Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The New Violet ❯ Desperation ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 3: Desperation
That morning I decided…
“Eteru…” I called my little brother. I stood by the open door of his topsy-turvy room.
“Sister!” he said with glee, leaving his toy train traveling around the curves of the plastic orange rails. He welcomed me with his childish warmth.
“I'm leaving now…”
“Leaving? When will you be back?!” he inquired.
“I won't.”
“Huh?!” he was dazed.
“Be a good boy for mommy and daddy, okay? Don't bring them much trouble and always do good in school.” I hugged him. I was going to miss him for sure.
“Why?!?” he squealed his eyes with tears.
I realized then that so were mine. “ I love you… and Mom and Dad… tell them that. I was very happy during the times that I've spent with all of you but I cant live here anymore. Take care now.” I released him and wiped away my tears. I shut the door behind me leaving Eteru crying on his bed's mattress.
I found my parents having breakfast in the sunny dining room…
“Eat with us…” my father invited me to join them as they devoured the fried rice and grilled bacon placed on the table. He gestured that I sit on the empty seat to the right of my mom.
“No, thank you. I have to go.” I began.
“Alright. Be back before lunch.” Answered my mom, robotically.
I walked to the back door and twisted the knob. “I'm not coming back!”
“What!?” Daddy jumped up from his chair.
“I'll return to Kyoto. Thank you for everything. I really appreciate it. Don't worry about me anymore. I can take good care of myself.” I ran out the door as fast as my legs could take me.
“Sumire! Sumire! SUMIRE!” I heard them call but I didn't turn back.
I needed to leave. I couldn't live for another second of that ordinary human life because I wasn't ordinary. I wasn't only human… but also a demon at the same time. The reason why I left is because my heart was not ready to lose the one that meant to me the most.
I ran to the direction of the pier. I needed to stop Kurama myself.
By the time I arrived all of the ships were already at sea and Kurama was nowhere on the docks. Even though I already searched everywhere, from the hidden edges of the humongous ships at port, to the variety stores situated in the far corners of the harbor.
“Kurama!” I shouted out at the top of my lungs so he might hear me. I panicked.
Everyone at the harbor gawked at me but only one heeded my call…
A peasant boy as young as my Eteru spoke to me, “Are you looking for Mr. Kurama? I think he's in the ship with the lavander sail.” He pointed seawards, his frizzy black hair blown by the breeze.
“Thank you very much!” I acknowledged his kindness by means of giving him some of my spare cash, before he left. I looked for the ship with my eyes and saw that it was the one farthest away from the other ships. I decided to fly…
I began to concentrate for a summoning when…
“Can you help me? Please take me to the hospital by the cliffside. I beg of you…” one pregnant lady in a all shocking green get-up (meaning matching dress, shoes and even headband) pleaded. Her eyes were helplessly staring at me for she was in great pain.
I didn't actually know what to say. To our surprise, water suddenly gashed out of her, “Oh my gosh!” I couldn't help but exclaim.
“Please…” she almost fell to the ground if I hadn't gotten a firm hold of her.
“But…” I began to protest for it wasn't like I had a car or something to drive her to the hospital…
“I understand you…” there was a faint shimmer in her eyes as she held on my shoulders firmly.
I then felt her spiritual energy emanating… I smiled, “I see…” I raised my arms into the air my hair rising as the wind grew stronger. “Hold on tight!” I said.
She hugged me rigidly. Her short silver hair shivered as she closed her eyes, bracing herself, knowing that we were in for a thrill ride…
Soon enough, a strong yet stable whirlwind surrounded us and brought us to that cliffside hospital.
We managed to get there in the nick of time. She was rushed into the emergency room and I heard from the attending nurse for she informed me, thinking that I was the woman's relative that she was able to make a successful delivery. Another powerful human has been born…
I ran outside to the rocky and craggy lot of the cliffside hospital to see if I could still catch up to that ship with the lavander sail, but I wasn't even able to set sight on any of the ships. It was too late…
“So how's the lady you were with?” spoke a guy, who seemed to be standing right behind me.
“She's fine!” came my reply. His voice sounded vaguely familiar but nevertheless, Kurama is gone… I thought regretfully.
“Who are you looking for?!” came another inquiry.
“Ku—. Wait a minute! What do you care anyway?!?” I turned around annoyed by this person's interest in my affairs. I was stunned to behold a pair of GREEN eyes.
My eyes popped out of their sockets and my jaw dropped.
“A lot I tell you!” he answered my question with his smile.
“Ku… Kurama…” I could barely even say his name.
“Come on now. Don't be shy…” said Kurama urging me to come to him.
