Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The eyes of the Raven ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Yu Yu cast!

Notes: This is only the beginning, enjoy it.

The Eyes of the Raven

By: Skeren Dreamera

He didn't have any idea how quickly his life was going to change. He thought I was dead. Understandable if you consider how I was to have died. He was so carefree, happy even. It was a false happiness though; I could see the turmoil under the surface. His kitsune side wanted out, it wanted to fight and play. I knew he couldn't tell I was here, odd creature between a Youkai and Ningen that he was. I felt like he did now and he didn't even realize what he'd done. Yes, at the tournament his plant had sucked me dry, but it had started in his blood, not mine. I took of him as his plant drained me dry.

A small smile curved my lips as I watched the elegant fox tip his head back and laugh falsely at a joke his classmates made. He was popular here, but none of them knew anything about him. He was all alone. I smiled a little wider as I contemplated how to go about revealing myself. It had been months. I'd needed time to recover from being drained then tossed away for dead. I wasn't the only tossed away survivor though, and that helped me greatly in my recovery. My long black hair fluttered behind me among the needles of the pine I was perched in, melding faultlessly into the shadows. I was wearing black again, even more than before. My mask was black now as well, allowing me to stay in the shadows even as I was unwilling to hide my skin. Sunglasses completed my appearance. I felt like one of those Ningen spies as I watched Kurama walk down the street, prancing as only a prideful fox could and never even realizing.

Another soft smile curved my lips and I moved to another tree in my following of my guide. He was my world now. I already knew what he did not. He fed me his energy. Maybe he didn't want to kill me at that tournament. I saw pity in his eyes instead of love or hate. I saw fear and some respect, but he knew. I let him get me and he pitied me for he knew I wanted to kill him because it was my only hope to get close to him. I was wrong though. I realized as I lay in that pit for dead. He pitied me because he could have liked me. I unnerved him. I had never heard of a single soul ever doing such a thing, before or after his turn to the Ningen world. Whatever his reasons, I still breathe because he breathes. My heartbeat is one with his; my Youki is the same as his, if different in purpose. I have nothing of my own life. My own signature on the world was wiped away in that tournament, and I can only really be grateful. Even if he never allows me near, I will always be a part of him now.

My observations are cut off with the faintest of growls as I see him meet with the little sprite that has captured his attentions. The little ruby-eyed male is lovely, but not as good of a match in appearance as I would be by Kurama's side. Kurama might never know if I were killed now, out bond does not go both ways. I know where he is, where he rests, his dreams even, and he still knows only pity of me, when he thinks of me. He does think of me though, he remembers my eyes.

Hiei turns his head, an annoyed frown crossing his face as he tries to understand what other presence is near, but he only feels traces of Kurama towards the park. That would be I. I move closer, curious to see what he says now that he located me, not that he understood what it was he felt.

"Fox, have you been doing anything different with yourself lately?" Hiei looked up at the green-eyed beauty that had become my life, his confusion written on his every feature.

I shivered as I heard the voice of the being that I could really only call my master now, his reply like ambrosia to me, tugging at everything that was him within me. "No, I haven't, was there something you noticed that made you ask?"

I suddenly realized how far I had fallen for this creature between the worlds. I wanted anything he could offer me, the sound of his voice, a brush of his fingers, even a hit would be welcome to me now. Once I had wanted to posses him and hurt him, but never again. One fight and everything had changed. Who I once was is dead. My passions haven't changed now though, just how I choose to express them. I cannot kill him to keep him with me. I can only watch him and feel his Ningen heartbeat within my chest.

Hiei looked, if possible, more puzzled. It was so amusing to watch the great jaganshi master at a loss as to what is going on. "Your ki... It feels split apart. Is there someplace you used more than usual of it and left behind?"

Again, his soft voice washes over me and I cannot restrain an ill timed purr. "Not that I remember."

Hiei snaps his head around, his ruby eyes narrowing on my startled violet ones. How very foolish of me. I should not have gotten so close; it was not time... But it was too late. I would face up to my love and his defender. I really felt I had no choice.

Hiei was the one to break gazes, turning his glance over the rest of me appraisingly. "Come down from there and show us who is hiding in the trees."

I had no more option, Kurama's puzzled gaze was feeling me, trying to understand who I was that I was hidden within something that felt like it was he. I can't help but laugh, as I understand that soft confused thought. He knew, but he had not known. He'd denied I was here because he was not displeased with me. He had not known who I was, and now it was time to show him.

I swung down from the tree, landing in a crouch with my head down, and peering up through my hair. I knew he would recognize me. I was not proven wrong. It was Hiei who went beyond what I should have expected.

"Why does he feel like you Kurama? He is nothing like he was at tournament."

Kurama looked in confusion at him, then with a hint of fear and even more confusion at me. "I killed you."

I shivered, and there was no warning for the pleasure I took in that it was I he was speaking to. It was so very different than hearing his voice to others. I felt like I belonged somewhere, and I never had felt that in my miserable life. "You did." My voice is soft as I reply to him. My footsteps bringing me closer to Kurama, but stopping the moment he made to step away. I couldn't stop the hurt that touched me with that simple action.

He must have seen it. "You tried to kill me. What could you possibly have here? How are you alive?" He was wary. He knew. I could tell that he did.

I reached up, pulling my mask away so he could see my smile, my shield from the world held loosely in my hand as my eyes stared into his beautiful green ones. I wanted nothing more than to keep him safe now. "I can never try to kill you again unless I wish to die. My life is yours. I am alive because you gave me life. It is yours to take or use as you see fit now. I cannot bear simply watching any longer."

My answer from him, at that time, had been silence. Even his companion Hiei had not known what to do.

To be continued.