Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Unbalanced Pendulum ❯ An Evil of a Thousand Graces ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Thanks to all of my reviewers!
WARNING!!!! This chapter contains lemon/lemon-lime (pairing Karasu x Hiei). Read at your own risk.
Unbalanced Pendulum
Chapter 2: An Evil of a Thousand Graces
“Of course, of course, how rude of me. They call me Karasu and what do I want. I burn for Youko Kurama. You will deliver the legend to me, alive and unarguably perfect in body and mind.”
My face remained impassive. I was no stranger to the fox spirit's reputation - it is hard to believe that anyone could be so far removed as to be ignorant of the legend. Stories of the notorious fox were told to little children to keep them from wandering away. They said he was fear and desire incarnate, that a mere gaze from his eyes could hypnotize you, that no creature was safe from the rocking of his hips, that no person was immune to his charm, that no barrier was impossible for him to overcome, that no coin was immune to his avarice, that no creature could withstand his summoned wrath, that the very earth trembled before his grace.
Through these dark tales was the kitsune known to the world.
He never bothered to hide his presence. They said that he strutted in full view of his enemies and laughed with his back towards them. He was a pure white beauty in diaphanous robes that shone of the moon with a cold heart to match the lonely glow. His locks were of strong silver chord that he used to slit the throats of men, women, and children alike. And his pale skin never broke beneath an opponent's weapon.
Some worshipped him as a god, while others revered him as the devil. His cults of horribly misshapen chimeras from the darkest of a madman's ravings would search out little children and attractive demons to feed and please their master. They would capture humans if they were able, their blood is bitter, but their organs much more tender.
He would leave a flower behind him in a fragrant trail of death, despair, and betrayal. Be it in a lover's bed, an emptied vault, or on a dead man's open wound, the plucked blossom would be there if Kurama considered the recipient worthy of the honor.
Fanatics followed the fox's colorful trail like scent hounds, but they could never catch him.
Rumour spread among them that the great spirit watched over them and would often choose his next lover from their flock. Many demons, seduced by the danger and forbidden paths that he personified, joined the chase in the hopes that he would choose them. Often the most persistent of the members would disappear only to be found in a state of dead delirium. These fatalities discouraged no one.
The kitsune seemed to dare anyone to catch him, to tame him, to bend him to his or her will.
They said that his glowing, golden eyes could be distinguished by their laughing scorn. He knows he is dominant over all life, a legend among legends.
And I am now asked to strip him of all glory, to distinguish those gorgeous eyes, to silence his mocking lips, to kill his beloved ardor. I am to kill a god.
“I have hired others, I don't think I need to tell you that they failed. Why else would I be here? If you are as good as word says you to be, this should be no more than a challenge to be overcome.” Karasu was testing me with his words. I knew this game and I played it very well.
“Five-hundred is not enough.” He looked curiously at me. The last slice of kidney was between his fingers.
“What do you want then?”
“One thousand, five-hundred.” His startling violet eyes narrowed. Rivulets of blood dribbled down his fingers, his wrist. They coalesced into a single red stream flowing down to gather at his elbow.
“That is a ridiculous insurance price. I will offer not a penny more than seven-hundred.” The insurance price is always one-fourth of the overall payment. The rest is given when the mission is complete - a trade.
A single drop of blood fell from the small pool at his elbow and was lost in the black fabric of his suit.
I turned to leave. “One thousand.” The words were dredged up from the pits of his angry desire. I was no fool. If he were mad enough to sponsor this mission, he would be willing to pay any price for hope of victory.
“One thousand, two-hundred or I walk.”
“Fine,” his voice dropped to a huskier tone, “but a pretty thing like you owes me a little favor for that much money.” I noticed the mole retrieve the meal cart and exit the room, shutting the door behind him.
Karasu pushed the bloody carcass off of the ratty bed he was sitting on, never taking his eyes off my body. His actions annoyed me, but money is money, and sex often only a tool in the simplistic politics of the Maikai. This wasn't exactly my first client to require something…extra of me. At least this Karasu was an attractive man. Some of my previous encounters were not so endowed.
He stood and quickly closed the distance between us with his long legs. He was a good two feet taller than myself. His hands encircled my neck, stroking down my unresponsive shoulders.
“You are a beautiful creature, you know that? If I hadn't hired you for other purposes that required your health I would ravage you senseless.” He giggled.
His tongue swirled around my ear, tickling behind, dipping in. The cold air of his breath raised gooseflesh on my neck. I never bothered with pointless self-control.
“I would chain you down and carve your skin in more ways than one. I might've even gouged my name into your delicious flesh.” His thin lips trailed the entire vicinity of my skin then claimed my moaning mouth in a vicious kiss that drew blood from my lips. “And intoxicate myself with your blood.”
