Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The Elementals Return ❯ Chapter 1: Grab 'Em ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
KS: These are all my original characters. Take one, without my permission, and I will hunt you down. Read and Enjoy.

Notes: Kurounue is alive. Kori never formally met Yoko or Kurounue; she only bumped into them, as any theif would have. Anything else I think of, I'll tell you.

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Chapter 1: Grab 'Em

"I have anew mission for you," Koenma stated, rather upset. Yuske, Kuwabara, Hiei, Yoko, and Kurounue stood infront of him. They hadn't been on a mission in over a year and now it seemed urgent, like the world could be destoryed if they didn't help.

"What is it?" Yuske asked, crossing his arms.

"I need you to find these four," Koenma stated, as he handed over four papers their stats on a paper after them. "Hurry, this could turnout to be a matter of life and death."

The five of them nodded their heads in unison.


Name: Jasmine
Age: 305
Birthplace: Neko Tokoro
Sex: Female
Type: Full Neko Demon
Occupation: Formor Employe of Spirit World Defense System (SWDS)/Teacher at Makai High School for the Gifted (MHSG)
Relatives: Chikara, Faita, & Genki (Younger Brothers)
Strength Level: B+ Class
Number of Tails: Three
Furthur Info:
-- is intelligent
-- has information about most things in Spirit World
-- has much stamina
-- has keen senses
-- most likely to be found at MHSG

"Demons have schools?" Kuwabara asked.

"We aren't barabarians," Kurounue stated.

"They do teach math, reading, and science, you know what you learn in school," Yoko stated. "But they also teack the Makain languages, how to control powers, how to use weapons. Stuff that humans would never really do."

"Are you serious? They can fight in class and its a grade?" Yuske asked. Yoko nodded his head. "Alright I'm goin' to school here."

Hiei snorted, as soon as he heard what Yuske said.

"So whats a B+ Class mean?" Kuwabara asked.

"Baka. The neko's close to being an A Class," Hiei stated.

"Wow..." They all stared at the school. It was like a palace. Huge, white, and big gates. "Umm, guys..." Kuwabara started and everyone turned to look at him. "How are we suposed to get inside this place?"


"Here you go," the snake demon, who had caught Kuwabara trying to hop over the gate last and hadn't entirley made it over, stated. "Just wait until her class is over and then talk to her." The snake demon walked away, leaving them outside the class.

They heard murmurring and and then, "Class is over. See you on Monday." Kids busted through the door as soon as she said that. And as soon as they were gone, the five of them entered.

Jasmine was at least five foot seven with pale skin, like she hadn't gotten out much in her life, and waist length blue hair in a braid. White cat ears twitched and a white cat tail remained still, as if waiting for the approaching danger. She was wearing a blue jean skirt coupled with a white tank top and white sandals. Red eyes turned to them as soon as they entered and a gold star necklace clanged against her.

"Jasmine, right?" Yuske asked.

Her red eyes arched and suddenly, she lunged for a giant boomerang that had been in a corner and swung it at them. They all dove, of course.

"Woah, calm down," Yuske stated, coming back up. She caught the boomerang, skillfully, and let it rest against her back. "Koenma asked us to retrieve you."

"Oh...." Jasmine started, and then looked quite embarrased. "Opps. Sorry."


Name: Violet
Age: 118
Birthplace: Forest of the Tsubasa
Sex: Female
Type: Full Koumori Demon
Occupation: Waitress at the Aki Tavern
Relatives: Wahei (Older Sister)
Strength Level: B- Class
Furthur Info:
-- can fly faster than most
-- can hear from far away
-- has a temper
-- trained as a ninja
-- likes to challenge strong opponents
-- go to Aki Tavern to find her

"If she was trained as a ninja, why is she working at a bar?" Jasmine asked.

"Who knows," Yuske replied.

"Yoh, bitch!" came a shout at the table one over them. "I want another drink!"

A five foot three waitress passed by. She had tan skin and a slight build, like she had trained in the sun for days at a time, pointy ears, and gray wings were pressed tightly to her back. She had purple hair in a low ponytail that went to her mid back and light brown eyes that seemed to be on fire.

She was wearing white capri jeans with a purple tank top that said in big white letters, "Beauty Queen" and brown ankle boots. But the thing that caught their attention a yellow sun necklace that didn't seem to stay still.

"Thats her," Kurounue stated.

"Let's grab her and get out of here," Yoko stated.

"Yeah, we still have two more left to find," Yuske added.

"Here is your drink, sir," Violet said as pleasently as possible.

"Well, its about time," the guy stated. "Your about as slow as a snail."

"Really," Violet said. "And is this slow?" She slammed the tray in his face.