My eyes were watery when I embraced him as tightly as I could. He stayed… He stayed! He stayed!!!
“What made you leave the ship?” I asked him as we walked on a gravel road to the train station to return to Kyoto. I was even playing with some of the uneven gray stones on the road.
“Because people will be sad… especially Shiori…” he even said it the way I did last night.
I made a face, unconvinced. “And?”
“And? And because you wanted me to stay… even though you sounded as though you were just saying it for the sake of saying it but… I know you meant it…” added Kurama.
“I did mean it…” I squealed.
“I know…”
This made me smile because it shows how much he really knows me…
“That was the only thing I needed to hear. If in the first place you told me that, then I would stay for YOU are my reason…”
I smiled, “It was just that… I thought… well, we had a real big fight… and…” my voice trailed off.
He shook his head, “I'm sorry about that.”
“So am I.”
A loud shrieking off metal breaks distracted us both. A heap of dark metal stopped by the old fashioned station accompanied by an odor of burnt coal. The train had just arrived and so we hurried to catch it on time…
“Do you think someone new already lives in my old condo?” I asked Kurama as we walked. We had already gone back to Kyoto and somehow we ended up at the entrance to the compound where my old condominium was.
“To tell you the truth, NO!” Botan's voice said as she came out of hiding from behind a tree's shadow towering near the compound's gate. The rest followed her.
“If I remember it right, you left your things there!” said Yusuke as matter-of-factly. His brown eyes as vibrant as ever.
I smiled for this was a great surprise.
“Only now all the food is gone.” Kuwabara mentioned as though this was a suspicious thing, flipping his orange hair seriously to add some kind of dramatic effect.
We all laughed at his crazy antics. Together we all went up to my old condo.
“Nothing has changed!” I marveled as I looked around my old place. Everything was practically the way I left it. The furnitures, rugs, ornaments, even the dust and cobwebs by the hidden corners were still present.
“I temporarily lived here so once you came back you'll still own this place.” Keiko explained to me as she took a seat on my old maroon couch.
“I lived here too!” Botan added with joy. “I even took over your job so you wouldn't get fired.” She winked at Keiko. After all, I used to work on her father's eatery at some point…
“And I'm sure the high school will accept you again. After all you were only gone for two weeks…” Kurama pointed it out.
Two weeks… to me those two weeks seemed like two years. Everything was great… Everything! I'm so glad!
Soon everyone had to leave. They all expressed their joy that I had come back and hope that none of us would have to leave again.
“I'm so happy… I really am!” I kept saying. I was sitting on my old soft and fluffy maroon couch with Kurama.
“Don't worry I believe you! You've said that for the hundredth time already…” Kurama informed me with a grin. He was obviously making fun of me.
I turned pink, embarrassed. “Its just that… It's as if nothing happened… like I didn't go away at all…”
“Let's hope it doesn't happen again…” he replied, setting his cup of coffee on the circular glass table located by the couch.
“It won't.” I touched his hand. “I'm contented with what I have now.” I was looking into his beautiful green eyes. “How'd you know I was coming back?” I decided to change the subject.
“Gypsy fortune teller told so!” he joked.
“Stop that! It doesn't suit you!” I told him.
He just laughed at me… “I knew you couldn't resist being away from us… especially me! I'm sure you were very tempted to leave after our `meeting'…” he said with a sly smile. He meant the time we met up on the Makai ships…
“You planned that! That's so naughty…”
“I did nothing… “ He denied this.
“You call kissing me nothing!” I pointed out, accusingly.
“Well, that's something else!”
“Something else?!” I echoed his words something came to me suddenly, “Oh no… I forgot to tell Hiei about Natalie again!”
“Sumire!” Kurama warned holding on to me. He was frowning.
“I was only joking. I'll tell him some other time.” I poked his left cheek playfully trying to make him smile.
He did, at first sheepishly for he did fall for my joke.
“So did you have anything to do with our `meeting'?” I asked, insisting on finding out the truth.
“It just so happened that I was consulted on where would be the most strategic place for the start of the journey…” he said with sarcasm. This was certainly ironic.
“So you did plan it!” I concluded.
“Maybe I did… I merely wanted to see you,” said Kurama.
“A confession!” I proclaimed triumphantly.
“Everything happen as they did! But… I confess that I did kiss you but I didn't plan that to happen but it wasn't far from happening anyway…” he grinned widely.
“Maybe next time you should plan the kiss too! After all it brought me here, where I truly belong… in Kyoto… in this condo… and in the arms of the man that I love!” I told him with a beaming smile.
Original: Dec. '98
1st revise: 05-05-02,1:40am
2nd revise: 09-15-02, 7:52 pm