Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Yu Yu Hakusho Re-Written: The Dark Tournament ❯ Chapter Three - The Signs of Trouble ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Three - The signs of trouble.

Juu knocked on the door of Kat’s room. He hoped she’d reply for a change. He sighed relieved as her voice caught his ears. "If it’s Juu, come in. Anyone else, go play with yourself in the forest and leave me alone." He wondered if he would see an improvement in her mood anytime soon.

He opened the door slowly, finding the windows covered with blankets. "Kat?" "Yeah?" She said from the darkest part of the room. He walked over to her, closing the door. He was stepping cautiously, she’d thrown things at him in the past when he entered her room, despite inviting him in. He looked in-between the left wall and one of the five beds. Kat was sitting there with quite a bit of skin showing. He yelped and turned around. "Gomen!" He found himself blushing.

"Don’t be a baby. I’m not naked." Kat said with an amused laugh. "Besides, Even if I was, I’m sure I could trust you. You’re not a pervert." Juu turned around slowly, forcing the blush from his face. He looked at Kat, she was seated in the corner, dressed in naught but bandages over her lower half and around her chest. Her skin was pale, even for her and she showed no signs of ever having been burned.

"How?" Juu asked tentatively. "I aged my skin." She replied simply. "It’s about a hundred years old now. It was also interesting to watch. But it’ll be sensitive for a day or two." Juu blinked many times over. "Aged your skin? Also, how?" Kat frowned. "Well,,, not aged. Think quickening the process and regeneration of skin cells. It’s something Samosa taught me since I get a lot of flesh wounds." She frowned. "Healing would have been much more simple, but because of my resistance it would have hurt a whole lot more."

Juu listened patiently as she pretty much talked to herself. He held back a laugh as she started to mumble in a non-cognizant manner. Juu wouldn’t admit it, but this was one of his favorite things about Kat. When she rambled she got an adorable look on her face. Weather it be a childish pout, a frustrated stare or an excited smile, she always looked adorable. More human than usual.

She eventually stopped mumbling and started blinking confused. She had lost her train of thought. Now he could talk to her. "You going to be able to fight tomorrow?" Kat looked up at him with a kittenish ‘Huh?’ look on her face before replying. "Oh,, what time will it be at?" Juu thought for a few moments. "I think it said Three Thirty. Give or take. Our second fight is scheduled for four." Kat snorted indignantly. "Half an hour?" Juu grinned. "They’re just being conservative." he started, "They never know when we’ll take more than five minutes to torture an enemy." Kat smiled. She loved his sense of humor and his manner of speech.

"I should be able to fight the second fight if it starts around four fifteen. I cant be in direct sunlight within twenty four hours of finishing the spell or I’ll have to do it all over again and it’s not a pleasant feeling, your skin pulling its self off and regenerating at a fast pace. To be precise, it fucking hurts." She gave a pout-like frown. Juu smiled and was about to bid her farewell when he noticed a long white mark on her skin above her breasts. "Kat.." Juu started. "What is..?" He pointed at the white mark. Kat frowned a bit.

"They’re called breasts. I don’t like them but getting rid of them is too much of a hassle." Kat replied sharply. "Not those!" Juu said shaking his head, forcing a blush off of his face before she saw it. "The scar. What is it doing there? You got rid of the burns as well as the scars they’d have caused. But that still remains." "Oh.. That...." Kat said, suddenly silent. A few moments of awkward silence passed until Kat took a deep breath and let it out. "Simply put, my body wont get rid of it. No matter what. It’s a reminder of sorts.

"When I was little I would travel around town. All alone. It was fun till one day I got lost, I found myself in gang territory. I was almost back into familiar territory when I was attacked." Kat said frowning deeply. "You were attacked? You were a kid." Juu said with an eyebrow raised. "Also, you said you were all alone. Why would your parents let you go all alone." "Shush you, and they didn’t let me. I got out on my own. As for why the guys that attacked me, well, attacked me, have you ever heard of the popular fetish called-" Juu held his hand up to stop her before she could continue and shivered inwardly at what Kat was suggesting they wanted to do. "That’s just wrong." He said in a mutter. Kat tried not to laugh. "Back to the subject, despite the urge to make fun of you saying something is wrong. They were surprised when I fought back, teeth bared, in all literality, and their leader stabbed me. Next thing I know I’m in the hospital." "What happened?" Juu asked. "My sister. She chased them off and got me to safety." Kat smiled, both in sadness and in the happiness of the memories she had of her sister.

