Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ True Blue ❯ Chapter Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

True Blue

Chapter Eight

or, Bella Blue

DISCLAIMER: There are many things I own. Not. I don't even own this ghetto computer. Anyway, YYH is one of them.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Yeah, about this ghetto computer… it sucks. Majorly. It's so damn slow… I was downloading YYH episodes and they took about twenty minutes each, and there were fifteen episodes… and they were low quality! I swear, if this wasn't my only form of sanctuary on this god- forsaken rock besides the telly, I'd take Rissa's mallet and smash the smeary screen…

Anyway, I re-did the other chapters and deleted two, you may want to go back and read them before this……. Actually, go back and read them otherwise you won't understand this one…….

And as a side note: I don't like Botan that much. She's finicky, flighty, and all- around annoying in most situations. Plus there's that whole thing about her ending up with Koenma (DON'T say it, Marissa!). However, Botan is a vital character in YYH, and I must respect her for that.


(A/N- author's note)

(regular part of story, unless noted otherwise)

//telepathic message//



Did I ask to much

More than a lot

You gave me nothing

Now it's all I got

One by U2

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"Hey Koenma."

`Hey Yusuke."

The Spirit Detective nodded slowly. What's up with this guy? He looks like shit. "You're girlfriend's in her room."

"She's not my girlfriend." The prince nudged a broken vase with his foot. He scooped it up and polished the surface with his sleeve. "Looks like you forgot to mention something, ne?"

"Yes, about that." Kurama entered the room and sat next to Yusuke on the sofa. "It's only in this room and it was like this when we returned."

"What foxy's trying to say is," Yusuke interrupted, much to the kitsune's irritation, "that we didn't do it."

The prince shook his head and placed the large shard on a tilted shelf, not flinching as the others did when the entire thing collapsed on the floor. "Did you touch her?" He asked Kurama.

"About that too." Kurama followed Koenma into the other room. "I'm afraid I don't completely understand."

But Koenma didn't hear. He stood at the edge of the shape- shifter's bed, his almond eyes widened in shock, hands in fists with white knuckles. "This is what he did to her?" His voice was oddly harsh, and Kurama saw the hem of his cloak tremble.

"I thought you hated her."

"I do." The prince frowned at a spot in the floor. He pulled out his handkerchief and dabbed at it, a silvery- red liquid that immediately soaked into the cloth. "See this?" He showed it to the kitsune.


"Very good." He threw the hankie into the trashcan. "Her blood is pure mercury. All shape- shifters have it. Ergo her body temperature has to be lower than a normal person's." Shaking his head, he turned back to Kurama. "I need a few minutes alone with her."

The kitsune nodded, a discreet smile on his face as he watched his boss slide up the chair he sat in not a minute ago, and closed the door.

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**Koenma's Flashback**

I had this sudden feeling of being watched, an awareness that there was another person in the room with me, sliding my chair back I commenced pacing around the room in quick, short steps, inspecting the dark shadows that crept in the corners of my spacious office. Finding no cause for concern, I returned to my desk only to find it taken.

Well, I should say that. My chair, left apart from my bureau, remained vacant, but perched on the edge of my desk, legs crossed and dangling elegantly over the side, was a woman.

The ebony waves cascaded down her bare shoulders, unruly but deliberate, blacker than the ace of spades. I contrast her skin was milky- white, the only make- up she wore was kohl, expertly lining her eyes.

I was drawn to her the instant I saw her eyes, her mesmerizing, shifting eyes, fading gradually from midnight black to pale grey. I got hooked on those damn eyes, framed by a dark fringe of lashes and dramatically curved brows. Her nose was slim with a slight bump on the bridge. It was her only physical flaw, and I relinquished it, teasing her incessantly.

Her gown was crafted from silk, the gleaming fabric closely followed her slight curves before dropping below her bare feet.

She arched an eyebrow. "Looking for someone?" Her voice was liquid-y smooth, like cool, spiced wine pouring into a crystal chalice.

I hung onto every word that passed from her pale lips, entranced by the sensual curve of her neck, the slender fingers that rested on her lap, her fragile skin, so much like porcelain, white and smooth and cool.

"Who-" My voice caught in my throat, but I wasn't ready to give up. "Who are you?"

She didn't answer immediately; instead she slipped off my desk and approached me. I can't ever remember being overly nervous or excited, but my hands grew cool and clammy, my knees grew weak.

