Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Two Tailed ❯ Cleanliness ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 9:Cleanliness
Nyako sat in the hospital for hours before anyone would see her. It was always the same stupid wait just to get looked at. Her father missed his big `group gathering' and Nyako felt more like the world's biggest bitch ever. After the doctor had seen her hand and listened to what her father had said, he sent her right to pediatrics. The nurses there were tending to young kids, way more whiney than her, but Nyako understood why they disliked her more; SHE had been the cause of bodily harm to herself. Her father stood out of the room and listened to the doctors talk about how maybe Nyako needed to `see someone'. Her stomach tossed and turned and every time Nyako heard the sentence `she has some issues', she felt like throwing up.
{What a mess you've gotten yourself into this time you stupid girl. Kurama deserves better than you, your father deserves better than you… everyone deserves better than you…} Nyako thought to herself.
“Nyako, let's go home.” Her father's voice came from the doorway. She looked up towards him and then down at her hand, which had been wrapped and x-rayed a million times. It was only two broken knuckles, and the doctors said that she would heal fast because she was still a `kid'. It didn't feel like that though, Nyako felt like she was older than the oldest person in the universe.
“I'm sorry dad, I ruined your night.” Nyako sniffled. She wanted to curl up into a ball and be locked in a trunk forever. Her father looked at her and sighed. He quickly pulled her into a hug and walked with her towards the bus stop. Her heart raced as she felt the fresh air wash over her. It seemed like ages since she had really enjoyed the outdoors.
“Why didn't you tell me that I made you angry? I can't believe you would lie to me about that. I realize that we've… grown apart… but I really was surprised. It isn't like you to have angry out bursts like that.” Nyako turned to her father and looked at him shocked.
{He blames himself?!}
“Dad, it wasn't you! I swear! I'm happy that you are doing so much better! I just… I hurt someone really badly and I didn't mean too… it's so confusing…” Nyako sighed. Her father pulled her close again and brushed his daughter's hair back with his weak hands.
“Was it a boy, Nyako?” Her father asked. Nyako nodded her head and met his soft gaze. He smiled at her and looked straight into her magenta eyes.
“He was hurt by what I said. I…uh ….pushed him away.” Nyako confessed. Her father listened as the two go on the bus to head home. Her knuckles pulsed as she thought about Kurama's face when she pushed him away from her.
“If he really cares, which, if it involves your good heart, I am sure he does; then he will understand. You need to learn that when someone loves you, or even just cares about you, they will forgive the harshest things. Look at me; I'm the world's most horrible father, and here you are, giving me the second chance I don't think I deserve.” Her father spoke lightly, reminding her that she was a good person and that she needed to confront her problems. Nyako nodded and smiled softly for her father, to show him that she felt better.
“You aren't that bad…” she laughed and hugged him as tight as she good with all the bandages. “Besides… I love you. That requires that I give you all the chances in the world.” Nyako felt the bus lurch under her as it stopped a couple blocks from her house. Her father ushered her off and towards the house.
“Good. I am thankful to hear that.” Her father added as they finally made their way towards home. Nyako inwardly sighed and hoped that Kurama was as forgiving as she had been for her father. It was so hard to read the kitsune that she didn't know if she was playing on an even field with him.
{I hope he'll listen, even if he doesn't forgive me….}
& & & & & AT SCHOOL THE NEXT MORNING & & & & &
“NYAKO!” A voice yelled from the doorway as Nyako opened her sleepy eyes. A figure rushed up to her and grabbed her wrist to assess the damage done to it. When Nyako's eyes were adjusted enough, she could see Kurama's flaming red hair in her face. Quickly she took in the aroma of roses that followed him.
“Kurama?” Nyako asked sleepily. The boy launched himself at her and hugged her tightly, confusing everyone in the classroom. She opened her eyes frantically searching the classroom. All eyes were on them. Quickly she stood up and dragged the kitsune all the way to the roof. He clung to her like she might die away at any moment.
{Does that mean I'm forgiven?}
“What do you MEAN?!” Kurama asked her. Nyako panted as she reached the roof and pulled the boy wonder to the side where no one was.
“Aren't you angry at me? For last night?” Nyako pointed out. Kurama's eyes steadied and he looked at her face. She was flushed from running, but she was still glowing in the sunshine. Her body shivered from the autumn air and Kurama drew her close to him.
“I didn't know you were struggling with your father still. I'm sorry. I know that sometimes I let Youko get the best of me… but you didn't need to break your knuckles! The moment Hiei told me what happened, I went to see you, but you weren't home. I figured I would see you today, that maybe you still wanted some space.” Kurama pulled her hand close to him and looked at all the bandages. Carefully he kissed it and held it to his cheek. Nyako couldn't find the words to express what she was saying.
