Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Tickling Death ❯ Tickling Death ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Tickling Death

By Youko Kitsune and Rose Thorne


Background info: Rose Thorne and Youko Kitsune were having a rather upsetting discussion about how poor Y-K couldn't get into fanfiction.net to update her fanfics.

RoseThorne: ^__^ Cheer up

Youko Kitsune: I'll try...MY POOR UNMOTHERED FANFICTION!!!!

Rose Thorne: lol

Youko Kitsune: ::glomps Hiei:: Comfort me. ::promptly gets bludgeoned:: Or don't... ::sniffle:: I always knew he hated me... ::sulks::

Rose Thorne: ::gives her a Hiei plushie::

Youko Kitsune: ::glomps the plushie:: YAY!

Hiei: ::groans:: Ya had to go and do that didn't you?

Rose Thorne: ::glowers at him:: Want to play substitute?

Hiei: No!!! ::horrified look::

Youko Kitsune: ::smirks:: Yeah ya do.

Rose Thorne: ::smirks and points at Hiei, who immediately becomes a substitute for the plushie:: Fun with wards...

Youko Kitsune: ::looks at Bara-chan:: Arigato! ::glomps Hiei even harder:: Now you'll never get away! ::Hiei looks downright pathetic at this point and gives up struggling::

Rose Thorne: ::snickers:: Wanna find out if he's ticklish?

Youko Kitsune: ::smirks:: I do believe I do.

Rose Thorne: ::evil grin::

::Hiei looks like he could curl up into a hole and die. Y-K's smirk gets even bigger::

Rose Thorne: ::laughs evilly::

Youko Kitsune: Now where would a youkai be ticklish? ::thoughful look::

Rose Thorne: ::giggles helplessly, unable to make a hentai suggestion::

Youko Kitsune: ::quirks an eyebrow at her:: Spill it chick.

Rose Thorne: ::coughs:: Ummm...I was thinking below the belt...

Youko Kitsune: ::giggles insanely:: Hehehe! ::Hiei pales considerably::

Rose Thorne: ::smirks::

::Our poor, poor fire demon squirms in an attempt to get away from the insane fanfic writers::

Rose Thorne: ::grins:: That won't work, Hiei-chan. And you're warded so you can't use ki...

Youko Kitsune: *cough cough* Tickle, tickle... *cough cough* ::smirks::

Rose Thorne: ::giggles as Hiei's eyes grow 'round as saucers:: Teasing him is sooo fun...

Hiei: ::glares:: Let me go before I call Kurama!

Rose Thorne: ::chuckles:: We'll call him for you. I'd bet he'd tickle you FOR us...

Youko Kitsune: ::slighly jealous:: *ahem* Yes, well... ::joins the tickling fun::

Rose Thorne:: Of course, who wants to share..? He gets enough of you as it is...

Hiei: ::face turns a bit pink:: Hn.

Rose Thorne: ::blinks:: Is that a BLUSH?! ::looks at Y-K:: D'ya think the rumors are true then?

Youko Kitsune: ::blink blink:: What rumors?

MelancholyYouth: ::smirks slightly:: That Kurama and Hiei are...intimate...

Youko Kitsune: ::eyes widen as she mutters incoherently::

Rose Thorne: ::blinks, confused::

Youko Kitsune: Well if they are... *ahem* Nevermind...

Rose Thorne: ::blinks as Hiei's face turns red:

Hiei: There is nothing between Kurama and I!

Youko Kitsune: ::indignantly:: I don't believe you. ::still glomped onto him for...'unknown reasons'::

Rose Thorne: ::smirks at the blushing fire demon:: Would you prefer to call him Kura-chan or Rama-chan[1]?

Hiei: ::scowls at her:: Shut up. ::mutters::

Youko Kitsune: ::tickles him:: Be nice!

Hiei: ::eyes widen and he lets out a sound that sounds suspiciously like a strangled giggle::

Rose Thorne: ::eyes widen with glee:: So he is ticklish!

Youko Kitsune: ::grins like a lunatic and continues to tickles him in *ahem* various places:: What was that Hi-kun?

Hiei: ::gives up trying to supress his laughter::

Youko Kitsune: Never would have suspected the 'almighty one' to be subdued by tickles, eh Bara-chan?

