Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The Day She Found Out ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

At the hotel check-in desk . . .

"Hello, welcome to The Random Island in the Pacific. What name are your rooms reserved under and how many are in your party?" the clerk asked.

"Um, there should be three rooms reserved under the name Botan. There are five of us. We'll be staying for a month," Botan replied.

"Okay, and when and how are you going to pay for the rooms?"

"I'll be paying for the rooms. How much is it?" Kurama asked, knowing that he's the only one with money in the group.

"Since you're a party of five and staying for a month, there's a special discount. It's $666 for the entire month."

"Um, okay, I'll pay when we check out."

"Okay, then, these are the card keys to your rooms, there are two in each envelope. Your rooms are on the fifth floor, all next to each other. If there's anything else you need, just go to customer service and they can get it for you. Thank you for staying with us, and have a nice vacation!"

"Okay, let's go drop off our stuff. So, Botan, how are we going to split up the three rooms?" Yuusuke asked.

"Okay, I will have room 504 to myself, you and Kuwabara will be sharing room 502, and Kurama and Hiei will be sharing room 506," Botan replied.

"Why are you the one to get the room all by yourself?" Yuusuke whined.

"Because I'm the only girl!!" she yelled.

"She's got a point, Yuusuke," Hiei calmly answered.

"Can we go up to our rooms yet? I want to get out of this stupid dress!"

"The elevator's just ahead. Why don't we take it up to the fifth floor? It's probably faster than walking up the stairs," Yuusuke suggested. Everyone agreed on that and got in. However, just as the door was closing . . .

"Could you please keep the door open?" Shiori shouted. Yuusuke complied and she got into the elevator. "Oh, your room is also on the fifth floor? What a coincidence, so is mine! Which one is it?"

"I'm in 502."

"We're in 504."

"We're in 506."

"Well, gee, Kurama, it looks like yours is next to mine! I'm in 508!" Kurama's face paled considerably at that. He was going to have to continue to dress as a girl as long as they were on the island. He started to feel dizzy and fainted at the thought. Yuusuke caught Kurama before he hit the ground, while everyone else sweatdropped. "Is she okay?"

"Yeah, oneechan should be fine. I don't think she got a lot of sleep on the plane," Hiei replied as the little brother once more. `Gee, I wonder why,' the other three thought simultaneously. Just then, the elevator dinged and they all got out. The rooms were at the end of the hallway, which was covered with a very expensive and well-cushioned carpet. Hiei, who was playing the excited little kid, ran down to his and Kurama's room only to find that his arm was not long enough to put the card key into the slot. Kuwabara, Yuusuke, and Botan had to turn away to stop themselves from laughing out loud.

"Here, Hiei, give me the card and I'll open the door for you," Botan said. Hiei complied, and a couple of seconds later, the door was open. "Yuusuke, bring Kurama in here. He-she should recover in a couple of hours. She's just tired, that's all, " Botan ordered as she silently added, `I hope'. At that point, Shiori had already entered her room and shut the door, and the four of them outside sighed with relief.

"Kuwabara, could you get Kurama's luggage? He's really heavy," Yuusuke asked. Kuwabara nodded and picked up Kurama's suitcase as well. Yuusuke entered Kurama's room and put him down on one of the two beds. "Okay, so now what? How are we going to wake him up?"

"It's simple. Anyone have some smelling salts?" Botan asked.

"No, but I think there's some on top of the drawer set over there," Kuwabara answered. Botan walked over and found a corked bottle that had "smelling salts" on the label. She uncorked it and waved it under Kurama's nose. Kurama awoke with a start.

"Wh-what? Where am I?" he asked as he looked around.

"Let's see . . . you're in your hotel room, your mother's next door, and ooh look! There's a balcony in your room! And your mother is sitting in hers reading some magazine . . ." Botan replied.