His cruel words awakened my demonic lust and I dragged his lips back down to mine with a growl. Only to have him chuckle coldly and allow his mouth to come barely within a hair's breath of mine, teasing me, enjoying the power he felt when allowed to dominate me.
I gasped when I felt his fingers against my chest, beneath my cloak and shirt. They were teasing little spiders against my flesh, though I could feel their restrained urge to tear into my skin. What a sadistic bastard. The long nails played lightly against my muscled stomach. “My oh my, you are a little hard body.” He giggled at his own play on words and viciously grabbed my aroused cock through the thick material of my pants. My eyes rolled back into my head at the brutality of it. A low moan escaped my throat in the pleasure-pain. I bore the taunt, as the submissive should.
In these encounters the client was almost always dominant.
My cloak and tank top suddenly found homes on the floor, nearly ripped off in urgency. His fine fingers made quick work of the four white dragon's hide belts I wore, my pants now held up by no more than a drawstring.
Karasu was cold and possessive, pinching and scratching as his hands ran down my legs, pulling my rough pants off as he did.
I wore no underwear, few demons did and finding such delicate clothing in the Maikai was difficult for demons truly had no need of such garments.
I was completely without shame naked before the still fully dressed Karasu.
I was so short in comparison to his lanky figure that the removal of my pants had brought him to his knees. His mouth was conveniently located at my hard cock and he decided to play.
He engulfed my arousal with his hot mouth, swirling his tongue and teasing me with his shameless lack of rhythm. I gave him what he wanted, pumping into his mouth, making him take more and more of me.
Gods, there was, and still is, a reason why sex was one of the Maikai's favorite pastimes. It is a sinful heaven of nerves and skins. An intimate activity of exhausting pleasure and hallucinations that reduces even the most formidable of demons to powerless beggars. I am certainly no exception and I whimpered and gasped and cursed my coming satisfaction. But Karasu wasn't as simple as some. He wanted his dominance in full.
He mouth fully withdrew from me. My desire was as obvious as the heaving of my chest. He stepped away and removed his pants, only. Perverse purple rapist eyes bore into me. I may have been drunk on desire, but my mind still functioned. I was only partly involved in this encounter. Nothing about it really invited my participation and I was free to observe my current partner's actions, analyze him. His actions dictated a power hungry son of a bitch that fed off of control - a true, dark hearted demon.
A surprisingly strong grip threw me face down on the bed and without preparation he slammed into my crevice with brutal force. His chosen rhythm was a sadistically hard and broken pattern of slow withdrawals and cruel intrusions. I screamed my pleasure every time he hit that spot, the erogenous zone that sparked fire and shocked me with iron melting intensity.
I spilled my seed after the fourth aching hit. Karasu violently came a few thrusts later, collapsing on top of me. His penis slid slickly out of my entrance when he rolled off to one side. He simply lay there on his back; chest rising and falling is gasping breaths.
I had no wish to stay there longer than need be and so rose, albeit shakily, onto my elbows. Slowly, I stepped onto the floor. Each of the tavern's backrooms had an often-replenished washbasin for moments such as these. I found this room's hidden in the corner and rinsed both my and Karasu's ejaculate off of my body before redressing myself. Moving was an arduous process. I was not only tired and sexually satisfied, but he had achingly torn me inside with his ferocity. My blood turned the basin pink. But it had ceased bleeding soon enough. I could and had taken much more but that didn't mean that I liked the aftereffect.
From the bed, Karasu watched my movements with his eyes, “You are a handsome creature. I could get used to having you around.”
“No,” my response was flat.
He giggled, “Aw was I too rough on you?”
“Hn.” More of his twisted laughter followed me out the door.
As I expected, the purple mole demon was seated at the bar waiting for his master to finish his business with me. I stood rather than sat next to him due to the brutalized condition of my ass. “How will I contact your master to arrange the trade once I have completed my given task?”
“You will find us.” I silently glared at him. That was not a good enough answer. It took nearly a minute but he began to fidget under my gaze. “R-really, the-the best I can tell you is to ch-check back here.”
“You can do better.” I turned to see Karasu come towards us, fully dressed.
“Worthless mole. Hiei, I will always have someone stationed here because of the news that travels through these walls,” he leaned in very close to my body and slipped the appropriately valued stones into my cloak pocket to cover the insurance price. “Simply come with a silver lock of the youko's hair around your wrist. My servant will find you and give you a black feather as proof. Their first words will be `Karasu is glad to see you my friend.” His last words were so quiet that I barely heard the whisper.
I nodded curtly and left the bar. I had had enough of the atmosphere and was ready to begin my hunt.
That was my first attempt at any sort of lemon or lime scene. How'd I do?