-sama has supplied me with these plane tickets to get to the island," Botan said as she handed out the tickets.

"Uh-oh," Kurama said as he looked at his ticket. "If I'm not mistaken, it's the same flight that my mom's taking to go to her vacation. I hope we're not going to be there for a month. She'll be wondering what I'm doing on the same flight she is. She also doesn't know anything about my past as Youko Kurama."

"I know, we could dress you up as a girl. I'm pretty sure your mom would not be able to identify you then," Botan offered.

"Um . . . how about if we dropped that idea?" Kurama replied, desperately hoping that there'd be an alternative solution.

"Why not, Kurama? Okay, so maybe you don't like to cross dress, but it's the best alternative I can possibly think of. It's either that or you go as a youko, but I'm pretty sure you can't maintain that form for the whole plane ride. The entire flight is about twelve hours long," Botan stated, hoping to convince him.

"Are you sure those are my only two choices?"

"Yes! Besides, I have very good fashion sense, I'm pretty sure I can come up with something that'd suit you! Besides, I knew about this the minute I saw the plane ticket, so I also stopped at Keiko's for some clothes. That and I also picked up Yuusuke's and Kuwabara's suitcases."

"In that case, I'll be back in a flash," Hiei said as he left.

One hour later . . .

"There, I'm all finished!" Botan said as she led Kurama, who was now wearing a knee-length green dress that matched his eyes, out of his room. On top of that, his hair was tied back into a ponytail and he was also wearing makeup. A red purse was hanging from his shoulder and he was also wearing a pair of sunglasses to hide his eyes. Everyone stared wide-eyed as they saw the result.

"I'm-Kurama! What's up with the makeup?!" Hiei exclaimed as he entered with his suitcase.

"What's with the stares?" Kurama asked in his normal voice.

"Kurama, you can't talk like that! Your voice needs to be higher, or else your mom might figure out it's you!"

"Ahem . . . Is this better?" he asked in a voice that was as high as Ikari Shinji from Evangelion. Everyone just nodded. "Can we leave?"

"Um, Kurama, where's your luggage?" asked Kuwabara, being the usual idiot that he is.

"It's right here. Half of it's my normal clothes, the other half is Keiko's," he replied in his normal voice.

"Now that everything's been settled, let's go!" Botan exclaimed. "Anyone have money for a taxi?"

"I have enough money for the taxi, but I'll pay on only one condition. No one is to mention this to anyone else, and there will be no teasing on this in the future! Or else, you'll severely regret it," Kurama said as he pulled out his credit card.

"Okay," everyone replied, knowing that Kurama was not as nice or weak as he looks when he's mad.

At the airport . . .

"Let's check and see which gate the plane's at," Kurama said in his Ikari Shinji voice as they entered. (AN: As long as he's pretending to be a girl, he will be using this voice.)

"Good idea," Hiei said. They all walked over to the TV screens where arrivals and departures were shown. "It's at gate C17. Anyone know where it is?"

"Yeah, I'll take you there. Hiei, do you mind if you held Puu for me? I really don't want to leave him out of my sight," Yuusuke said as he started to walk off. Hiei nods in agreement as everyone else follows Yuusuke.

"Um, is it okay if we stay out of sight for now?" Kurama asked as they arrived at the gate. "I guess I'm still a little nervous about being seen by my mother."

"We will now begin boarding the plane. Would all first class passengers and connoisseur passengers seated in rows 1-10 come up now?"

"We're riding first class, so let's go," Botan says as she lines up right behind Kurama's mother. Kurama starts to sweat like mad.

"You know, you look a little like my son, young lady," Shiori says as she turns around behind her to talk; the line was very long.

"Why, thank you," Kurama responded rather nervously.

"He's a really sweet boy, always good in school, and never gets into any trouble at all. That's the only reason why I feel comfortable leaving him at home while I go on vacation," she said. "So, are all of you together?" She pauses for a moment while she stares at Yuusuke. "Aren't you one of Shuuichi's friends?"

"Yeah, I am. He said he couldn't come along because he had to stay home to watch the house, so, he's missing all the fun we're going to have before we start on our summer work," Yuusuke carefully responded, realizing that she was Kurama's mother.

"Well, have fun," she said as she gave the ticket lady her ticket and boarded the plane. She headed towards an aisle seat in the first class section.

"Whew, I almost thought she recognized me," Kurama breathed with relief as he saw her get on.

"Um, do you have any forms of identification?" the ticket lady asked as she took their tickets. They all looked at each other hesitantly. Kurama carefully took a flower out of his hand and gave it to Hiei. Hiei returned a quizzical look and then read Kurama's mind. He frowned at the idea, but knew that he had to do it.

"Here, ticket lady, a pretty flower for you," Hiei said as he handed her the flower in the cutest little kid voice and look imaginable. She smiled as took it and smelled it. Kurama then walked forward.

"You will let us on board without showing any forms of identification," he calmly and quietly said.

"Welcome aboard . . ." she said, as though she were hypnotized. Once the five of them were on, Kurama snapped his fingers and she snapped out of the spell.

"What was that, Kurama?" Yuusuke asked.

"It was a flower with hypnotic pollen. I could just release its pollen if I wanted to, but it was pointless to hypnotize everyone on board, so I just summoned the flower. It grows only in the Makai," he explained.

"You guys are not going to tease me about this, either, or else you will regret it!" Hiei calmly threatened as they approached their seats. To Kurama's shock and dismay, he and Hiei were to be seated right next to his mother. Just as he was about to sit in the window seat, Hiei asked once again in his little kid voice, "May I sit in the window seat, onechan? I wanna look out the window and see all of the pretty clouds!"

"Botan, how long is the flight again?" Yuusuke asked, seeing that Hiei was getting back at Kurama for making him give the ticket lady the flower. He, Botan, and Kuwabara were to be seated right behind Hiei and Kurama.

"Let me see, about 12 hours. Why?"

"Kurama's stuck in the middle between his mother and Hiei, even though Hiei's the one who should be in the middle seat."

~ To Be Continued ~

Kurama no Miko2003: Well? This was originally the first part of my YYH fanfic continuum, but, as those of you on MediaMiner.org know, it's been changed into a prequel of sorts. Oh well. I hope you guys like this one as well . . . this one's almost pure Kurama torture . . . the emphasis here's not quite so much the fight scenes as it is torturing Kurama . . . If you thought this beginning part was bad . . . wait `til they get there!

Kurama: I can't believe you'd do this to me!!

Everyone: *sweatdrops* . . .

Kurama no Miko2003: Please review! *bows*