Rose Thorne: Nope! Wielder of the Kokoryuha could be beaten by a well-used feather...

Youko Kitsune: ::grins:: Not a bad idea. ::pulls a feather out of hammer space:: Would you care to do the honors?

Rose Thorne: ::pulls a feather out as well:: Together, methinks?

Youko Kitsune: ::chains Hiei to a conveniently materialized wall:: My arms were getting tired. ::shrugs, then holds up feather:: All for one...

Rose Thorne: ::touches her feather to Y-K's:: ...and one for all

::they 'attack' him with their feathers::

Hiei: ::cracks up and tries to glare at the same time::

Rose Thorne: ::giggles, still tickling him:: Awww...He looks so kawaii!!

Youko Kitsune99: *nod nod* ::pinches his cheek::

Hiei: ::turns an interesting shade of purple::

::so intent upon their victim...I mean...ummm...subject were the two fic writers that they did not notice a certain red-haired bishie behind them until he cleared his throat loudly::

Youko Kitsune: ::looks up startled:: Uh...hi?

Rose Thorne: ::grins innocently:: Hi Kurama-chan! Just having fun, ne Hiei-chan?

Hiei: ::glowers, too out-of-breath to speak for a moment:: Fun? FUN?? ::looks about ready to explode:: YOU CALL THIS FUN???

Youko Kitsune: ::mutters under her breath:: Can we say...OOC?

Rose Thorne: ::giggles nervously as Kurama steps forward::

Youko Kitsune: ::quickly hides feather:: Eh...uh... ::laughs nervously::

Rose Thorne: ::hides her feather too, but not quick enough::

Kurama: ::frowns:: You were tickling him?

Youko Kitsune: ::innocent look:: Us? Never.

Hiei: Liar.

Kurama: ::frowns:: Tickling Hiei is my priviledge and my priviledge only.

Youko Kitsune: ::her eyes begins to twitch:: Really? Is that so? ::takes on the insanely jealous author pose::

Rose Thorne: ::eyes widen:: Priviledge..? You mean...

Kurama: ::glowers at them:: Yes, my priviledge.

Hiei: ::groans:: Great...just great....

Rose Thorne: ::sees Hiei blushing:: Awww...Ickle Hiei is bwushing!

Youko Kitsune: ::starts to storm off looking rather flustered:: Humpf!

Rose Thorne: ::blinks at Y-K:: Oh, c'mon! You knew it was true!

Youko Kitsune: SO?? ::snaps her fingers::

Hiei: ::sighs in relief as the chains vanish::

Rose Thorne: ::looks at Kurama:: Lucky bastard.

Kurama: ::smirks::

Hiei: ::face turns redder::

Youko Kitsune: ::gives Kurama puppy dog eyes:: Would you be interested in sharing? ::looks pathetic::

Kurama: ::chuckles a bit:: Sorry. I'm selfish.

Youko Kitsune: ::sniffles:: That's not fair... ::sulks::

::the chains reappear, chaining Hiei to a bed that mysteriously appeared from nowhere::

Hiei: ::eyes widen:: What the hell?!

Youko Kitsune: ::blink blink:: I foresee something interesting in the near future.

Kurama: ::smirks:: Hiei decided to spend a few weeks in Makai and I've been waiting for him...

Rose Thorne: ::blushes:: Methinks they need some privacy...

Youko Kitsune: Do I really wanna be around for this? ::sends Bara-chan a questioning look:: Methinks you're right. ::bows towards the door:: After you.

Rose Thorne: ::shakes her head:: No, after you.

Youko Kitsune: Oh no...after you.

Rose Thorne: ::raises an eyebrow:: Together?

Kurama: ::clears his throat impatiently:: Just go.

Youko Kitsune: Ok, ok.

::they leave::

This was the result of a semi-late night conversation when we were both sick. Sucks to be us, ne? Wonder if Hiei-chan will catch our colds...He was awfully...close...to us...

[1] Couldn't help myself. This is an alteration of something that Kurama said to Yuusuke in Talya Firedancer's 'Abort, Retry, Ignore?' It was originally said about the censored kissing scene in episode five, but we had fun with it.