"Oh, great. Now I remember. So now I have to continue to cross dress as long as she's next door. WHY ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" Everyone sweatdropped. Just then, there was a knock on the door. Yuusuke got up and opened the door. It was Shiori. She was in a showy two-piece swimming suit with a towel wrapped around her thin waist. Yuusuke could not help but stare at her.

"Hi, I just decided to stop by and see how Kurama's doing. She's fine, isn't she?"

"Oh, Kurama's fine alright. She was just a little exhausted, that's all. Thank you for your concern," Yuusuke replied.

"In that case, I'm off! I hope I'll see you a little later at the beach! Sayonara!" With that, she headed off to the elevator. Yuusuke closed the door and then whistled. Kurama hears this and jumps out of bed and grabs Yuusuke's collar.

"You weren't hitting on my mother back there, were you?" he asked in his normal voice, pulling a rose out of his hair with his other hand. Yuusuke's eyes grew big as he saw the rose. He'd seen Kurama fight enough times to know what Kurama could do with that whip.

"N-no, of course not, Kurama. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must be heading off to my room to unpack. Puu, come on!" Yuusuke slipped out of Kurama's grasp, grabbed his suitcase, and ran out the door to his room. Puu, Kuwabara, and Botan followed suit. Hiei only stood and sweatdropped.

"You know, Kurama, you really didn't need to do that," Hiei commented.

"I know, but she's my mother."

After unpacking (in other words, several hours later) . . .

"So, it's around five right now. What do you guys want to do? We could either start investigating or we could just goof off for the rest of the day," Botan said.

"I say that we start investigating and then goof off if we have time at the end," Kurama replied, "We have no idea how long it'll take for us to verify the rumors." (AN: At this present point, Kurama has not changed his clothes at all.)

"Okay, what about you, Yuusuke?"

"I agree with Kurama. We came here to work, so I say we get that done first."

"Same here," Hiei said.

"Okay, then, that's three votes for start investigating, so why don't we split up into two groups? Kurama, you'll be with Hiei. Yuusuke and Kuwabara, you're with me. We'll meet here in the lobby at seven for dinner. Good luck!"

"Okay, so, where do you want to start, Hiei?"

"Why don't we go back to the airport? There were quite a few youkai there. I'm pretty sure if we started asking around there we'll get an answer."

"And what if we run into trouble?"

"It really wouldn't matter, the two of us are enough to beat them up. We can just leave one alive for questioning."


Ten minutes later . . .

"Hi, I was wondering if you know anything about the rumors that there's someone who's going to steal one of the three treasures of the Reikai," Kurama politely asked a clerk at the information desk, pretending to be a girl. The clerk's eyes grew large and then he exploded as a youkai took his place.

"So, what if I do? Guys! Get those two!"

"Hmph, and how many of you are there?" Kurama asked in his normal voice, putting his sunglasses on top of his hair. He pulls out a fresh rose. "Rose Whip!"

"Okay, change of orders! Kill the little one, but leave the redhead alive! The boss is gonna want to talk to him!"

"Kill me? You're gonna need more powerful youkai if you're gonna kill me!" Hiei said as he disappeared and reappeared as the youkai collapsed. The youkai behind the desk looked in shock and amazement as his companions fell. "You're the only one left . . . now, answer our questions if you want to live! Both Kurama and I have quite a few ways of killing you . . ."

"O-okay . . . what do you want to know?"

"First of all what's this about someone wanting to talk to me?" Kurama demanded in his normal voice, not bothering to disguise himself at all.

"He-he says he wants revenge on you for killing his brother a couple of hundred years ago when you stole something from him . . . he said that this was the perfect trap for you . . . please don't kill me!"

"Oh, why don't you tell me your boss's name? I've killed so many people in the past, I don't think I remember him," Kurama sinisterly asked.

"Fukuyama . . . his name's Fukuyama. His brother owned a gem that was capable of increasing any demon's power. Please don't kill me!"