“How did Hiei know?” She asked the boy. Kurama looked at her confused.
“He made sure you got home okay, and when I left in a hurry, he figured something was wrong and that I went for help… He was watching over you…” Kurama explained. Nyako blushed slightly at the thought of the Jaganshi watching over her.
“Oh… ohkay.” She mumbled, snuggling up to Kurama on the roof top. It felt good to be in his arms again, but odd to be in anyone's arms.
“That is what you are mad about right? I didn't do anything did I?” Kurama asked Nyako seriously. She laughed and kissed him lightly.
“No. YOU are fine. It's just… me…” She said. Nyako pulled away slowly, so as not to offend Kurama. The boy looked at her sadly, realizing that she was still beating herself up over lots of things, things that he didn't fully understand.
“Come to the temple tonight. Everyone will be there.” Kurama added quickly, knowing how much she liked Genkai. Nyako gave him a pained look and held her wrist up.
“I don't feel like looking stupid.” She told the fox. Kurama kissed her forehead and held her good hand.
“I never really got around to telling you that Yukina can heal…. So if we ask nicely, I'm sure Yukina wouldn't mind healing you before you get pumbled by questions. Does that sound good?” Kurama asked. Nyako smiled and nodded.
“Can you please not stumble into my classroom shouting my name next time?” She begged Kurama. Nyako didn't want questions that she couldn't handle. There had already been rumors spreading, and even though they were true, she didn't want to answer to them.
“There better not be a next time.” Kurama warned her. Nyako nodded and let the boy lead her down stairs. She needed to talk to Hiei before all else… he had something he wasn't saying to her and she needed to hear it.
“No, I'm sure there won't be…”
# # # # # # # # # # THE TEMPLE # # # # # # # # # #
Yukina finished healing Nyako's hand, even though Nyako could feel it healing on its own. Kurama and Nyako thanked Yukina, who needed to sit down for a while after. The gang had all gathered around the dinning table except for Hiei, who was no where to be seen. Nyako felt a sense of disappointment at the lack of Hiei's presence, but she tried to make the most of the night. Yusuke bravely retold his version of the Four Saint Beasts, leaving out all the details of how Kurama, Hiei, AND Kuwabara had helped. Kuwabara and Kurama threw their cups at him and laughed when Keiko punched him in the shoulder for the Eighteenth time that night.
“So how are you doing? No more catty-transformations?” Yusuke asked Nyako. She shook her head and pretended to paw the air.
“Meow! Meow!” She smiled. Kurama petted her head and Kuwabara `ooooo-ed' at the cute meows Nyako was making. Those three were always easy to entertain.
{Seems like you are having fun.} A voice popped into her head.
{Is that you?} Nyako asked eagerly.
{Hnn.} Was the only reply.
{Where?} She asked quickly.
{Outside in the back.}
“I need to call my dad. I forgot.” Nyako stood up suddenly and headed for the back door. Kurama caught her by the sleeve and looked at her seriously and worriedly.
“Just come back, okay?” He asked her. Nyako smiled and nodded to appease him, then let go of her. Quickly Nyako ran towards the back door when she was in the kitchen. The door was unlocked and she figured that the Jaganshi had planned this ahead of time. The night air was chilly and it greeted her with its unfriendly breeze. She looked for the short boy but didn't see him.
“Where are you?” She spat angrily and quietly into the night. Nyako walked towards the beginning of the forest and found a set of red eyes glaring at her. She felt her cat instincts take over as she crouched down and pounced up to the tree branches one at a time, until she was next to the Jaganshi. He smirked at her, keeping her mind focused on him.
“Hnn. You found me.” He replied icily. Nyako growled at him and walked forward, her cat balance perfect for now. Hiei didn't move anywhere, he just kept his focus on the nekomatta, drawing her closer to him. Finally she reached him and sat down next to him.
“Tell me.” She demanded. He stared at her for a long time before he decided he was going to say anything at all.
“Why should I?” Hiei asked. Nyako snorted and laughed at him, making his veins course with anger.
“Because I just left Kurama in there and climbed a fucking tree for you. You owe me.” She said. Hiei inwardly chuckled at her, causing her magenta eyes to harden as she heard his laughter in her head. “I can go back inside you know…” She threatened. He glared at her, trying to pin her down with his mind.
“Hnn. I don't care.” He said. She laughed at him this time.
