Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Line Is It Anyway? Yu Yu Hakusho Style! ❯ Yusuke, Shishiwakamaru, KoEnma, & Koto ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
<Font face="Verdana">Once again! I got a lot of awesome reviews and decided to continue writing! ^_^ I might even start taking requests for games and characters. Anyway on to the disclaimers and notes.<Br>
Disclaimers: Whose Line Is It Anyway? belongs to whomever created the show, all Yu Yu Hakusho characters belong to themselves and their creator, Yoshihiro Togashi. Shin and her demon self Inu Kodoku belong to me, seeing as she is me. Ryuka belongs to herself, though she's an OC of one of my fanfics. Any random original characters belong to me.<Br>
A/N: Sorry it's taken me so long to write another show, my brother's recently moved to UMR (University of Missouri - Rolla) and I had to help him move in. Also, I've been on a bit of a lag with writing because of marching band and such other things. -.-() My brain's tired. Well, now, our last show had Jin, Touya, Suzuki, and Botan, who will star on it today and what will the games be? Stay tuned for the show! Bye! ^_^<Br>
* * * * * * *<Br>
Shin: *standing on the stage* Hello and welcome to Whose Line Is It Anyway? Yu Yu Hakusho style! The show where everything's made up on the spot by our delightful actors and the points are as worthless as a fight with Suzuki! No offense, Suzuki, but Genkai did kick your butt with ease. *laughter, but Suzuki's chucking as well* Such a good sport! At the end of the show I'll pick a winner who gets a free night of dinner and a movie with me while the losers are locked in a towel closet full of evil hamsters. *laughter* Our fan girl control service is brought to you by our two special guests today! *gestures to the special seats, but no one's there* Eh? *looks around to find the two* Where'd they go?<Br>
*There's a crash as two guys fall through the ceiling, making a big mess as they fight on the stage and Shin hides behind a camera man* <Br>
Shin: The two rivals of the show Dragon Ball Z, created and owned by Akira Toriyama, The heart of gold fighter, Goku! *applause* and the egomaniac who's destroying the stage, Vegeta! *applause, but it's cut short as some more ceiling comes down* Grr. *the two fighters suddenly become encased in ice* Ah! Thank you, Touya! *stalks over to the two frozen fighters and breaks the ice*<Br>
Goku: W...What w...was th...that? *shivering*<Br>
Vegeta: Wh...Where's the p...punk who d...did th...that? *Also shivering*<Br>
Shin: *Has flames around her, provided by one of Ryuka's flame aura spells* GOKU! VEGETA! You are our fan girl control tonight! You both know that, you signed a contract, now clean up this mess and sit in those seats to control them! <Br>
*Goku immediately starts cleaning up while Vegeta grumbles, glares, and eventually, but reluctantly starts cleaning up too*<Br>
Shin: *goes to sit in chair behind desk* While those two are cleaning up, I'll introduce tonights contestants! I went to Spirit World and all I got was this lousy T-shirt, Yusuke Urameshi! *Focus on Yusuke who does his 'bang' gesture*, He can twirl his sword as well as any band majorette... It's Shishiwakamaru! *Focus on Shishi*, The guy with the Junior mark and the pacifier, Koenma! *focus on Koenma in his teenage form*, and the girl who enjoys watching violence and pain, Koto! *focus on Koto*. Our past contestants are sitting in the seats behind me under the protection of Goku and Vegeta, who have finally cleaned the place up. *laughter* <Br>
*fan girls are screaming and trying to get to Shishi and the other boys, but Vegeta and Goku keep them in check with energy barriers*<Br>
