Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Yu Yu Hakusho and the Holy Grail ❯ The Mighty Sir Launcelot screws up again! ( Chapter 8 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Disclaimer: Muhahahahahahahahahahaha

Kuri: Shut up already and say the disclaimer

Ddc: Well, if I shut up then how can I say the disclaimer? HMMM?!?!?1?!?

Kuri: -_-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Ddc: ^_^ I don't anything except Kuri and my other muse Kenji, who never shows up to these disclaimers for some reason. I can't figure out why.

Kuri: I can. -_-;;;;

Summary: Hi everyone!!! Sorry I haven't been updating as much, school was killing me again. But now it's summer! Can you believe it?! In just two and a half months I'll be a sophomore! Muhahaha those stinky freshmen are going down!! Ok well anyway, we're getting steadily closer to the end of this fic, so expect faster updates from now on, ok? ^_^ and with no further ado, ON WITH THE fic!!!

Ddc: ok people! We had a long break, so I hope you all are all rested up.

Everyone: *groaning *

Yusuke: *still playing dead *

Ddc: -_-;;;;;;; can we just start already?!!?!?!

Hiei: but it's been so long! We don't remember any of our lines!

Kurama: Yeah!

Kuwabara: can't have a movie if we don't know our lines. ^_^

Ddc: Live with it. We're starting NOW!

Everyone: *groaning again *

Kuronue: *from behind curtain * that's what YOU think!

Ddc: Ok Kuro, once was enough.

Kuronue; T_T darn it didn't work.

Ddc: Damn right it didn't. Now get into your places. ANDALE IDIOTOS!

Sniper: No!!! Nosotros no somos idiotos! TU eres una idiota!

Ddc: -_-;;;;;;;; just get in your places.

*Scene 16 *

Kieko, Botan, Shizuru, and Yukina: *giggling while they dress up Kieko as a bride *

Random demon: *walks into castle * `Morning!

Jin and Touya: *dressed up as sentries outside the castle door *

Jin: `Morning

Jin and Touya: *see Hiei running toward them in the distance *

Touya: ooh

Hiei: *still running toward them *

Jin: *spits * ptoo

Hiei: *looks like he's getting farther away than closer *

Jin and Touya: *watching Hiei run backwards *

Hiei: *appears at the door * Ha ha! Hiyya! *cuts down Jin *

Jin: *falls to the ground * op, I'm dead. x_X

Hiei: *runs into castle twirling sword *

Touya: Hey! *watches him run in *

Hiei: Hiyya!!! Ha! *cuts down random demons dressed as guests *

*inside *

Kieko Shizuru Botan and Yukina: *still giggling *

Hiei: *runs into room * Ha ha! Huy! *cuts down more random demons *

Random demons: Uuh! AAHHH!!!!!

Hiei: Ha ha! And take this! Ahh! Hiyah! Ahh! Aaah! Hyy!! Hya! Hiyya!! Ha! *runs up stairs to Prince's room cutting down more random demons *

Kuwabara: *sees Hiei entering room * Now, you're not allowed to enter the room...

Hiei: *stabs him with sword *

Kuwabara: Aaugh!! *dies * x_X

Hiei: *stabs Koenma too *

Koenma: x_X

Hiei: *bowing head in front of Karasu * Oh fair one, behold your humble servant Sir Launcelot of Camelot. I have come to take y...*looks up and sees Karasu looking down at him * oh, I'm terribly sorry.

Karasu: *in girly voice * You got my note!

Hiei: *looking around * Uh, well, I...I got a...a note.

Karasu: *throwing arms around Hiei * You've come to rescue me!

Hiei: o.0 get off that's not in the script

Karasu: Yes it is.

Hiei: No, it's not.

Ddc: It's not.

Hiei: see!

Karasu: *pouting * fine *brings arms back to sides *

Hiei: Uh, well, no. You see, I hadn't...

Karasu: I knew someone would! I knew that somewhere out there...

*cheesy musical music starts up *

Hiei: o.0 well, I...

Karasu: ....there must be...someone...

Yusuke: *runs in waving arms like a maniac * Stop that! Stop that! Stop it! Stop it! *sees Hiei * Who are you?

Karasu: I'm your son!

Hiei: *snickering * man you have an ugly kid Yusuke

Yusuke: Shut up shrimp


Ddc: *eyes glowing red *

Yusuke: *gulps * I mean, no not you.

Hiei: Uh, I am Sir Launcelot, sir.

Karasu; *pointing at Hiei * He's come to rescue me, Father.

Hiei: o.0 leave me alone freak *sees Ddc * I mean, Well, let's not jump to conclusions.

