Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Two Tailed ❯ Evolution ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 12:Evolution
She lay there for what seemed like hours before she spoke into the darkness. Nyako wondered if the voice ever slept or if it was always watching her.
{Where am I?} She asked. The voice waited for a while before it responded.
{You are in YOU.} It said. Nyako chuckled. She was inside her own self and she felt so alone. It felt like days rolled on and on and she was no where close to seeing her mom and Ume. The urges to see them grew less and less frequent, and she sometimes found herself thinking of Kurama's soft green gaze, or worse, Hiei's intense red eyes.
{About that…} The voice began.
{OH NO YOU DON'T!} Nyako stepped in right away. {I know what my choice is. There has never been a doubt in my mind. You can just back off of that subject!} She demanded. The voice just laughed.
{I was going to tell you how much he cares about you. Nothing else. A little worried huh?} The voice teased. Nyako growled and wondered where the voice was watching her from. When she found out… she would attack.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ KURAMA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
She had more color to her face and Kurama thanked Koenma for holding her papers. The kitsune had gone to see Koenma the day before to beg him to hold her papers for a little while more. The toddler nodded in agreement, hoping to keep the nekomatta alive for a while more.
{Damnit Nyako, WAKE UP!} Youko cursed. Kurama could feel the kitsune's anger and torment at watching the two-tailed cat demon slip away from him. He wanted to feel her soft skin against his again, especially her lips. There wasn't much he didn't want from her, and if she ever came back to him, the first thing Youko decided he would do was take her and make her his mate for life.
{Don't you think you should get permission first?! That's a little serious!} Kurama almost spat out his coffee in Nyako's hospital room. Youko flicked his tails and scoffed at the half ningen.
{I don't think you'd know anything about this. It's personal.} Youko added. Kurama's rage grew.
{HOW MUCH MORE PERSONAL CAN I BE YOU IDIOT!?} Kurama squeezed the coffee cup and watched as the plastic cracked and the hot coffee splashed all over his hand.
“Ow!” He cried out. The nurse from the station ran into the room and saw the red-head grasping his hand in pain. The hot coffee on the floor explained the rest.
“You should be more careful.” The nurse said as she led Kurama out to the nurse's station for some bandages.
{Yeah, you should be careful Shuichi.} Youko teased. Kurama growled inwardly at the always too-forward kitsune.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NYAKO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
{I miss Kurama.} Nyako spoke softly. The voice nodded somewhere. She could feel it agree with her, though she didn't know where it was agreeing from.
{You should go back then.} The voice said. Nyako shook her head. {Why not?}
{I don't want to be all weird and what not. It's not who I am.} Nyako protested. The more she talked about how “weird” she was… the more it seemed to feel normal.
{Well, I'm sure your mom didn't feel that way.} The voice said. Nyako nodded. She knew that her mother was more than happy to be able to help people. But the idea of being a two tailed cat scared her.
{But I'm not my mother.} Nyako added. The voice sighed.
{Yeah, she was waaaaaayyyy braver.} The voice smirked. Nyako growled.
{You are just pissing me off now! Although you always seem to do that…} Nyako plugged her ears and hummed. She wanted nothing to do with the voice. She just wanted to see Kurama. To apologize. {Yeah, that's all. Just to apologize to him…} She lied.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ KURAMA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Kurama looked down at his hand and chuckled. It would be an interesting story to tell people at least.
“Shuichi-san! They are removing Nyako's feeding tube and her breathing tube! She's regained consciousness!” A nurse said out of breath as she bolted into the doctor's room where a doctor was taking a look at the burns on Kurama's hand. Quickly he ran back to the room to find the gang gathered around Nyako's bed. She wasn't so pale any more, and it looked like maybe she was going to make it.
“Kurama! They said she was conscious for a moment! That she was humming… or something like that!” Keiko rushed over to him and smiled. Kurama sighed happily and sat down. He noticed that Hiei looked oddly relieved and began to wonder what sort of feelings Hiei was having for Nyako.
“She is breathing on her own. That is so great, isn't Kazuma-kun?” Yukina asked. Kuwabara nodded and tried not to cry from the sappy moment he was enjoying with the Koorime.
“You guys can go home if you want. She probably won't wake up for a while. I'm just going to stay here.” Kurama assured them. The tante looked at him as if he was crazy.
“Kurama, we aren't here because we like to hover. We are here because Genkai told us it's time.” Yusuke added, his tone serious and almost morose. Kurama felt his chest tighten and his mouth dry. He knew what the detective meant.
“Aren't there other ways to go about doing this?” Kurama tried to plead with the detective. Yusuke shrugged and looked around the hospital. There weren't a lot of workers on staff that night; an easy escape.
“Time to go Nyako.” Yusuke whispered. Kurama scooped the girl up in his arms and watched as the lights and security systems went out and the fire alarm turned on.
{Done.} Hiei thought as he pulled his katana out of the fire alarm slot. He hated doing the tedious work. He would rather be pushing all the ningens down the steep steps towards the ground. There wasn't any fire, but the chaos presented by the high pitched alarms intrigued him.