Shin: Wow... Vegeta knows something defensive... Scary. *ducks to avoid one of Vegeta's energy beams* No attacking the host or I'll lock you in a room with fan girls! Ok, let's get started with our first game... SUPER HEROS! *applause* Now this is for all four of you. I think our starter will be Yusuke, he needs a super hero name. *turns chair to look at the audience* Let's hear some suggestions?<Br>
*Audience comes up with suggestions like: Mr. Deathgun, Captain Dimwit (said by none other than Genkai), Super Pervert, and Sleepwalking Man.* Slacker Man! <Br>
Shin: hehe. I like the Slacker Man idea. Now what's the world crisis he has discovered and must solve?<Br>
*Audience comes up with ideas like: Porn shortage, Snack shortage, Demons are rampaging, and No more alcohol.* Couch Shortage!<Br>
Shin: That's good! Ok, Yusuke, you're Slacker Man and your world crisis is that there's a shortage on couches. Begin.<Br>
Yusuke: *pretending to watch TV and gasps* There's a shortage on couches! I needed a new one! No!!! I, Slacker Man, must get a new couch and solve this problem. I'm sure my super friends will help me!<Br>
Koenma: *Hurries in* Sorry, I was late, your yard is like a jungle! When was the last time you mowed it?<Br>
Yusuke: You know I never mow my lawn, it's effort, but thank god you're here Random Dancing Man!<Br>
Koenma: *doing an Irish jig* I just recently won a dance contest for this jig, but what's the problem? *Irish jigs over to Yusuke*<Br>
Yusuke: There's a shortage on couches! You must help me find one!<Br>
Shishi: *Dives into the group* What's the problem? I'm ready to help.<Br>
Koenma: *Now tap dancing* Glad you got my message, Captain Paranoia! *throws arms out and starts doing the can-can*<Br>
Shishi: Yes, I received it just after my shower. *looks around* What was that sound... This room isn't being watched is it? AH! What was that?! *looks around all paranoid like* What's the problem?<Br>
Yusuke: There's a shortage on couches! I need to get one!<Br>
Shishi: Damn, that's bad! *freezes and stares at the windows* Was someone just there? *silence as he looks around*<Br>
Koto: *Leaps in right behind Shishi* I'M HEEEERE! What's up?<Br>
Shishi: *screams in surprise and hides behind Koemna* Oh, it's just Senseless Violence Girl *Koenma grabs him and starts doing the tango* Are you coming on to me? <Br>
Koemna: No, I just need a dance partner, fool. *continues to tango*<Br>
Koto: *pretends to punch Koemna and Shishi, then jump kicks Yusuke* What's the problem? I had to stop beating up a bum for no reason to come here?<Br>
Yusuke: *rubs face* There's a couch shortage, I need a new one badly and I can't find any! *ducks one of Koto's punches*<Br>
Koto: That's terrible! How can you be Slacker Man without a couch to lay on and do your slacking? *suddenly attacks Shishi, who had resumed creeping around all paranoid like*<Br>
Shishi: AH! Many ninjas attacking the house! I keep hearing creaking above us! I think the room's being watched!<Br>
Koenma: *Now break dancing* I have a nice bunch of couches back at my office. Never got around to using them.<Br>
Yusuke: *laying on the floor all bored* WOW! Could all of you go get a few for me? *yawns* I'm gonna take a nap.<Br>
Koto: *attacks all three of them for no reason* Sure, why not. I'll beat up a few of the office demons for no reason! Whee! *exits while punching the air*<Br>
Shishi: I will sneak out quietly so the watchers don't know I'm leaving. *exits by army crawling*<Br>
Koenma: *river dancing* Be back with some couches, see ya' Slacker Man! *exits while doing the waltz*<Br>
Yusuke: *Completely asleep* zzzzzzzzzzz..... <Br>