Yusuke: *snickering * did you kill all those guards?

Hiei: *looks at Kuwabara and Koenma and chuckles * Uh...oh, yes. Sorry.

Yusuke: They cost fifty pounds each!

Kuwabara: *raises head up from floor * Is that all I am to you?!?!?

Yusuke: Shut up. You're dead, remember?

Kuwabara: Oh yeah. Ooohh the pain of being dead! x_X

Ddc: *slaps forehead *

Hiei: Well, I'm awfully sorry. Um, I really can explain everything.

Karasu: *rests hand on Hiei's arm * don't be afraid of him, Sir Launcelot. I've got a rope all ready *grabs rope made of sheets and throws it out window *

Hiei: *brushes Karasu's hand off *

Yusuke: You killed eight wedding guests in all!

Hiei: Only eight? I mean, Well, uh, you see, the thing is, I thought your son was a lady.

Yusuke: *rolls eyes * I can understand that!

Karasu: *climbing out window * Hurry, Sir Launcelot! Hurry!

Yusuke: *to Karasu * Shut up! *back to Hiei * You only killed the bride's father, that's all!

Hiei: Well, I really didn't mean to...

Yusuke: Didn't mean to?! You put your sword right through his head!

Hiei: Oh, dear. Is he all right?

Yusuke: -_-;; You even kicked the bride in the chest! This is going to cost me a fortune!

Hiei: Well, I can explain. I was in the forest, um, riding north from Camelot, when I got this note, you see...

Yusuke: *raises eyebrow * Camelot? Are you from, uh, Camelot?

Karasu: Hurry, Sir Launcelot!

Hiei: Uh, I am a Knight of King Arthur, sir.

Yusuke: Very nice castle, Camelot. Uh, very good pig country...

Hiei: It is?

Karasu: Hurry! I'm ready!

Hiei: *muttering * can I please kill him?

Yusuke: *muttering * Not yet. Would you, uh, like to come and have a drink?

Hiei: Well, that...that's, uh, awfully nice of you,...

Karasu: I am ready!!!

Hiei: -_-;;;; ...um, I mean to be so understanding.

Yusuke: *cuts rope Karasu's holding onto *

Hiei: Um,...

Karasu: oooh!

Hiei: ...I'm afraid when I'm in this idiom, I sometimes get a bit, uh, sort of carried away.

Yusuke: Oh, don't worry about that.

Hiei and Yusuke: *walk out of room *

Karasu: Ooh!

*splat *

*end of scene *

Ddc: That was pretty good, ignoring the idiotic mistakes you three made.

Yusuke: Hey, it added comical relief to a serious scene

Ddc: What serious scene?!?! THERE ISN'T A DAMN SERIOUS SCENE IN THIS WHOLE MOVIE!!!!!!!!

Yusuke: What's your point?

Ddc: -_-;;;; I'm surrounded by idiots.

Hiei: *hiding behind Kurama * Kurama! Save me from the crow!!!

Kurama: Oh? Is Hiei afraid of Karasu?

Hiei: *nodding *

Kurama: *laughing his ass off * Now you can't make fun of me anymore for having nightmares about him! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Ddc: Ok, somebody make Hiei stop trembling and get Kurama to act normal again so we can start the next scene and call it a day.

Yusuke: right-e-o! *splashes water on Hiei and Kurama * There, all better.

Hiei and Kurama: *glaring at Yusuke *

Hiei: You

Kurama: Will

Both: DIE!!!! *chase Yusuke around brandishing sword and rose whip *

Ddc: -_-;;;; oh yeah that worked great. Now the dynamic demon duo have become the dynamic demon serial killer duo.


Jin: *trips Kurama and Hiei * Now now, no killing Urameshi, we need him to be the silly billy king dude.

Kurama: But we want to kill him.

Hiei: Yeah, nobody throws water on us and gets away with it.

Jin: How about you wait until after we finish the movie?

Hiei and Kurama: *pouting *

Kurama: fine.

Ddc: Finally. Ok people, into places.

*Scene 17 *

Random demons: *crying like babies *

Yusuke: *showing Hiei down the stairs * Well, this is the main hall. We're going to have all this knocked through, and made into one big, uh, living room.

Random demon #538: There he is!

Yusuke: Oh, bloody hell.

Random demons: *charging Hiei *

Hiei: *takes out sword and kills more random demons * Ha ha ha! Hey!! Ha ha!!

Yusuke: *grabbing Hiei and keeping him from killing a demon * Hold it! Stop it! Hold it! Hold it! Hold it! Hold it! Hold it! Please!