{Hurry up Nyako.} Kurama thought to himself as he carefully undid all her tubes and wires and placed bandages over her. Her body was warm and limp, but still the same light weight.
“Kurama! This way!” Yusuke called from a flight of stairs upwards. Kurama held on to Nyako tightly and raced towards the roof. The more steps Kurama hit, the more he wondered if he was doing the right thing. But there was only one way to find out.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NYAKO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
{OWWW!!} Nyako screamed, her body shivering and burning at the same time. There was colors every where she went, and she couldn't bring herself to open her eyes one more time. The voice was trying to soothe her, but it wasn't working well.
{You need to get a hold of yourself!} The voice yelled. Nyako tossed and turned in the darkness that was growing redder. Her body was changing and she could feel the sick feeling in her stomach. Nyako's nails ached and her legs felt loose but strong. All the changes in her system were scaring her.
{MAKE it STOP!} Nyako cried. The voice tried to hold her, tried to keep her safe. There wasn't much the voice could do except hang on.
{You wanted to see him. You wanted to go back. You have to deal with the consequences!} The voice reminded. Nyako's eyes hardened and she cursed her own decisions.
{I take it back! I don't want to! Make it stop!} Nyako yelled at herself. Her body's pain dulled and Nyako could see her nails were sharpened to a point, and her back side had sprouted two menacing tails that swished back and forth. {NO! STOP THIS!} Nyako fell to her knees and tried to look away from her disgusting new features. Her long black hair fell over her twitching black cat ears. They felt full and proper on her head. Nyako's tears leaked out of her eyes and she didn't know what to do with herself. She was so ugly. She was a cat monster.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ KURAMA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Kurama looked down at the bright glowing magenta light and noticed that Nyako's human features were changed. Her fuzzy cat ears twitched and her two tails swayed in the night wind. Carefully, Kurama wrapped his Rose Whip around the back edge of the hospital and lowered him and Nyako down onto another building and continued to escape until they were on solid ground and capable of getting to the temple without being seen.
{I knew that I would have to save you, but I had hoped that it wouldn't have been so soon. I am so sorry, but I am so glad you are coming back to us.} Kurama thought.
Nyako's features made Kurama's heart race. He just wanted to touch the sharp nails and watch as she would flinch from the small traces of blood that her nails would steal from him.
{She's mine.} Youko purred and looked over her body. He wanted every part of her cat counter part. The two were so different to him. Her weak and fragile state was too soft for his tastes; but her demon form was strong and dangerous.
“Good. You've got her.” Genkai smiled as Kurama brought Nyako into the main room. The old woman had set up a small futon for Kurama to lay her on. It was only time that would change her now.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NYAKO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
{DAMNIT! I don't want to be this ugly creature!} Nyako cried. She cut herself when she went to wrap her arms around herself; and all it did was heal quickly. Nyako shuddered when she thought about her mother in this form. How she must have loved it the first time.
{No. Not really. She was just as scared as you were. Anyone would be.} The voice retaliated. Nyako growled and then held her hand up to her mouth. She was tired of everyone telling her that it was okay to be scared and that they would be there with her. But she was alone wasn't she? Stuck in this crazy place.
{I want to go home. I want to be normal. I want my mom and Ume and Kurama and dad. I want Genkai and the rest of the tante. I want school. I want all the things I took for granted.!} Nyako wailed. The more she cried, the more her body tensed and the more she felt like she was acting like a spoiled brat.
{You are, aren't you? A spoiled brat?} The voice said. Nyako growled again; it was a deep thundering in her throat that carried.
{No! I'm not! I've worked my ass off to survive! I got up again and again! I'm not a spoiled brat!} Nyako said. The room started to break up and she could start to feel the real life pain beyond the border of the blackness.
{Then wake up stupid-cat!} The voice yelled back at her. It was a distant voice now, and she could finally see just who it was. The girl had long black hair and magenta eyes. She was standing in the shadows.
{Fine! But you better be there!} Nyako yelled at herself. Then she was gone.
- - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CHAPTER 12 END _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - -
mmmkay! Wowo. That was soooooooo drawn out. My bad. Hope it makes sense now. I know some of you were thrilled, some of you weren't. that's okay. That is writing for you! well… I am almost done, in case you can't tell, this story is breaking and we are going to answer some long questions and get going with the good plot line!woot!
Nyako: I am soooooo happy to finally be waking up!
Kurama: *cries* I was sooooo worried! I even picked out funeral arrangements!
Nyako: WHAT!?
Hiei: *nods* Yeah, he was totally there.
Nyako: She wasn't going to really KILL me! *shocked*
Bunny: YEAH! *shocked*
Kurama: I wasn't sure. But at least now you will have a premade funeral!
Bunny and Nyako: there is no way to make that positive.
Hiei: He tried. *walks away*
Read and Review! Let me know what you think of this chapter!! Thanks for those people who CONSTANTLY review and give me their support or there hate. YES, even the hate fuels me to be a better writer. Lol. But I know you all love me, so there isn't a point to saying that. See ya'll soon!
Lovels, Bunny
Disclaimer: If I owned YYH, this woulda been a bawlin' movie by now =]