Shin: *presses the buzzer a few times to wake Yusuke up* That was great! A thousand points to the four of you! *applause* For the first game of Superheros, that went very well. Ok. The next game is for Yusuke and Koenma. It's called "Home Shopping!" in this game, the two boys are hosting a Home Shopping program that sells useless items! Take your places. *Yusuke and Koenma grab two stools and sit on them in the middle of the stage* And go!<Br>
Yusuke: Hello, home shopping viewers and welcome to the Shopaholics program! I'm, Tom Ripoff, and this is my co-host, Mark Skeevy. Say, Mark, didn't you just get your wife a wonderful new product we're selling?<Br>
Koenma: Hey, Tom, yes I did. It's the Juicermatic 9000! *pretends to pull it out* It can juice anything from rocks to carrots. You just take the item, like this lemon. *holds up an invisible lemon* and put it in the juicing chamber *puts it in the juicer* then close it and press Juice! *presses a button, making the sound effects* And in no time you'll have a wonderful cup of lemon juice. AH! *the juicer starts spraying lemon juice everywhere* Turn it off! Turn it off!<Br>
Yusuke: Yes! Turn it o.... *lemon juice gets in his eyes* AAAHH! MY EYES! IT BURNS *runs around trying to get the juice out of eyes* IT BURNS! *runs out and finds a sink and starts washing eyes and face, walks back in soaking wet* Much better. <Br>
Koenma: *Chucks the juicer away as it explodes* Um... It worked better last time... Well, anyway! Buy it today for just $99.95. Our next product is something Tom bought for his mother, what was it?<Br>
Yusuke: Yes, that's right! My mother has a drinking problem, so I decided to get her something that will stop her drinking problem because it'll instantly make her drunk! It's the InstaDrunk in a can! *holds it up* Just pull the tab, drink the contents and instantly you'll be drunk! No more need to drink so much until you get drunk or nearly pee in your pants! <Br>
Koenma: Let me try that. *takes the can, pulls the tab, and drinks* Mmm! Delicious! *gets all woozy and drunk* Hey... This ish pretty good schtuff! *walks around all drunkenly* How much is it?<Br>
Yusuke: A dollar and a half! Isn't that perfect and it's filled with everything you need when you get drunk!<Br>
Koenma: *wanders around and then suddenly passes out*<Br>
Yusuke: I guess that's all we have today! Remember to go out and buy those products! And don't forget to buy our newest addition to our How To Be A Lazy Bum books! Volume Six! How to Talk Like A Lazy Bum! Price is $19.95! See you tomorrow folks! <Br>
Shin: *presses the buzzer a few times* Six hundred points for Yusuke and Seven hundred for the drunken Spirit World kid! *laughter* We'll be back with more of Whose Line Is It Anyway? Yu Yu Hakusho Style after these commercials, so don't go away! <Br>
*Commercials run for a bit, but then the show returns, to reveal more ceiling missing and a few holes in the walls*<Br>
Shin: *Sitting in chair with feet on the desk* Hello and welcome back to the show! As you can see our guests Vegeta and Goku had a bit of a disagreement, so Ryuka's come in to control the fan girl control. By the way, boys. *looks at the two saiyans.* You're both getting a bill for this damage you've caused. It's a heck load of money, too.<Br>
Goku: Chichi's going to have my head if she finds out about this.<Br>
Vegeta: Your wife controls you like a human controls a dog. <Br>
Ryuka: Bulma's not going to be happy with you either Vegeta, no doubt you're not going to get any action for a while and you'll have to sleep on the couch. *her dragon snorts* Hinote agrees with me. *Vegeta sulks*<Br>