Hiei: Sorry, sorry. You see what I mean? I just get carried away. I'm really awfully sorry. *looks at glaring demons * Sorry! Sorry, everyone.

Random demon #365: He's killed the best man!

Random demons: *yelling *

Yusuke: Hold it! Hold it! Please! Hold it! This is Sir Launcelot from the Court of Camelot, a very brave and influential knight, and my special guest here today

Hiei: *waving * Hello.

Random Demon #198: He killed my auntie!!

Random demons: *yelling again *

Yusuke: please! Please! This is supposed to be a happy occasion! Let's not bicker and argue about who killed who. We are here today to witness the union of two young people in the joyful bond of the holy wedlock. Unfortunately, one of them, my son Herbert, has just fallen to his death.

Random demons: Oh! Oh no!!

Yusuke: But I don't want to think I've not lost a son, so much as...*looks at Kieko * gained a daughter!

Kieko: *smiling through blood dribbling down chin *

Random demons: *applauding * Clap clap clap.

Yusuke: For, since the tragic death of her father...

Random demon #738: He's not quite dead1

Yusuke: *raises eyebrow * Since the near fatal wounding of her father...

Random demon #738: He's getting better!

Yusuke: *rolls eyes * For, since her own father, who, when he seemed about to recovery, suddenly felt the icy hand of death upon him.

Random demon #465: *hits father aka Chu on the head *

Chu: uugh

Random demon #738: Oh, he's died!

Yusuke: And I want his only daughter to look upon me as her old dad, in a very real, and legally binding sense.

Random demons: *applauding again * Clap clap clap

Hiei: *zoning out *

Yusuke: And I feel sure that the merger...er, the union between the Princess and the brave, but dangerous, Sir Launcelot of Camelot...

Hiei: *looks up * What?!?!?

Random demon #738: Look! The dead Prince!

Random demons: Oooh! The dead Prince!

Kurama: *comes in carrying Karasu far away from him * He's not quite dead

Karasu: *smiling happily * No, I feel MUCH better!

Kurama: *drops Karasu * get away from me.

Karasu: T_T ok now I don't.

Kurama: good.

Ddc: -_-;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Yusuke: You fell out of the Tall Tower, you creep!

Karasu; No, I was saved at the last minute.

Yusuke: How?!

Karasu: Well, I'll tell you.

*cheesy musical music starts up again *

Yusuke: AH! *waving arms * Not like that! Not like that! No! Stop it!

Random demons: *singing * He's going to tell! He's going to tell!...

Yusuke: SHUT UUUP!

Random demons: He's going to tell!...

Yusuke: Shut up!

Random demons: He's going to tell...

Yusuke: SHUT UP!

Random demons: He's going to tell!...

Yusuke: Not like that!!

Random demons: He's going to tell! He's going to tell! He's going to tell! He's going to tell!

Kurama: *waving at Hiei * Quickly, sir!

Random demons: He's going to tell!...

Kurama: Come this way!!

Random demons: He's going to tell! He's going to tell!...

Hiei: No! It's not right for my idiom!

Random demons: He's going to tell about his great escape...

Hiei: I must escape more...*sighs *

Random demons: Oh, he fell a long, long way....

Kurama: Dramatically, sir?

Hiei: Dramatically!

Random demons: But he's here with us today...

Hiei: *grabs rope and jumps off staircase 8 Heee!! Hoa!!!

*crash *


Random demons: What a wonderful escape!

Hiei: *is swinging on rope over everyone's head * Excuse me. Could, uh...could somebody give me a push.

Kurama: *rolls eyes *

*end of scene *

Ddc: Good job boys! That was almost flawless. Nice swinging act Hiei.


Kurama: *giggling * No way!!!



Ddc: -_-;;;;;; ok I'm leaving. And no Yusuke, there aren't any more doughnuts. My fat-ass bro ate them all. Sorry.

Yusuke: NOOOO!!!!!!!!!

Darkdemonchild: Tehehehehehe I hope this chapter makes up for me not updating for a while. This was so much fun to write!!! ok let me check on how many more scenes there are...wow. Only 7 more scenes!!! That means there will be either 3 or 4 more chapters until the end! Nooo!!!! That's too soon!!! T_T oh well, I think everyone wants to see the dramatic ending of this fic, and see if I decide to change anything to or not. Maybe I will, maybe I wont. It's a mystery even to myself. Cus I haven't decided yet. ^_^;;;; please review!!! The most reviews I get the faster I update! Remember this! ^_~ ja ja until the next chapter!