"Oh, that guy . . . You know, he was begging for his life just like you are now, but I killed him anyway . . . I think I ought to do the same. You are no longer of use to me. By the way, I planted a Shimaneki seed a little while ago. Die."

"Aaaaaaaah . . .!!" the youkai screamed as the plant burst out of his body.

"Kurama! Was that absolutely necessary?" Botan asked as she entered the baggage claim area with Yuusuke and Kuwabara.

"Of course it was. He would have told his boss about me. Tell Koenma that there is no truth to the rumors at all, Botan."

"Alright, Kurama, what are you not telling us?" Yuusuke asked. He could tell that Kurama was definitely hiding something.

"It's my business, that's all there is to it."

"What Kurama is trying to say is that there's some youkai named Fukuyama who's out to get him because Kurama killed his older brother a couple hundred years ago while stealing something. Now Fukuyama wants to get back at Kurama and figures that this is the best way to get him here. Did I miss anything?" Hiei inquired. Kurama did not reply.

"In that case, we'll help you," Yuusuke replied, "as your friends. We can't exactly let you fight on your own, besides, I'd feel guilty if we all just ditched you here and you end up dying fighting this Fukuyama character. We'll help you find him, too. Besides, you really don't know how many stupid thugs this guy has working for him. You may need help."

"Besides, if you die, who's going to train me if we get involved in another fighting tournament?" Kuwabara asked, remembering how Kurama had trained him.

"That and I don't think your mother would appreciate it if she returns home to find out that you're not there," Hiei added.

"So, you see? It's settled, no ifs, buts, or ands about it. We're helping you and that's final," Botan concluded. "So now that it's been settled, I'll call Koenma and tell him there's no truth to the rumors. In the meantime, let's go and have some fun at the beach!"

One hour later in room 506 . . .

"Botan, is it absolutely necessary for me to wear this swimsuit?"

"Of course it is! You don't want your mom to find out you're here, do you?"

"Well, no, but-"

"Well, then be quiet and wrap this towel around your waist!"

"Okay, I'm done with him!" Botan announces to Kuwabara, Yuusuke, and Hiei. All four were in their swimsuits. She looks around to see that Kurama was still in the bathroom. "Kurama! Get out here at once!"

"Do I really have to come?"

"Of course! No questions asked!" At that Kurama resigns and steps out of the bathroom with all the grace and elegance of a youko. Kuwabara, Yuusuke, and Hiei could only stared wide-eyed at the results. Kurama was wearing showy two-piece green swimsuit that matched his eyes with a pretty sky blue towel wrapped around his waist, his hair was now French braided and the end was tied with a pretty ribbon that was the same color. He also had a big fancy straw hat and a bigger purse then before to top it off. "Now, add these sunglasses, and we're ready to go!" (AN: Can't you just see him in this?)

"Wow, where did this swimsuit come from?" Yuusuke asked.

"This is Keiko's as well," she replied. At that point, Yuusuke and Kuwabara started to blush at the same time. Hiei realized what Kuwabara was thinking about and kicked him hard in the head as they entered the elevator.

"Ow . . . Hiei what was that for?" Hiei only gave Kuwabara an extremely cold stare in reply. "Oh, I get it. So you're in love with Yukina as well?"

Hiei gives Kuwabara a disbelieving look before answering, "No, it's just that I think it's extremely inappropriate to think like that about girls." Yuusuke, Botan, and Kurama were desperately trying to hold back their laughter at the situation, without much luck. It wasn't long before all three were about to die of laughter. After all, Yukina was Hiei's sister, and he was extremely overprotective of her.

"What? What's so funny?" Kuwabara asked, totally clueless. None of the three were able to answer. Before Kuwabara could ask anymore questions, the elevator reached the lobby and all five got out and headed for the beach.

~* To be Continued *~

Kurama no Miko2003: At this point, we've reached the halfway point of the fic! Well, more or less, anyway. I hope everyone's enjoying it! Please review! Flames shall be used to burn Kuwabara!