Shin: Ok, anyway, back to the games. Our next one is for all four of you! It's one of our favorites, "Props!", you know the drill. Yusuke and Shishi come over by me and Koto and Koenma, you go to the other side, but first here are your props. *hands Koto and Koenma two plastic swords* And here are yours. *hands Yusuke and Shishi a large cape* <Br>
Shishi: *stares at the cape* This looks strangely familiar.<Br>
Shin: Both teams ready? *looks at them* And begin!<Br>
Koto: Time to start mowing the lawn. *pretends to pull a cord as Koenma's holding the fake swords in each hand with both arms stretched out* Let's go! *Koenma starts spinning with sound effects*<Br>
Yusuke: *Sees Shishi all wrapped up in the cape* It's the ancient mummy of Pharaoh Hakamuku! *laughter*<Br>
Koenma: Watch as Koenma chops these veggies up! *starts using both swords to slice up veggies* Koenma can cook!<Br>
Shishi: *pulls the cape off of Yusuke as wedding music plays* Hey! You're not my soon to be wife!<Br>
Koto: It's Excalibur and the Masamune! *tries to pull both swords out of the ground* Can't pull them out. *sees a vat of super glue* DAMMIT!<Br>
Yusuke: Towel whip! *twists the cape up and cracks it at Shishi, who yelps and rubs his butt, glaring at Yusuke* Um.. SHE DID IT! *points at Shin, who blinks and looks around*<Br>
Koenma: Behold my newest invention! *holds up the swords* The Shiny Pointy Things of Metal that can kill things!<Br>
Shishi: Toro! Toro! *waving the cape in front of Yusuke, who puts his fingers at his head in a horn fashion and charges* haha! *pulls the cape away, letting Yusuke run by right into the desk* Oops.<Br>
Koto: Draw thy sword and fight me you knave! *She and Koenma start sword fighting until she trips Koenma*<Br>
Yusuke: *has the cape tied around him like a toga* TOGA MAN IS HERE! <Br>
Koenma: Avast ye! *waves swords at Koto* Walk the plank *Koto pretends to jump off the plank and into water*<Br>
Shishi: *has the cape over Yusuke* Behold, I have made the rabbit turn into a man! *pulls the cape off and throws it towards the audience without a second thought to reveal Yusuke* <Br>
*the cape glows and falls on top of Kuwabara, who disappears from the studio as the cape surrounds him*<Br>
Kuwabara: Crap! Even here! *voice fades as he is transported to some other point on the planet*<Br>
Shishi: I thought that cape looked familiar! It was my Cape Of No Return.<Br>
Shin: Crap! Ryuka, please could you find him?! *Ryuka nods and disappears with Hinote* Well, that's the end of the game. Um, put the props back over here and um.. let's do a musical number next. It's "Charity Anthem!" and once again it's for all four of you! Koenma and Shishi are two famous singers and have to sing about a topic introduced by Koto and Yusuke! It has to be some sort of charity thing. Ok. Go!<Br>
Yusuke: Welcome to the Charity for Angst Teenage Poets! We must support them through their times of need and here to sing a song for them are the famous singers, Enrique Iglesias *gestures to Koenma* and Sting! *gestures to Shishi* Thank you for coming to support our cause.<Br>
Koto: Nice to see you two here!<Br>
Shishi: It's nice to be here and sing for these poor poets.<Br>
Koenma: A song that the two of us wrote and have never practiced!<Br>
Yusuke: Can't wait to here it! I'm sure our angst filled teen poets will appreciate the time you've spent on them.<Br>
Koto: Would you sing it for us? <Br>
Shishi: Sure, why not, let's do this Enrique.<Br>
Koenma: Right behind you, Sting. <Br>
Shishi: Oh! I've spent all my days in my room,<Br>
In the dark, all alone and as quiet as a tomb.<Br>
I do nothing, but write sad and sorry poems all day,<Br>
And my parents seem to think that I'm okay.<Br>
Koenma: I spend all my time in front of the computer,<Br>
Hitting the keys to type out a poem about my life and future.<Br>
All of them are quite depressing and full of anger or pain,<Br>
