Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ True Blue ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

True Blue

Chapter Six,

Deep Blue

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hmmm. Not much to say except that it's 1:35 Pittsburgh time and I have insomnia again. Murphy's Law strikes again. If this keeps up than I'll end up being nocturnal. Wait a sec, that would be pretty cool. And besides, I seem to have creative spasms when I can't sleep. So now I'm typing and playing Pokemon Ruby on my GBASP. I know you're all laughing, "Ha ha! This loser plays Pokemon!" And I'd have to say you're right, because

I am a loser and

I am playing Pokemon.

Did that make any sense? Gommen if it didn't. It is, after all, 1:41 in the morning in the sunny ole' `Burgh. Jeez, Pittsburgh is such an awful city. I can say this because though I was born in Cincinnati, I have lived in the Steel City (or, `The Pitts', as I affectionately call it) over 11 years. Anyone who has visited the city for more than a week will know what I'm talking about. The first day you're so excited and thinking about the things you can do, like go to PNC Park and the Andy Warhol Museum. Well, you can do both those things in less than a day, and you'll be bored for the rest of the week. I'm serious. There is nothing to do here. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Nothing to do but sit and rot. I mean, think about it: the weather sucks (8 months of winter baby!), there aren't any significant attractions (which I have already painstakingly ranted about), and, well, let's face it, it isn't a very attractive city. Except at night when all the lights are sparkling and you can see the reflection on the water from the peak of Mt. Washington. But that's it. How many times have you been to the airport and seen a young child cling to his mother or father, and not without a shining face of pure gaiety and a toothy grin stretched from ear to ear as he exclaims excitedly, "We're going to Pittsburgh, we're going to Pittsburgh!" None? That's what I thought.

Anyway, after perhaps the longest author's note mankind has ever seen, I shall proceed to the disclaimer and then on to the program!

DISCLAIMER: I don't own YYH. Gosh, how creative and witty. Well it's 2 AM and I really don't feel like being creative or witty as I write the disclaimer. Oh yeah, there is some slight (read: major) language in the end of the chapter.


(A/N- author's note)

(regular part of story, unless noted otherwise)

//telepathic message//



SIDE NOTE: There's a gap from the time when the gang is at Spirit World and when they get to the estate. I'm sorry, I just couldn't think of a way that they could get there. How do the boys get around between worlds anyway? Well, at any rate, think of your own way. ^-^

"Fools," said I, "you do not know

Silence like a cancer grows

Hear my words that I might teach you,

Take my arms that I might reach you."

But my words like silent raindrops fell

And echoed

In the wells of silence

-Sounds of Silence by Simon & Garfunkle

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"So that's it!" Kuwabara cried. "We just bust in, grab the hooker, and leave?! We don't even have a plan!" He had to take long strides to catch up with the other boys, as Aurore was making a phone call.

"Kuwabara," Yusuke sighed painstakingly, "do we ever have a plan?"

The carrot-top pondered over that for a moment. "No." He finally admitted. "I guess plans are for wusses anyway."

Kurama raised his fine eyebrows but said nothing. Hiei dredged along side him, hands in pockets, eyes averted. If the kitsune didn't know any better, he'd think that the videotape had made Hiei rather irate. Perhaps he was attracted to the shape-shifter? He supposed it was hard not to. There was a mysterious intoxication about her that drew him in, as he expected happened to just about anyone who knew her.

"Very sorry about the wait," Aurore apologized, coming along side them, matching her stride to theirs, "had to make a phone call. Kurama, will you come with me for a moment?"

Kurama glanced over at Yusuke, who shrugged. He followed Aurore to a secluded hallway, where she stopped and rummaged through her purse.

"Can you do us a favor?" She asked in her charming Cockney (1) accent, pulling out a small red canvas case.

"Of course."

The young demoness opened the bag and took out a syringe. "I know this sounds odd," She took off the cap and measured liquid into the glass cylinder, "but do you think you can give me my insulin?"

He laughed cheerfully. "I think that's the first time a pretty girl has taken me to a dark hallway and asked me to administer her medicine." She blushed as he took the syringe from her hand. "Where do you inject it?"

"Pancreas." Aurore lifted the edge of her sweater just a trifle to bare a patch of delicately tanned skin. She was a modest girl, unlike her twin, and would sooner stick her head in a bag of snakes (she abhorred reptiles of any kind) than wear tight and/or revealing clothing. However, this kitsune reminder her of her sister, whom she held in the highest esteem. He injected her insulin, then returned the needle back to her.

"I didn't know you were diabetic." He stated as she placed the syringe back into her bag.