“Yes you do.” Nyako started to move away, but saw that the Jaganshi had jumped in front of her. He was trying to keep her in the tree. She didn't know why, but it was a battle she assumed she was going to lose.
“Hnn.” Hiei said smugly. Nyako breathed in and out, controlling herself to not try and strangle the boy. She felt her patience wearing out. After all, he was the one who came to her. And she was nice enough to listen.
“You might as wel-”
“I was thrown off a cliff as a baby, my mother committed suicide, and my father never existed in my life. Thieves raised me, but I became too strong for them to handle, so then they cast me out too. No mother. No father. No friend. No one wanted me. No one wanted you either.” He spoke matter-of-factly. Nyako felt the pain in her chest sear up to her neck, choking her. She wasn't sure why she felt like he was berating her and caring for her at the same time.
“What do you want from me? An apology?” She asked defensively. Hiei shook his head. He wasn't really sure what he wanted from her. Just someone to listen. For the first time he wanted to talk and have someone listen.
“No.” Hiei said with a softer edge. Nyako watched as the boy internalized what ever nervousness he had in talking to her.
“Well I am.” She said. Hiei watched as Nyako looked over the branches till she could see the temple straight ahead.
“Are what?” Hiei replied.
“Sorry. If it was anything like what happened to me… then I'm sorry.” She repeated. Hiei saw how vulnerable she was at the moment, floating in her own moment of despair. He wanted to reach out and touch her, to pull her close like Kurama had done, like how the old woman had. Nyako looked fragile when she talked about the pain. Hiei could even smell her pain again. It was thick and it almost cut off his own air supply.
“Hnn. Me too.” Hiei said, trying to be stronger for her. Nyako looked at him and smiled. She gazed below and saw that she wasn't as high up as she thought she was.
“It feels more real speaking with you. Kurama's sympathy doesn't feel enough.” She admitted for the first time. It wasn't that she didn't care deeply for Kurama, it was that she felt honesty and a real sense of understanding about her pain from Hiei.
“Hnn.” Hiei replied.
“You could stop being a jerk about it though.” Nyako glared at the Jaganshi. Some how she didn't see him as a boy any more. The rejection and the abuse changed him from a boy into a some-what adult. There weren't any lies with Hiei about what went down in the most personal of times.
“Nyako?! Where are you!?” Kurama's voice came from the temple steps. Nyako picked up his voice long before the words left his mouth. She jumped from the top of the branch all the way down to the ground, brushing off the imaginary dust she seemed to think she had.
“Over here!” She called to the kitsune. Hiei watched her as she rushed towards him, jumping in his arms and letting him usher her inside. His insides felt unpleasant and he wished that she had stayed with him instead of gone and catered to Kurama's needs.
{Stupid self, she's Kurama's catch.} Hiei thought privately, blocking any pesky minds that might pry into his.
“Hnn. Doesn't stop me from wanting.” Hiei reminded himself before he dropped down to the ground and ran for a portal to the Makai.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
End of chapter 9!!! Woot! I can't believe how fast I am typing this. It seems nice and easy these days. The words just flow from my fingers! Woot!
Bunny: *huggles Kurama* I know you have been grumpy lately…
Kurama: *looks at Nyako longingly* I want this one!
Bunny: *slaps Kurama's hand* We are not selfish kitsunes!
Kurama: *pouts* Yeah I know! But Hiei!!
Bunny: *scowls* `But Hiei' nothing! I know he has been the star for a while…
Kurama: YAH! *angry* :x
Bunny: *sighs* I know I know… *huggles Kurama again* be patient!
Kurama: *nodds* I'm a good kitsune! *fox ears pop up*
Bunny: AWWWW!!!
Well, I was actually worried I might have to change the rating on the fic because it seemed to be taking me else where, but I think I got it all straightened out. Does sexual themes fall about the PG 13 mark?? Hmmmm…. I can't really remember now that I think about it. Don't freak, I'm not going to be mentioning all kinds of graphic material… I was just wondering…. For later use maybe?? *laughs* okay… now that I've confused you enough: I want to thank….
Thank you so much for your reviews! You totally rock my world and seeing your reviews makes me smile and giggle and write right away so I can see more! Haha. I'm silly that way! Do check out some of my other fics… I try not to be the “same” fic writer who only rights about the helpless girls who need saving, or those hard ass girls who break everyone's heart! All my characters have weaknesses and strengths… just like my friends and me. If you ever want to just drop me a character for whenever… e-mail me. I keep them in stock. Promise =]
Lovels for the fans, Bunny-chan