Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Winds of Change ❯ Winds of Change ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Winds of Change
My mother always told me that someone would change me from the rough ninja girl I was to a more understanding woman but I couldn't see that happening. She's a foreseer and I know she can't lie about the future. I never knew who would change me because she never told me. So here I sit in another boring class with another boring session of listening to a boring lesson of stuff I already knew. That was until a new student came in and took my breath away.
“Students, this is our new student,” the teacher told them, “He comes from a long line of honorable samurai, more specially the Saigo Made line. Please introduce yourself.”
“Like sensei said,” the boy with long light brown and liquid hazel eyes started as his ears and tail twitched at the slights sound, “I come from the Saigo Made line. My name is Neko-youkai, for the last four hundred year or so I've been with my father and step-brother traveling around the world. My father finally decided to settle down back in our homeland, Japan, and allow me to get an education.”
“Thank you Saigo Made-kun. You can seat by Idane Iemochi-san,” the sensei motioned to Yamakaza.
Neko-youkai bowed to him and sat next to Yamakaza. Yamakaza immediately buried her face in her book as he settled down to listen to the lecture. When she began to settle down her nerves she suddenly felt someone playing with her hair. She looked at the new student and saw he was leaning back in his chair still listening to the sensei not noticing that he had her hair in his hand.
She stood up and yelled, “What the hell are you doing?”
The class was silent as Neko-youkai suddenly noticed what he was doing. He stood up and deeply bowed to her and exclaimed, “I'm so sorry!”
Yamakaza couldn't believe her ears no one ever treated her like a person only a fighter or a smartass. Now she felt embarrassed as she noticed that everyone was watching her. “It's okay,” she told him as she sat down.
Once Neko-youkai sat the class resumed without any other outbursts. When the class let out Yamakaza found that Neko-youkai was following her since it was lunchtime. “Why are you following me?”
“I like the way you smell,” he told her a matter of fact.
She turned to him, “Listen! I don't care who you were born from but-”
“That's why I like you,” he smiled.
She didn't know who to process this information, “What?”
“I like people who weren't going with the flow of teenage life. You're a ninja which means you can't let your guard down for a minute.”
Now she realized what her mother meant.