Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Thumbelina... YYH-style ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Author's notes: I'm writing this parody based on a seriously abridged version

of Thumbelina which I used to read waaaay back when I was

a kid -_-;; So some of the details might have been left out…

(after all, the book is only 27 pgs thick) Please email me if I

miss out some parts of the story… THANX!!

Chapter 3

The next day…

"I want an explanation," Mukuro grated through clenched teeth. "I woke up early this morning at 9.30 a.m. (early? How so? +_+) just to look at my heir. But why did I find a pot of soil?!"

The unfortunate youkai cowered on the floor. "B-but… M-mukuro-sama… I just planted the seed yesterday evening!"

Mukuro frowned, momentarily nonplussed. "So? Wasn't it supposed to bloom overnight or something like that?"

The gardener sweatdropped as he reflected unhappily that Her Highness really did not know much about botany.

"Mukuro-sama, please be a bit more patient… I've already provided the seed with the best Makai Gardening Soil, the strongest fertilizers available and the cleanest water in our kingdom; even the pot used is a work of art worth $1,000,000-"

"Then give it more water!"

"B-but, Mkuro-sama, you j-just flooded the whole pot-"

"Fine, now SHUTTUP."


Mukuro gave a frustrated growl; patience was not one of her virtues. But for my heir, I will wait.

"Look," she snapped. "I shall be lenient this time. I don't care how the hell you do it, but I want to see my heir in three days time."

The poor youkai choked. Three… days?! Three days for the seed to germinate and grow and mature and bloom? He broke into uncontrollable sobbing.

Mukuro glared. "Now scram."

Tripping over his feet and weeping buckets of tears, the youkai scrammed.


Three days later…

Mukuro waited as patiently as she could (i.e. extremely impatiently) by the pot. By that time, the tiny seed had grown into a healthy tulip plant (not surprising since the youkai gardener had gone through great pains to provided the seed with even better growing conditions, including feeding it youki) with a bud balanced on a delicate stem. However, the plant was… shall we say… strangely coloured -_-;; (The colour of tulips are not normally a red so dark it seemed to be black.)

"Kuso! Just when will this damned flower bloom?!"

Mukuro shot a baleful glare at the tulip, which rustled nervously. Impulsively, she reached for the phone and dialed Botan's number.

"Moshi-moshi!" Came the cheerful voice from the other end.

"FAIRY! Where the hell is my heir?!"

"Eh~?! But… you have to wait for the plant to grow-"

"It is grown, dammit!"

"……is it possible for a plant to grow that fast?"

"I want my money back!"

"B-but, Mukuro-sama, you didn't pay for it in the first place!"

"…well, that's not the point. How do I get the stupid tulip to bloom?"

"Um, well, you hafta kiss the bud-"

"WHAT?! I'm not a pervert!!"

"The flower won't bloom unless you do that…"

"And why the @%$#* is that so?!"

"Because that's what the instruction manual says!"


Mukuro sweatdropped, but decided not to ask. Instead, she crushed the phone into a fine powder and turned to the tulip, which gave a nervous rustle.

She turned to check if anyone was watching, then took a deep breath and leaned towards the plant - which gave a frightened rustle, somehow swiveled to avoid her lips and burst into full bloom!

Mukuro blinked at this unexpected outcome of events… then took a sharp breath and held it as she noticed a tiny form huddled within the beautiful petals of the flower.