Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Thieves ❯ One freed, one imprisoned ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey…well, I'm still not getting very many reviews, but to those of you who did review, thanks. I'm back with another chapter. Hopefully this one will be longer, and better than the last two or so.

I don't own yu yu hakusho.

Chapter 11

One freed, one imprisoned

Minai went early to see Kurama and Saira. After she spoke to Saira, Minai turned to Kurama. She handed him her silver necklace.

"Give this to Kuronue, please. Tell him…tell him I said good-bye."

" 'Good-bye'?" the kitsune said, confused.

Minai looked around to make sure Saira wasn't near. "Yes," She said quietly. "I have to go back to my clan when this is over. I'm not even supposed to say good-bye, technically."

"But why?" Kurama asked.

"I promised my father… and I won't go back on my word." Minai said with a small, sad smile.

Kurama nodded a little. "Alright."

"Don't tell Saira until later, okay? If she knew, she'd try to find a way to get me to stay."

Kurama nodded. "I understand."

Minai smiled, "Thank you."

The moon demon ran off to her army. She glanced back from the edge of the woods. "Good luck, my friends."

*                      &nb sp;                       *                      &nb sp;                                   *

The forces of the moon demons marched to the fortress at dawn. The guards met them, just as Minai had planned. The princess led her army well, doing her best to keep her people from being hurt. The battle would not last long. As son as Minai knew her friends were out, she was to withdraw her forces. After that she would be taken home.

Minai looked at the guards waiting for their attack. Perhaps she would get lucky and be killed. At least she wouldn't have to go home.

*                      &nb sp;                       *                      &nb sp;                                   *

The first ringing sounds of fighting drifted to the kitsunes. They stood at the forests edge, ready to sneak into the fortress. Kurama felt the cold silver of the necklace against his wrist (he had no where else to put it!) and thought of Minai. She'd faced her fears for them, she was risking her life for them, and she would never be able to see them again. Kurama was sorry to lose her, but he knew she must feel worse. He thought of the necklace she had given him to give to Kuronue. She must really care about him, as Saira had thought. Kurama glanced at the charm. The stone was an icy, blank white.

"If this is to work, we must go now," Saira whispered to him. Kurama looked up, shaken from his thoughts. He nodded and smiled at her. He kind of knew how Minai felt, he realized. It would be like him losing Saira.

Saira watched him, waiting for him to do or say something.

Kurama nodded. "Be careful."

"You too," Saira shot back.

Kurama smiled a little as he started to run. He ran for the fortress, the sounds of battle ringing in his sharp ears. Saira ran behind him.

Kurama stopped when he reached the outer stone wall. The stones were rough and easy to climb. Kurama glanced at Saira, then began to climb. The stones scratched his hands but he kept going. When he reached to top of the wall, he dropped into a crouch, scanning for guards. His gold eyes fell on the battle just off to his right. Saira came up beside him and looked around. For a moment, Kurama tried to see Minai in the battle outside the walls, but he couldn't. Saira touched his arm and pointed to a group of archers along one wall. Thankfully, they hadn't seen the two kitsunes.

Kurama nodded to Saira and jumped from the wall. He landed lightly on the ground below. Saira landed silently beside him. The two kitsunes quietly headed for the fortress.

Kurama led the way down the halls and passages of the fortress. Saira stayed close behind him. Kurama noticed the guard first. The guard had the keys to the cells. Kurama's eyes narrowed. He stepped out in front of the guard. Before the demon could act, Kurama punched him in the stomach. Kurama picked up the keys as the guard went down. He stepped past the unconscious demon and continued down the hall. Saira took a glance at the guard, shrugged, and followed Kurama.

"So where are they keeping Kuronue?" Saira whispered.

Kurama shrugged.

"You don't know?" Saira hissed, stopping.

Kurama turned to look at her. "Why do you think I would know?" 

Saira shook her head. The two kitsunes set off again. Kurama stopped outside a door and looked through the small, barred window on it. Inside, a familiar black haired demon was looking out the window. Kurama quickly unlocked the door.

Kuronue turned as he heard the door open. His eyes widened as he saw his friends. "Kurama…? Saira…?"

"C'mon, we don't have much time," Kurama said quietly.

The three followed the tunnels that Kurama and Saira had taken back out into the open air. The three thieves went silently around the back of the fortress. They made their way to where they had first entered to fortress days before. They all could hear the sounds of battle.

Kuronue turned to Kurama. "What is going on?"

Kurama shook his head. "Later."

The thieves hurried from the fortress.

*                      &nb sp;                                   *                                                          *

Minai pushed a guard away with her sword. It was a hard battle and Minai was worried about her troops. She was also worried about her friends. They had taken to long in there.

Just as Minai thought that, the walkie-talkie at her waist buzzed. Minai dodged another attack and grabbed the device.


"We're out. Good luck," Kurama's voice said.

Minai nodded and motioned for her troops to pull back. This was it. Now she would be forced to go back home.

*                      &nb sp;                                   *                      &nb sp;                                   *

Kurama told his friends what Minai had told him.

Saira shook her head; her eyes were sad and depressed. "I can't believe she's gone."

"She gave up her freedom for me…?" Kuronue muttered.

Saira stood up. "I need to think," she said and disappeared.

"Kuronue," Kurama said softly. The other demon turned to him. "Minai asked me to give this to you," he finished holding out the silver necklace.

Kuronue looked at it, then took it with a muttered 'thank you'. With that he left to.

Kurama sat down and leaned against a tree. He had never seen Kuronue so sad and upset. He understood though, what his friend felt. The silver kitsune sighed. If only there was some way to get Minai back.

*                      &nb sp;                                   *                      &nb sp;                                   *

The moon demon princess looked up at the castle sadly. It was her home, so why wasn't she happy to be here? Minai thought of all the people she left behind, Kurama, Saira, Kuronue. She would miss them so much.

Two people came running out of the castle. A young girl with short dark blue-black hair and gray eyes ran up to her and hugged her. A woman with the same stormy gray eyes and long red-black hair stood a few feet away.

"Hello Michiko," Minai said, patting the little girls head. "Hello Kalani," she addressed the older demon.

The woman Kalani nodded, "It's good to see you're well, Lady Minai."

"It's been far too long, Lady Minai," Michiko giggled. "I'm so glad you're home."

I wish I could say the same, Minai thought.

Kalani saw the look in Minai's eyes. "Come Michiko. Let's let my lady get used to the castle again. And if I'm right, you still have chores to do."

"Oops!" Michiko gasped and ran off.

Minai laughed at the girl. She turned to Kalani.

Kalani nodded to her. "I am glad you are back. Perhaps later you will tell me of your adventures?"

The sadness of a moment ago came back full-force. "Perhaps later."

Kalani nodded again and went inside. Minai stood alone for a moment, thinking sadly. She followed Kalani inside.


Hope you guys liked that chapter. Please review and tell me what you think. Thanks!