But I've become a teen poet in the cold state of Maine!<Br>
Shishi: Oh! I'm a teen poet, (Koenma: I'm a teen poet!)<Br>
Full of angst and strife! (Koenma: Angst and strife)<Br>
My parents think I'm happy, (Koenma: They think I'm happy!)<Br>
But they'll discover they're wrong, (Koenma: Discover they're wrong.)<Br>
When they read my poems of sorrow! (Koenma: Poems of sorrow.)<Br>
Koenma: They'll all see! (Shishi: They'll all see!)<Br>
What it means to be, (Shishi: Means to be!)<Br>
A poet full of angst and anger. (Shishi: Angst and anger.)<Br>
I'll make the big time one day. (Shishi: Big time one day.)<Br>
With my poems of sorrow! (Shishi: Poets of sorrow)<Br>
Shishi & Koenma: Oooooh! We're angst filled teen-age poets, <Br>
And we'll show you all that we can make it!<Br>
With all of our poems of sorrow!<Br>
Shin: *Presses the buzzer as they finish* That was wonderful! Five hundred to Koto and Yusuke for hosting and seven hundred to our two wonderful singers, Shishi and Koenma! *applause* Ok, let's see our next game is "Whose Line", which will be done by Koto and Shishi. In this game they act out a scene and use lines that you, the audience, have chosen or written. This is for Koto *hands her a hat* and this is for Shishi *hands him a hat* In this scene, Koto and Shishi are out on their first date at a pizza place. The must discuss hobbies and etc, but they're both nervous. Begin!<Br>
*Both of them sit down on the floor, looking nervous*<Br>
Koto: *looks nervous* Well, this is a nice place. I love pizza.<Br>
Shishi: *Nervously* H... Hey! So do I! What kind do you like?<Br>
Koto: Cheese is good, but so is hamburger. *laughs nervously*<Br>
Shishi: So... You like... Stuff? *pretends to drink some water*<Br>
Koto: Yeah... Stuff is good. *pulls out a line* But I prefer to go around killing people all day while listening to classical music. *laughter*<Br>
Shishi: Oh... Y... You do? *smiles nervously and pulls out a line* I enjoy making love to small furry animals and animal demons! *laughter*<Br>
Koto: I'm an animal demon, would you make love to me? <Br>
Shishi: Perhaps, but I recently lost my apartment, so we don't have a bed to make love in. *looks sad and sighs*<Br>
Koto: That's ok, I have a little house we can go to. *smile and wink*<Br>
Shishi: Oh, really? Well, then let's head over there! <Br>
Koto: First I must tell you something. *pulls out a line* There's a mass of mice that are starting a revolution against humans in my basement!<Br>
Shishi: Then let's get a hotel room and *pulls out a line* Oh, my god! The monkey ninjas are revolting! Ah!<Br>
Koto: Crap! Then let's go to that hotel right away! *stands up*<Br>
Shishi: Yes, let's go my lovely kitty demon, but can we order and eat the pizza first? *gestures to the floor* <Br>
Koto: Ok, but let's get anchovies, you know how they are.<Br>
Shin: *Presses the buzzer a few times* That was great. Three hundred points to the both of you and an extra point for each time you were suggestive about getting it on. Stick around to find out who our winner is after these commercials! <Br>
*commercials run for a bit, but then returns to the show. Ryuka and Hinote have returned with Kuwabara, who has a few bandages on his face, his friends are chuckling*<Br>
Shin: Hey, welcome back to the show! As you can see, Ryuka found Kuwabara and he's a bit injured. Where did he go?<Br>
Ryuka: Where else, but the old Dark Tournament stadium that he always lands in. *laughter*<Br>
Kuwabara: Why does that stupid cape always send me there?!<Br>
Hiei: Maybe it's because that's were you failed, fool.<Br>
Kuwabara: You want a fight shorty?! *gets ready to pound Hiei, who gets ready to attack him.*<Br>