"Grab her," Yoko stated, pushing Kurounue forward and without realizing Kurounue threw Violet over his shoulder and the six ran out of there as quickly as possible.


"Alrihgty, put me down," Violet stated. "Who are you? Why am I here? And- hey, you're cute."

Kurounue blushed slightly, as the rest laughed.

"There's no time to explain, pretty demon," Kuwabara stated. "We need to get two other demons and get to Koenma's office."

"Woah, Koenma. To want me," Violet stated. "Alright, who screwed up?"

"No one, lets just go!"


Name: Chi
Age: 563
Birthplace: Fuyu Mountain
Sex: Female
Type: Full Doragon Demon
Occupation: Assassin
Relatives: None Known
Strength Level: A Class
Furthur Info:
-- one of the few dragons in makai left
-- can fly higher than most
-- has good hearing
-- is agile and fast
-- well known assassin
-- might find her on the mountain

"I bet you she's huge," Kuwabara said.

"Yeah, I know," Yuske replied. "Dragons have to be at least eight feet tall in their human form."

They continued to climb up the mountain. Well Yuske and Kuwabara climbed; Kurounue and Violet flew; and Jasmine, Yoko, and Hiei jumped up the mountain. On the top of the mountain, it was flat, there was a town but that was ten yards away.

"Wow, this is pretty," Jasmine admired.

"Yeah, very," came Violet's voice.

"What are you doing here?" came a female's voice.

She had a slight build and pale skin, from what they could tell no one got any sun here since they were so high up and covered by clouds, giant purple wing proturded from her back as well as a giant purple tail. She had snow white hair that went dow to her elbows and silver eyes that were glistening.

She was wearing a white tank top with a pair of blue jean shorts and black combat boots. Of course, the white cloud necklace that hung around her neck put a big sign around her that said- "It's her."

"You have got to be kidding me," Yuske said, starting to crack.

But Kuwabara was the one who said it, "She's shorter than Hiei!" And the two of them cracked up. It was true she was only four foot five.

"Hmph," came Chi's voice. "I suggest you get out of here." They continued to laugh, everyone else hid it behind their smiles, except for Hiei who continued to frown.

"Koenma wants to see you," Hiei stated.

She raised her eyebrows. "Doesn't mean I have to come."

"But don't you want to see why he wants all of us?" Violet asked.



"Look its life or death," Yuske stated. "Your friends could be killed. Your town. The people who raised you."

Chi continued to stare at them. It was obvious that hadn't really affected her much. Then suddenly, "I'll come. But if they continue to laugh, I get to decapitate them."

Yuske and Kuwabara were about to shout at her, but Hiei inturrupted and stated, "Fine."


Name: Kori
Age: 1,015
Birthplace: Unknown
Sex: Female
Type: Full Fox Demon
Occupation: Murderer and Thief
Relatives: None Known
Strength Level: S Class
Number of Tails: Eight
Furthur Info:
-- is famous for her killings and thefts
-- has very keen senses
-- is intelligent and strategic
-- is quite strong
-- it has been impossible to keep track of her, so therefore her current location is unknown

"How are we supposed to find this woman?" Yuske asked. "I mean, they can't even keep track of her."

"Well, we can always try this," Kuwabara replied. "KORI!!!! OH, KORI!!!! COME OUT, COME OUT, WHEREVER YOU ARE!!!"

"Oh yeah. Like that would really work," Chi stated.

"Yeah, but its the only thing to do," Yuske added.

There was a rustle in the branches of the trees and suddenly, the sound of an arrow being shot roused them. "We're going to die," Kuwabara shouted as the arrow grazed his blue uniform.

"So, you were the idiotic creature that was shouting my name," came a female's voice. "You look pathetic."

She jumped down from the tree and stood at a full six foot ten, close to Yoko and Kurounue's height, and had light tan skin, with a rose tattoo and vine that curled up aroud her left arm. Black ears twitched slightly and black tail twitched, as if it was anticpating the killing of her prey. Her blue eyes were sharp and her longe blonde hair with a few black streaks hung down around her knees.

She was wearing a silver tank top with black pants and tan shoes. A silver crescent moon necklace hung around her neck. "Why did you call?"

"Koenma wants to see you," Yoko stated.

She bared her fangs at the name, "I have no wish to see him."

"We could make this easy or make this hard," Yoko stated.

"Is that the big threat? Hmmm? You've obviously changed, Yoko Kurama. Wouldn't you have your opponent pinned down by now? Or dead? Or wounded?" Kori asked. "You and your little bat boy should go back to thievery, and not saving the ningens like I've heard."

"I'll be right there, guys. I know how to get her to come," Yoko stated.


They entered Koenma's office with a bounded Kori thrown over Yoko's shoulder.

"I'm glad that you found them all," he said, and nodded to them. "Now lets get down to business."