Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Has Changed ❯ Chapter 4: Yoko's Last Memory; Kori's First Rememberance ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
KS: Well, ummmmmm..... Hope you enjoy!!!! R&R!!!


inuyasha-lovers: I'm glad you like this one. Thanks for being the first reviewer!! Hope you enjoy the next chapter.

Mudpuppy: Thanks for the reviewing. Glad you like my stories and here's the update! And I'm going to update My Little Kit as soon as posible.


What Has Changed
PG 13 (mostly for violence and Kori's anger issues)
Summary: When Kurama's attacked by a demon, it sends him flying back almost twenty years in the past (in his mind) and right into his true form: Yoko Kurama. Finding Kori, an old friend and partner, could help him, but harm her. How could she ever explain what has changed?
Note: The rest of the story will be told in Yoko's POV or Kori's POV. There will be occasional flasbacks which will most likely be in third person.


Chapter 4: Yoko's Last Memory; Kori's First Rememberance

Yoko's POV

I had to explain to Koenma and those other three- whose names I still haven't got down- that Kori would explain my memories but that it would take sometime. I was temted to say a year so I could stay with Kori, but she said a couple weeks, maybe a moth or two. The one thing she has to say and she has to say the time. Great...

And Koenma said they would stay with us because they had to take over from where Kori left off. Kori looked pissed at that.

And was still pissed as I followed her out of the house. She had her arms crossed over her chest and was growling, slightly. And as soon as she could no longer hear them, Kori exploded. "WHO THE HELL DOES HE THINK HE IS?! COMING INTO MY HOUSE-" she looked back at me for a second- "or our house, whatever- AND TELLING ME WHAT TO DO! AND STAYING!!"

"Umm, Kori..." I said. I should've known this was going to happen. "He is the Prince of Reikai, and he did get me back to you."

She just glared back at me. "That is not the point. If I spend one moment in that house with him, I will scream. Better yet, I'll kill him."

"Kori, you're lucky that your not arrested now," I stated, and she stopped and glanced back at me, raising an eyebrow. "Kori, please don't take this the wrong way, but you've always been a little psychotic and know it seems to be alot more than a little. You're also emotionally and mentally unstable. You are in no condition to kill anyone and if you killed Koenma, they's probably kill you on the spot."

That was a risk. If you ever met Kori, don't ever tell her she's anything I said. She'll be worse than she was when you met her. That made no sense-

"I'm not emotionally or mentally unstable," Kori snapped, continueing to walk.

"Then what do you call snapping at people all the time? And your little explosions that cause anyone within twenty feet of you to cower in fear?" I asked her. I had seen tha happened too. She scares anyone that comes near her. Except for Kuronue and myself. But we also knew the other side of her.

"It's called anger, Yoko," she snapped, stopping and turning around to face me. "What the fuck did you think it was?"

"It's an emotion. Say the word, Kori. Emotion. Do you need me to spell it out for you? Do you need me to explain what it is?" I asked her.

"I know what an emotion. I'm not stupid."

"I'm surprised you do, seeing as how you never seem to feel anything but anger," I stated. I was getting pissed, and I didn't even know why. "You never seem sad-"

She interrupted, "What the hell did you think I was doing when I was quiet for days? I never let you know because you and Kuronue were such nosy bastards that you would've asked why!"

I continued, as if she had never spoken, "I've might of seen alot of emotions from you, but they aren't shown as much as anger. I've never once seen you so upset-"

"That is not true. I've been happy for days at a time too!" she argued. "My anger only comes out in spurts, I never stay like that for days in a row."

I still continued on, "I've never once sen you cry. Or your eyes even water."

Kori blinked. "But Yoko, I cried when..." She stoped herself and turned around too continuing to walk. "Never mind."

I grabbed her arm and spun her around, "Cried when?"

Kori pulled her arm free, and went back to walking. "Forget I said anything. You wouldn't remeber it anyway."


Kori was silent for the rest of the trip. I did know she could be silent for days. I never took that for sadness though. I mean, she could be so mysterious that I just thought she was thinking. Besides she came right out of them. Into quite a happy person, actually.