Shin: Kuwabara! Hiei! No fighting! *sees that Kurama has separated the two boys* Ah! Thank you, Kurama! *smile* Well, now back to the show. Our winner tonight is... Koenma! For his dancing and singing. *camera focuses on him at the desk* So, Koenma, what's our next game.<Br>
Koenma: Let's do "Song Titles" We haven't done that one before, what are the rules for it.<Br>
Shin: The four contestants act out a scene speaking ONLY in song titles and there are some weird song titles out there. What's the scene?<Br>
Koenma: You four are guests that are snowed into a mansion with a and someone's killed the host. You're trying to figure out who did it. Go.<Br>
Shishi: *staring outside* Let It Snow! <Br>
Shin: You're Insane! *buzzer*<Br>
Koenma: Is that a song title? *Ryuka checks the internet and nods to confirm it's real* Yes it is. Valid!<Br>
Yusuke: *enters* Who Killed Mr. Moonlight!<Br>
Shin: It Wasn't Me! *holds up hands defensively*<Br>
Shishi: Winter Wonderland?<Br>
Koto: *enters* Hand Of The Dead Body? *holds up a fake hand*<Br>
Yusuke: Basketcase! *points at Koto*<Br>
Shin: Oh What A Night. *shakes head*<Br>
Shishi: Hold My Hand! *clings to Shin, who looks annoyed*<Br>
Shin: Get Off My Back! *pushes Shishi away*<Br>
Shishi: There Are Worse Things I Could Do. *evil grin*<Br>
Yusuke: Desperado *cracks knuckles, glaring a Shishi*<Br>
Koto: And So It Goes! *flexes fingers*<Br>
Shishi: Take On Me? *looks a bit frightened, but still confident*<Br>
Shin: With A Little Help From My Friends. *glares at Shishi*<Br>
Shishi: How Could You Believe Me When I Said I Loved You When You Know I've Been A Liar All My Life! *backs away*<Br>
Shin: You Lied? *looks confused*<Br>
Shishi: I Want You Back. *hugs Shin, who blinks in confusion*<Br>
Koto: Seasons Of Love. *laughs*<Br>
Yusuke: If I Loved You? *looks at Koto*<Br>
Koto: How Could I Ever Know? *looks at Yusuke*<Br>
Shishi: Embraceable You *still hugging Shin*<Br>
Shin: Where've You Been? *hugging Shishi back, but looking vengeful.*<Br>
Shishi: Somewhere Out There! *looks really happy*<Br>
Koto: You Can't Take Me! *tries to run*<Br>
Yusuke: The Murderer! *points at Koto*<Br>
Shin: Use What You've Got! *does the spirit gun gesture*<Br>
Shishi: Angel Eyes *still clinging to Shin*<Br>
Yusuke: I Got You! *pretends to shoot Koto with the Spirit Gun*<Br>
Koto: I Will Always Return! *collapses on the ground*<Br>
Shishi: Good Loving! *still hugging Shin*<Br>
Shin: You Can't Hurry Love! *pushes Shishi back*<Br>
Shishi: You've Lost That Loving Feeling! *Shakes head*<Br>
Shin: La Vie Boheme! *rolls eyes*<Br>
Yusuke: Kiss The Girl! *laughs kind of evilly*<Br>
Shin: Omae o Korosu! (I will kill you) *glares at Yusuke*<Br>
Koenma: That's not a song title, Shin.<Br>
Shishi: Kiss From A Rose! *Hugs Shin tightly and kisses her*<Br>
Audience: *cheers as Shishi kisses a very shocked Shin*<Br>
Shin: Conceited Bastard! *slaps Shishi directly into a wall and turns on Yusuke, who backs away* Hound Dog! <Br>
Yusuke: uh... Son Of A Preacher Man? *shrieks and runs as Shin chases after him with the desk*<Br>
Koenma: *is so amused by this he doesn't even bother to stop Shin*<Br>
Shin: *smashes the desk on Yusuke and walks back* Rest In Pieces *looks around to see Shishi unconscious next to the wall, Koto looking frightened and Yusuke unconscious under the desk. Blinks*<Br>
Koto: Like A Prayer? *looks at Shin*<Br>
Shin: That Lonesome Road. *shakes head*<Br>
Koto: Kiss Him Goodbye! *points at Shishi with a grin on her face*<Br>
Shin: *eyes turn firey, glaring at Koto* Hush! *smashes the chair over Koto, who is knocked out* Um....<Br>
Koenma: *on the ground from the lack of chair*<Br>
Audience: *Roaring with laughter and cheers*<Br>
Shin: Um... Homeless? *shrugs and sits down*<Br>
