Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Yakimo's Revenge ❯ Chaoter one ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The Warning

Yusuke Urameshi leaned back in his chair. It was yet again boring as hell for him. Then there was a knock on the closed classroom door.

"Come in," said the sensee. The door slowly opened and in walked a tall tan man. He had black hair back in a ponytail with blue bang and the tips of his hair were silver.

"May I help you," asked the sensee.

"Yes, I am looking for the one called Urameshi, Yusuke Urameshi," said the man.

On that statement, Yusuke lifted his head.

"Why are you looking for Urameshi," asked Kuwabara.

Yusuke stood up.

"I'm Yusuke, What do you want," asked Yusuke.

The man motioned Yusuke to follow him.

"Bring the baka," said the man. Yusuke motioned Kuwabara to follow. The sensee and the students looked all confused. Hiei watched the whole thing from a tree and erased their memories of the last few moments. Kuwabara, Yusuke, and the man walked outside. When they were far away from anyone's prying eyes, the man turned into his real form.

~ Yusuke POV~

We were outside in the woods where everyone says that it's hunted, when the man started to change. The man looked totally different.

He had wolf ears that where black with one tip ice blue and one tip silver. He had a fox tail that was black with the bottom ice blue. His hair stayed the same, and his eyes turned gold. He wore black fighting pants, no shirt and no shoes. Scars, burses, and burns adored his bare tan chest and arms. He wore an ice blue cape with a silver hood. He has a red and black dragon like Hiei's on his right arm. On his left arm had a red star on his shoulder (like Gene's in Outlaw Star) and directly under it was a black cross. On his right temple he had a blue spiral mark. He wore dark blue fingerless gloves with black flames. He had a scythe like sword like Trunk's sword. On a black belt was a Dragon Sword with a blood red sheath. On the sheath there was gold writing on it, looked like some kind of Elvish. He wore a loose black necklace with red spikes on it.

"Who the hell are you," asked Yusuke powering up his spirit gun. The man lifted his hand in defense.

"I'm Enti Knirku, I need to talk to Koenma," said Enti. Yusuke let his Spirit Energy go from his finger back into his body.

"Why do you want to talk to Koenma," asked Yusuke.

"I need to give him a warning," said Enti.

"Let's go then," said Kuwabara.

Koenma's Office

"What the hell do you want Yusuke," asked an irritated Koenma.

"A guy named Enti is here he wants to talk to you about something," said Kuwabara.

"ENTI?! He's Yakimo's son," yelled Koenma. Enti came through the doors.

"There is no reason to get startled. I'm just here to give you some information. My dad has been genetically redone and is looking for revenge," explained Enti.

"Enti, I'm not going to let you leave," said Koenma.

"Not if I can help it," said a voice.

There was a big bang and a large black metal dragon flew in with Yakimo on his back. He only wore green fighting pants. He had black metal dragon-like claws and he had black metal on his chest. Yakimo pulled Enti on the dragon in front of him. Yakimo was pressed up against him 0_o