"You don't look well, Koenma." Extending one elegant hand, she stroked my cheek, her cool fingers brushing my skin lightly. "Is there anything I can do?"

"Who are you?" I repeated mechanically, trying my hardest not to succumb to my lust. "What's your name?"

The woman drew back, her demurring smile flickering. "My name?" She repeated, brow furrowed. "Why would you want to know a trivial thing like that?"

"Because if I knew your name," I explained patiently, "I could address you by it."

Unspoken words formed and died at her lips, I knew she didn't understand, but wasn't sure why. She appeared to crumble, her shoulders sloped and her head hung. But before I could react she straightened, pulling herself together, if you will. Holding her chin up, I realized she almost was as tall as me, perhaps a head shorter, and experienced a kind of… respect for this woman I had only first laid eyes upon two minutes ago.

"Blue." She whispered, her voice less seductive now, her words simple and raw. "My name is Blue."

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I sleepily opened one eye. The clock flashed at my nightstand, the blaring redness so offensive at this ungodly hour I yanked the cord out from the socket. "Blue," I managed to mutter, "It's nearly two in the morning."

"I'm cold." She replied, her dark eyes somber.

A mixed wave of love and pity washed over me. I edged over, smoothing the coverlet beside me, observing as she slid under the sheets. Her body was freezing. When I told her, she scooted away and apologized several times.

"Blue," I grumbled, looping my arms around her and pulling her close, "I don't care how cold you are." Breathing onto the nape of her neck, I added, "Besides, I know how to make you warm."

Then, for some reason, she began to cry. Not full on weeping, mind you, but that kind of silent crying girls do. "What's wrong?"

She didn't answer, just lay there crying, silent tears turned silvery by the moonlight sliding down her pale cheeks, not ceasing though I stroked her hair and kissed her neck. I never really found out what was wrong.

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"Ohayo, Blue." I kissed her neck teasingly, enjoying her girlish giggle as she stroked my hair.

"Bonjour, cherie."

I didn't want to start work yet, so I delayed some time by pulling her onto my lap and planting tender kisses along her jawbone. Blue tilted her head back and laughed, saying "Is there a big case I should know about?"

I stopped. "How do you know?"

"Because a) you're purposely delaying going into your office and b)" her fingers softly kneaded a patch of skin on my shoulder blade, "you're very tense right here."

Scowling, I tucked a black silky strand behind her ear. "You're too intelligent for your own good."

"Call it woman's intuition." She kissed my forehead. "Do you want to tell me about it?"

"Alright." I shifted positions so I could see her better. She looked rather tired, and I wondered why. "There's a group of outlaws who have been wreaking excessive havoc lately. Perhaps you've heard of them, they call themselves The Magnificent Seven." Seeing her confusion, I continued. "There are, as you guessed, seven of them, each bearing the name of the respective sin they commit."

"How interesting!" She exclaimed.

At her interjection I was oddly proud, proud of the knowledge that there was something I knew more about than she did. "There's one of them," I continued, "Who we recently obtained information on, a woman who goes by the code name `Lust'. She's been cited for the murder of eleven men that we know of, all of them her lovers. She's a seductress, the best; we think her name is-

"Elektra Wellington."

Confused, I asked, "How do you know?"

Something cold pressed against my temple. "And her current victim count is far more than eleven, closer, I think, to nineteen." I knew now she had placed a pistol to my head, her eyes were icily calm, not wild, not like you would expect, but her features were distraught, paired with her mussed mane, I knew she wasn't fooling around. "And she's about to make it twenty."

"Blue," I croaked, placing my hands in clear view, "please don't do this."

"Why not?" She cried, mashing the barrel to my temple, "why can't I, dear prince? Because you're too rich, too young, too handsome?"

I gritted my teeth. "Because I love you, Blue."

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Lady Celestia: what will happen next? *evil laugh*


Lady Celestia: *starts crying hysterically*

Buffanatic: *hits Yusuke* baka

Lady Celestia: *sniff* thank you *sniff*

Buffanatic:……… no problem

Yusuke: @-@ sleepy time………..

Keiko: ahhhhh what did you do to my boyfriend?

Buffantic: *hits Keiko* baka- ette

Lady Celestia: the new YYH ad doesn't have Koko!!! *starts weeping hysterically again*

Buffanatic: -_- *knocks self out*

Lady Celestia: *sniff* where did everyone go?