Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ True Blue ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

True Blue

Chapter Two

Or, Pale Blue

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Whoa, another chapter already. Scary, ne? I usually take months to update.

DISCLAIMER: No matter how must we wish, our desires may always be beyond our grasp. For the hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Yu Yu Hakusho fans, this is simply the case: we will never own YYH. I am no exception.


(A/N- author's note)

(regular part of story, unless noted otherwise)

//telepathic message//



And when the night is cloudy

There is still a light that shines on me

Shine until tomorrow

Let It Be

-Let It Be by The Beatles

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"There is a woman in the castle, milord."

Silhouettes danced across the richly decorated walls from the flickering warmth of the fireplace. In front of the fireplace was a chair, ornately carved and upholstered with the finest velvet, ruby- red in hue.

There was a man in the chair, a man of medium height, with the darkest hair and grey eyes, cold with the hatred of the world.

The seated man sighed. He glanced over his left shoulder to see his personal guard, Vladmir.

"Do not bother me with trivialities, Vlad. Do with her as you wish." Said the Duke levelly. There was an eerie calmness to his voice, which was lightly accented, revealing his obvious Welsh heritage.

Vladmir also had an accent, a Russian one. "She may be of certain interest to you, my Lord Wellington. I have reason to believe…" The big man trailed off. He was not a man of many words, and rarely spoke so frequently. However, Vladmir was devoted to his lord, and did everything in his capability to serve him.

The duke raised an eyebrow. "Then show her to me."

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Aurore awoke suddenly. Her lightly tanned face was covered in a cold layer of perspiration, like that of dew on the velvety petals of a rose. The girl arose, drew away the drenched coverlet, and grabbed her robe. The window shade had been drawn open, and she stood by the glass panes, her warm breath creating circles of fog.

Horrible She thought. Simply horrible. But it can't be true. He's gone, he's dead. He won't bother us anymore.

A drink. She drew her robe closer, feeling the early morning chill through her thin night gown. Yes, that's what I need.

Elektra hadn't allowed liquor in the house, but Rory knew where her sister had kept her stash. She nit-picked through her drawers until she found a small glass bottle of Jimmy Bean. The amber liquor burned down her throat, but Aurore didn't notice. She left a little of the liquid on the bottom, putting the bottle back where she found it.

"Now then," She said aloud, though she was alone in the apartment, "I can't go back to sleep." The oak door that was the entrance to her friend's room creaked on its worn hinges. Aurore jumped from surprise, then calmed. For through the doorway and into the kitchen/ parlor, she saw the old piano.

That piano meant everything in the world to Aurore. Though the chords were stretched thin from wear, the wooden exterior scarred, and the velvet padding of the bench peeled away to reveal the stuffing, but when her nimble fingers graced the keys, it was brand new again.

She began to play `Fur Elise'. It was one of her favorites, but now it didn't appear as uplifting as it did previously. She stopped. It was wrong, yes, shouldn't there be two pale, thin hands playing alongside?

Her fingers stroked the ivory keys again, this time forming a new melody. It was `Greensleeves', her sister's favorite song. How many times had Elektra kneeled behind her, her long fingers plaiting her silken pale hair, and laughing, she would say, "Play it again, Mon petite chou chou (1), play `Greensleeves'!"? And Vivienne would, if only for her.

"Aurore?" Someone called from the other side of the wall. "It's about two o'clock in the morning, honey. What are you doing up?"

Aurore sighed, it was her kind but senile neighbor, Mrs. Yoshizawa.

"Sorry, Mrs. Yoshizawa. I'm going to bed now." Blue used to joke with a low voice how their elderly neighbor would chastise her about her corrupt lifestyle, often doing realistic impressions. "I know she means well though." She would always add when they were done laughing.

"That's good. Growing bodies need plenty of sleep."

"Goodnight Mrs. Yoshizawa."

"Goodnight, dear."

But she didn't go to bed. Instead, Rory wandered over to the shelves on the wall, where the home videos and cassettes were kept. Blue used to hook a video camera or a tape recorder when she came back from working at Spirit World. "After all", she would say, "there's plenty to go around. Why not use them instead of just having them lie around?" Then they would make weird home videos with the camera, or Elektra would sing songs into the tape recorder. Aurore picked out a cassette and padded back to her room.

She pulled the coverlet over her to shield herself from the chill. After her sister had gone to jail, leaving her beloved sister regrettably alone, Aurore was used to spending nights alone. But tonight was different. Something was wrong, definitely wrong, and there was no use hiding it.

Aurore reached over to her nightstand where the tape player was. She clicked the tape in and the lay on her stomach, cradling her pillow to support her head. The tape began to play, and her sister's voice filled the thin, fidgid air.

It was a gypsy song, the song Dymphna used to sing to her adopted children when they were small. And now Blue sang it to Aurore to comfort her sister in the long hours of the night.

"I wish to you sunshine, my dear one, my dear one. And treetops for you to soar past. I wish to you innocence, my child, my child. I pray you don't grow up too fast…

"Never know pain, my dear one, my dear one. Nor hunger nor fear nor sorrow. Never know war, my child, my child. Remember your hope for tomorrow…

"My prayer is simple my dear one, my dear one. May you never need understand. My prayer is for peacetime, my child, my child. Live it well and this life can be grand…"

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: hmm… well, it's okay, I guess. I really don't have any other comment, except to tell you that the beautiful song is from the equally poetic book, `Hawksong'. For anyone out there who like romance and fantasy, I suggest you haul ass to the library and rent it! ^-^.

(1) Mon petit chou chou- ( mahn puh- tee shoo shoo) Believe it or not, this is a French term of endearment meaning "My sweet little cabbage." -_-. How a cabbage is sweet, I know not. And another thing I don't get: if it means `my sweet little cabbage', why isn't it "Mon petit sucre (suh- ckruh) chou chou"? After all, `sucre' means `sweet'. Yet another one of life's mysteries that I shall never comprehend… * sigh *.

Yusuke: That was boring.

Lady Celestia: No it wasn't! It was a pivotal point in the story!

Yusuke: Whatever.

Lady Celestia: * fumes *

Kurama: I heard shouting. Is there anything I can do?

Lady Celestia: Yes, you can do my shout out for me.

Kurama: Lady Celestia invites you to read her friend buffanatic13's story, `The New Recruit" or "A Collection of One- Shots" if you like Yu- Gi- Oh. If not, she recommends that you read either of her only other friend Toxic Tear's beautifully written stories.

Lady Celestia: Thank you Kurama! * hugs him *

Buffanatic13: Hey, what's going on here? * sees Lady Celestia and Kurama hugging * Oh my God, you're such a slut! * pulls out lightsaber *

Lady Celestia: * pulls out lightsaber. She and B13 start fighting *

Kurama: * sweatdrops as he watches them fight, as B13 is obviously whopping LC's ass, seeing as LC is a pacifist and doesn't approve of fighting unless it is entirely necessary and the condition are just, neither of which apply to this situation * (A/N- whew!)

Yusuke: Finally, some action!