Okay, I screwed up. I got angry at her and now she's angry at me. Or she's upset. Either one. Never mind, I didn't screw up. Koenma did. I blame this all on him.

Kori stopped and sat down Indian style. We had stopped at a patch of land that was surounded by trees. There were a few giant rocks, but they were all around the edges. "Where are we at?" I asked.

"Sit right there," Kori stated, pointing across from her. "And we happen to be in the middle of the forest." I was about to say that I know that was where we were but she held up a hand stopping me. "Don't even say it. I wasn't trying to be smart; I was just telling you what I know. This place was never exactley given a name. And I don't intend to name it. All you need to know is that this place happens to be a nice place to remember."

I just nodded my head and sat. "Okay, what's the last thing you remember before waking up?" she asked.



"Baka kitsune," Kori muttered, as she ran behind Yoko and Kuronue.

"What did I do know?" Yoko asked. Kori didn't reply, just continued to run.

Yoko and Kuronue stopped, slidding to a halt. Kori, on the other hand, almost slammed into Yoko. "Will you tell someone when you're going to do that?" she snapped.

"Didn't you even here that?" Yoko asked.


"Yoko, I think everyone heard that," she replied. The bat and the fox looked back at her. "What?!"


"How close is that?" Kuronue asked Yoko.

"I don't know," Yoko commented. His ears twitched. Sounds pretty close. And its coming from the s-"


That was closer than anyone expected. It was, infact, right behind Kori. "Kori, watch out!" Kuronue shouted.


End FlashBack

"And that's all I remember," I stated. "Well, at least before waking up."

Kori stared at the ground, silent for the moment. She blinked and looked up at me. "It was a murder attempt," she stated. "Almost twenty years ago."

"Twenty years ago?" I repeated. "But Kori thats impossible... it was this morning."


"Kori, it had to be. How can I miss twenty years of my own life?"

"Yoko-" she repeated.

"Kori, tell me this is a joke..." I murmurred.

"Yoko... I can't do that," she murmmured. "I'm only here to show you your past."

A flower sprouted out in front of us. Large blue petals, each about the size of my hand, opened slowly. "What's that?" I asked.

"A memory flower," she replied. "The best way is to show you throw my memories. Pictures of what has happened. If I tell you my memories, all you'll have is words. But if I show you, something could click and you'll remember."

I stared at her. "I'm ready."

"Alright, will stop where you left off," Kori replied. She moved her hand towards a petal and touched it with one finger. It glowed an errie blue and then....

Yoko opened his eyes slowly. "What the hell happened?" he asked.

"That would be an attempt to kill you and Kuro," Kori stated.

Yoko moved his head to follow her voice. "Kuro's alive, right?" he asked.

"Of course. Do you really think that bat would die from that?" Kori asked, sitting on the bed next to him.

"No, I guess you're right," Yoko stated.

"Of course I'm right," Kori stated. "He's just out unconcious."

Yoko chuckled, slightly. "And you?"

"Just a couple of little scratches," she replied.

Yoko studied her face. "Do you call that a little scratch?" he asked, as he traced from above her right eye, through it, off her chin, and stopped slightly abover her collarbone.

"It's not that bad, Yoko. I can still see. I'm not blind. Don't worry," Kori stated, brushing his hand away.

"I'm not supposed to worry about you?" he asked. "Kori, that happens to be impossible. You get into more things than I have ever seen any woman get into. You're asking for a miracle."

"Miracles happen." She laid a cold, wet rag on his head. "Stay there. I've got to check on Kuro."

"Where the hell do you think I could go?" Yoko asked.

Kori turned around. "Shut up, fox boy."

The glow was gone and I was staring at Kori. "You feel back asleep after that. Do you want to see another memory?"

"I guess. But first... When's the last time you had something to eat?" I asked.

"Why?" she asked, her eyes widining.

"Because you look skinny," I replied. "I mean, you're just bones and skin. As a matter of fact-" I leaned forward and placed my hand on her stomach, running it up and down- "I can feel all of your ribs."

"Get your hands off of my stomach and shut up, fox boy."