Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Thinking Of You ❯ Good Night ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello again! I so happy for good reviews. I hope you like this next chapter. I was thinking of ending it here, but I didn't. What shall I put *poor*, *defenseless* Hiei through Now? *evil laugh*…. Anyway, I figured since I hadn't mentioned it yet, I own nothing.

Thinking of You

Who do you think of when you sleep? Do you think of me? Or do you think of someone else? I silently ask these questions to you. You pet my hair and move so that my chin is on your head. Your arm encircles my waist in a most loving way. Then you roll off of me and nearly off the rock, and from there nearly down the hill.

"Damn it Kurama!" I curse quietly. I pull you back on the rock. You shift once again to wrap your arms around me. I sigh. You seemed so happy.


"Hiei, Hiei wake up," a hand shakes my shoulder. I groan and turn in the other direction. "Hiei wake up!"

"Uhn," I groan. Water splashes across my face. I splutter and sit up quickly. So quickly in fact, that I hit your head with mine. We moan in unison.

"Ow. That was my head Hiei," you tell me as my vision clears to see you rubbing your forehead.

"Sorry," I muttered while rubbing my head. You just sigh and open your door. You close it after you climb out and open the passenger seat door that was in back of yours.

"Are you coming?" you ask as you grab a blanket. I nod absently and open my door, conveniently bumping my head on the door frame this time. I growl at it. You shake your head, but nonetheless link your arm through mine. I look at you with a stunned/surprised look. You smile and lean over to my ear.

"They'll probably think I'm your girlfriend anyway," you purred. I shuddered. I was getting a little too happy. You giggled and lead me to a small hut-like cabiny thing. I look at you a bit puzzled.

"I thought you might like a pillow, and we need a flashlight, it's getting dark," you said. I just shrugged, which had the dual purpose of showing my indifference, and getting your arm off of mine. The first worked, the second didn't. It succeeded in getting your arm wrapped tighter around mine. I growled.

"You can growl all you like," you purred in my ear as we walked through the door leading into the cabin. "It just adds to the atmosphere."

I blinked and stopped dead in my tracks. Did you just say that? I can't believe you just said that. Am I dead? Or did I just imagine that? That was not a joke.

"Oh come on Hiei," you said and dragged me throughout the cabin, picking up random things. "You know I was only kidding. You're going to enjoy this last thing I'm going to show you. It's the perfect ending to the perfect day."

"Hn," I muttered. The lady at the counter observed the blanket under your arm and asked if we were sleeping in the preserve. You said we were. I looked at you shocked. You smiled and told the lady this was the perfect thing to end our last day together before I had to leave. She said you were such a romantic. I rolled my eyes. You paid her for your things and wished her well. She said she hoped you'd get lucky (To which you blushed intensely). I just pulled you out of there before you could get into more trouble.

"Just follow me Hiei," you called and started running in an apparently random direction. I groaned and headed after you. We crossed a huge field and a line of trees appeared over the hill we were running across. I gazed in wonder, momentarily stopping the chase. There were huge trees for miles. As far as I could see there were trees. I gazed down to where you were running. You fit in here perfectly. The fox in the woods. How perfect.

"Come on Hiei!" you called as you reached the tree line because I hadn't moved. "If you don't hurry you might lose me!"

Did you mean for that to have a double meaning? I doubt it, yet I hope you did. I ran after you. It seemed like an eternity was spent chasing after you through the trees. I admired the beauty that passed me by, and the beauty I was chasing after. Suddenly another tree line appeared. You stood on the edge of it, gazing out into the sky before you. We had come to where we lie now. I looked out in wonder. An out cropping of rocks was on the edge of a hill, making it seem more like a cliff. It looked over the forest and into the sky. The sun was setting, spreading all sorts of shades and colors on the sky. I sighed. It was a perfect ending for a perfect day.

"What do you think Hiei?" you asked. You gazed down on my face. I looked into your eyes. The most perfect of moments. "Do you like it?"

Your mouth slowly headed towards mine. Alarmed I looked at the view. Your lips brushed my cheek. I could feel the blush spread. I knew if I didn't do something now it would cover my face, as my lips would cover yours. I cleared my throat and headed towards the rocks. You sighed.

"Well?" you asked expectantly. I kept my face impassive as I looked at you.