She grinned. "I don't suppose many do. I can't stand needles, you know. Horribly afraid of them. When my sister went to jail I had to ask the next door neighbor to give it to me. I have to have it every day or I go into shock. C'est tres horrible, and unattractive."

"You sure do talk a lot."

"So I am told." She laughed.

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***The Wellington Estate***

Vladmir raced up the seemingly endless stone stairs, blood pounding with adrenaline. At the top he slowed to a casual pace, stopping at the cell with his master before it.

Wellington, covered only in a fine silk robe, beckoned his bodyguard closer. "Isn't she lovely, Vlad?" He queried lightly, resting a brotherly hand on the large Georgian's shoulder, "Like a rare, caged tigress. But you know, even the most ferocious beast can be tamed."

Vladmir peered into the cell. He was not surprised to see the young woman in the corner; her bloodied legs splayed before her, head and shoulders slumped forward so that her magnificent hair covered her face. The black dress that she had worn upon arrival rode up around her thighs and was torn at the shoulder. Her skin was severely bruised in several places, and she appeared to be a rag doll, immobile and lifeless.

Vladmir felt no sympathy for her. "You have done well, my lord." He praised.

A small smile came to the Duke's lips. "Yes." He intoned thoughtfully. "I suppose she has been taught a lesson she won't soon forget."

"Absolutely, my Lord."

"I wouldn't be so sure!"

Both master and servant turned to the direction of the voice. There, at the very apex where Vladmir had just recently entered, stood Yusuke, flanked by Kuwabara at his right and Hiei to his left. Kurama hovered to the side by Aurore, who shivered despite the warmth of her sweater.

"Ah," Wellington sighed, "more guests. And who might you children be?"

"We're Spirit Detectives." Kuwabara growled, immune to the chilling glance the Georgian gave him.

The Duke laughed. "I see the geniuses at Spirit World think quickly. Have you come about the weapons planted here?"

"We came for the young woman." Kurama corrected quickly (2). "If you give her to us, we will leave abruptly and without complaint."

"I'm afraid you offer is notwithstanding." Wellington answered, clearly amused. "I have become quite accustomed to having my prize here."

"Are you willing to consider a trade?" Aurore asked, surprising everyone. Her voice was unusually clear, as opposed to the soft undertone she generally used.

The Duke raised an eyebrow. "What was that?"

Kurama turned to her. "Yes, what was that?"

The pale- haired girl nodded. "A sister for a sister."

Victor Wellington seemed to seriously consider. "Sister, you say?" He peered closer at her, examining the hue of her hair, wideness of her eyes and texture if her skin. Vivienne, for her part, tried very hard to create a strong façade, but felt as if her knees would crumble at any moment. "I see," He said finally, "You have a deal. I nearly didn't recognize you with your hair. Vlad." He motioned to his bodyguard, who retrieved the key and entered the cell.

Vladmir took a towel and wrapped it around the shape- shifter's bloody body before picking her up and holding her bridal- style.

The pale- haired girl took a hesitant step forward, then another.

But Kurama had seen enough. He grasped her elbow firmly, pulling her closer. "Don't do this Rory." He pleaded. "You don't have to."

She shook him off with sad eyes. "If you had my memories," She murmured, entire body tight with fear, "you would do the same."

Vladmir took his cue and dropped the shape- shifter rather unceremoniously into Yusuke's arms. The Spirit Detective was thoroughly disgusted by the thick, dark blood that seemed to coat her body and was therefore grateful for the cloth enveloping her form.

"Very well, I don't believe you gentlemen need an escort out?" The Duke raised his eyebrows. The Rei Tantei grumbled in response and shuffled out.

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I really don't like this chappie. Grrr.

Cockney is like the English equivalent of street slang, sounding almost like Irish. If you've ever seen footage of Paul McCartney, he had a Cockney accent. It isn't very charming (unless you're Paulie ^-^) as it is very hard to understand, but you get the idea.

Kurama corrected quickly- sorry for the alliteration. I didn't notice it until I was editing and was to lazy to change it.

Lady Celestia: Meow.

Yusuke: *Yawns* Can I go to sleep yet?

Lady Celestia: No.

Yusuke: But whyyyyyyyy?


Yusuke: Fuck.

Lady Celestia: *slaps a piece of duct tape over Yusuke's mouth* No damn swearing in my damn house, damn it!

Buffanatic: *Hits Yusuke over the back of the head with her mallet* Baka.

Yusuke: X_X

Lady Celestia: *Gives Buffanatic the eye of shame* What the fuck was that for?

Buffanatic: *Shrugs* I felt like it.

Lady Celestia: Oh. Okay.

Yusuke: Look at all the pretty colors…….