Koenma: Um.. *presses the buzzer several times* Remind me not to piss Shin off like that. <Br>
Shin: Yeah, well, I don't like Shishi hitting on me remember? *sits cross legged on the ground looking annoyed* Much less kissing me. <Br>
Ryuka: Didn't he sign a special contract saying that if he did any performing with you he couldn't kiss you?<Br>
Shin: Yep. *nods* Obviously he forgot that. *sweatdrops*<Br>
Ryuka: It's a surprise he hits on you, Shin, since you're a violent maniac and so aggressive towards guys. *sweatdrops*<Br>
Shin: Only towards guys I don't like. *sighs* Well, um... Yes, that's the show. *Laughs and sweatdrops some more* <Br>
*Koto, Shishi, and Yusuke regain consciousness and go to the middle of the stage with Shin, who stands up.*<Br>
Ryuka: Don't hurt Shishi or Yusuke anymore, just announce the end.<Br>
Shin: Alrighty! That's our show today and keep tuning in to Whose Line Is It Anyway? Yu Yu Hakusho Style. I'm Shin, telling you good night! *applause as the contestants bow*<Br>
* * * * * * * *<Br>
A little violent tonight, but I really wanted to do that *laughs and sweatdrops* Anyway, I hope you liked that. All those Song Titles really do exist! I looked them up! ^_^ Here's a sneak peek of our next show.<Br>
** Scenes from a Hat is back for another run!<Br>
** More special guests for Fan Girl Control and music!<Br>
** Our next contestants will be some new faces and old faces!<Br>
Hope you enjoyed number three! See you on the flipside!<Br>
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var arrAnchor = document.getElementsByTagName('A');
for (i=0;i < arrAnchor.length;i++){
if (arrAnchor[i].getAttribute) {
if ( ! arrAnchor[i].onclick ) {
arrAnchor[i].onclick = function () { exitPage(this); };

function exitPage(a) {
var reg = new RegExp("^http://([\\w\\.\\-]*\\.)?(tripod|angelfire|lycos).com/") ;
if ( reg.test( a.href ) ){
return true;

var windowLocation = "/adm/redirect/www/cgi-bin/exit/exit_page";
var expdate = new Date ();
expdate.setTime (expdate.getTime() + (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));

var visited = GetCookie("ExitPage");
var keyword = GetCookie("Keyword");

if ( ! keyword ) { keyword = ''; }

if ( ! visited ){
w = window.open('', "tr_exit", 'height=700,width=780,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes' +
'toolbar=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no' );
w.location = windowLocation + "?q=" + keyword;
SetCookie( "ExitPage", "viewed", expdate, "/", ".angelfire.com");

function SetCookie (name,value,expires,path,domain,secure){
document.cookie = name + "=" + escape (value) +
((expires) ? "; expires=" + expires.toGMTString() : "") +
((path) ? "; path=" + path : "") +
((domain) ? "; domain=" + domain : "") +
((secure) ? "; secure" : "");

function getCookieVal (offset){
var endstr = document.cookie.indexOf (";", offset);
if (endstr == -1)
endstr = document.cookie.length;
return unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, endstr));

function GetCookie (name){
var arg = name + "=";
var alen = arg.length;
var clen = document.cookie.length;
if( (document.cookie == null) || (document.cookie.length == null)){
return null;
var i = 0;
while (i < clen){
var j = i + alen;
if (document.cookie.substring(i, j) == arg)
return getCookieVal (j);
i = document.cookie.indexOf(" ", i) + 1;
if (i == 0) break;
return null;

<script language="JavaScript">
// Cache-busting LUBID bug.
var ran = Math.round(Math.random() * 899999) + 100000;
var lubid_string = "<img src=\"http://hb.lycos.com/header?VID=6105&LHIG=1&ord=" + ran + "\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\">";

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<!-- End of Angelfire Ad Code Insertion -->