"The perfect ending to a good day," I said. You spread the blanket on the rock and plopped down. I sat down too. We gazed out at the sunset. Well, at least you did. I shifted so I could also look at your profile. The colors in the sky would never look as perfect as you.

When at last the darkness stretched out over the hill and sky and the stars shone at their brightest, you pulled out the flashlight. You lay down and I gingerly joined you.

"Good night Hiei," you said.

"Good night Kurama," I told you. You turned your back to me and I closed my eyes.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Present~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< /div>

I awaken from a deep sleep feeling slightly warm and disoriented. My eyes slowly open to the sounds of the forest you somehow convinced me to sleep in with you. As I open my eyes, I see the sun creeping over the edge of the horizon. It plays gentle colors across the sky. If I were like you I would say it's beautiful, but I am not you.

I look around at my surroundings, trying to gain my bearings. Behind me is the foliage of the dense forest you so love. Only you could have found a place like this. I slowly bring my eyes forward to the view in front of me. We are on top of a hill, on an outcropping of rock looking over the forest. I marvel silently at the beauty of this place, though I will never admit it to you.

I realize where I am laying now, on a huge rock with you lying next to me, your head upon my chest. Though I don't like the breach of my personal space, I can't help but feel like this is where I'm supposed to be. Lying with you. You look so beautiful there. Your hair strewn over my broad chest, your arm delicately around my waist. Why is it you can make me feel this way? I'm not supposed to feel, and yet you stir feelings that I thought I was never capable of.

You shift your body so that you are now facing away from me, towards the edge of the rock. I cannot help but marvel at your beauty. To me you are where I end. The other half of me.

I sigh. You had been so happy. Even though I had hated the thought of spending a day with them, when I came back for you.

I giggled as you once again cuddled up against my chest. It was so calm here. Too bad I'd have to get back to Mukuro soon. I really don't want to leave until you wake up.

Maybe one of these days you will be able to help me appreciate the sunrise. But then again it could just be my wishful thinking. I sigh. You look so beautiful. Why can't I tell you how much you mean to me? I can't believe I let you in.

Who do you think of when you sleep? Do you think of me? Or do you think of someone else? I silently ask these questions to you. You pet my hair and move so that my chin is on your head. Your arm encircles my waist in a most loving way. Then you roll off of me and nearly off the rock, and from there nearly down the hill.

"Damn it Kurama!" I curse quietly. I pull you back on the rock. You shift once again to wrap your arms around me. I sigh. You seemed so happy.

Why must you torture me like this? Just wake up so I can leave you. Maybe I'll leave forever, knowing you could never care. Maybe you do. I probably wouldn't believe you if you told me that you did. I wouldn't believe anyone could love the Forbidden Child. But then again…. You have always been there for me. Always helping, listening, caring. Why couldn't I see it before? Was it I didn't want to? Or that I just couldn't believe it? You care. A silent tear escapes my eye. It rolls down my cheek unnoticed. Someone cares. About me. I never thought it was possible. The tears falls.

"Hiei?" you mumble. The tear, now a black gem, is carefully balanced in your hair. I notice it for the first time. I, care.

"Hiei?" you ask. You sit up, unwrapping your arms from around my waist. A sound is heard as the gem falls to ground. It begins rolling off the edge.

"The gem!" I shout. I push you to the side and jump after it as it falls over the edge.

"Hiei!" you shout and grab my feet as I hurdle after it. It is in my hand. I notice where I am. A frightened "eep!" passes through my lips.

"Kurama?" I call nervously.

"Hang on Hiei. I won't ever let you go," you call down. I can feel your feet slipping. They have no traction to grab onto. You will soon fall with me.

"Kurama," I call. "Let me go. I won't let you die with me. Especially if it's for me."

You growl in return. "I won't give you up this easy. Death is something I can never reclaim you from. I will not lose the person I…."

I gasp, I have no idea what you were about to say, but I had a pretty good idea. You love me! All this time I had been hiding it, you had been hiding it too. I felt the fool.

"I won't lose the person I love!" you shout. I think you're shouting more to the gods then to me. "You've had a horrible life Hiei. It may be selfish of me, but don't you deserve to know love?"

"But I already do," I say. "I love you."

Your grip increases on my ankles, and I can hear the gasp you take. You start pulling.

"Kurama, let me go," I say to you. "It will do neither of us any good if both of us die."

"At least I'll die with you, and have died trying," you manage through clenched teeth. "I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I let you die."

Your feet slip.