Juu frowned. "I’m sorry I asked." Kat had told him of her sister dieing during a hard night at the dojo. It made him realize why he cared for her and helped him understand her actions. "It’s okay. Things happen. Life goes on." Kat said, quoting Paturiku. Juu smiled. "Yo, I’m going to get some food. you want anything?" Kat nodded in reply. "I want coffee with extra sugar, a fruit salad and something really bad for me." Juu laughed. "Chips it is." With that he walked off. A smile adorned his face for a few moments as he closed the door.



In the room which the Urameshi team inhabited there was a great amount of ruckus. Yuusuke was running around the room, playing ‘keep away’ with one of Kuwabara’s sodas. Meanwhile the masked fighter sat quietly on the couch, drinking coffee with the lower part of his/her mask unraveled.

Kurama and Hiei were by the door talking. "So he’s here." Hiei said in a lower voice than usual. "Hai. Apparently he doesn’t remember us." Kurama said with a frown. Shifting his weight from one foot to the other. This could be bad for us if we have to fight him." Hiei agreed, nodding once. He cringed suddenly, clenching the hand of his right hand into a strong fist. "Hn.. I’m going out." He announced, walking out seconds later.

As he walked down the hall way he focused his attention on his right arm, blocking the pain from his mind. He had used his Jou Enatsu Kokuryu Ha and was physically suffering for it. He was going to find a place that he could handle the pain, alone. He was almost to the point of screaming from the effects of the black flames that scorched his skin. Hiei was shaken from his thoughts as someone bumped into him. "Hn. Watch it." Hiei said in a low, grumble like voice.

"You watch it." An equally cold voice replied. Neither of them looked at each other as they walked off in their own directions.


It was the third day of the dark tournament and the second fight for team Youri. But more importantly, it was the next to last fight of the day and the crowd was in the mood for a blood fest. Kat stood in the shadows as Juu walked forward. The others in the team were to stay with Kat during this fight.

Kat grabbed Paturiku’s hand and pulled his shirt sleeve up to check the watch. Four o’clock. Kat said to Juu, using her magic as telepathy. ‘Kay, I can take them for fifteen minutes. Kat blinked at his reply. Was he suggesting he’d take them all on at once? Of course he would. He was just as pridefull as she was as far as fights were concerned. A jolly pair of fools we are eh? Kat said amused. She couldn’t stop him and wouldn’t try.

Yeah. We’re a couple of bloody fools all right. Lets get a drink after we heal my shattered bones. Flavored water; on me. Kat smiled. Coffee or something sugary for me. Juu looked back at her as his opponents stepped into the ring. Deal. He said, making Kat’s smile brighten.

"You sent him out there all alone? You Fucking whore!" Mashiki said from behind Kat. The red head looked at Mashiki, an eyebrow raised. "Aren’t ’Fucking’ and ‘Whore’ synonymous with one another?" Mashiki growled. "That’s not the point! You’re sacrificing one of your team members! You set him up five on one!" Kat shook her head. "Oh master of curse words, you give me too much credit. I wanted a one on one elimination. Juu however is as bad as I am when pride comes into the mix. So do us all a favor and shut your running mouth before I shut it for you." Mashiki backed off, not believing Kat.

Kat frowned as the fight began. Juu was up against demons who looked grotesque to the point they looked like a mass of limbs that came to an unfortunate collision with a slime demon. Kat shivered. Even if it was usually hard to creep her out with something ‘gross’ she had to admit she was both freaked out and grossed out.

Juu smirked at his opponents, causing Kat to wonder what he was planning and if limbs would go flying or if they’d just be insenerated. Juu ran forward, his heart pounding with excitement. He had called up his black rose staff and had it raised for an attack. Juu was almost within striking distance of his opponents when he leapt up into the air.

It happened so fast that none of them saw it coming. The ring’s floor was soon being overpowered by a great blackness, Juu’s power. The slivery-blue haired man looked below him as he used his magic to slow his decent and to cover the ring with his being.

Juu growled when he noticed the demons weren’t sinking in the murky blackness. His attack wasn’t as strong as it should have been. He needed to be in physical contact with his shadows. He stopped using his magic to slow his decent and allowed himself to fall, to land flat on his feet, in the middle of his shadows.

Juu heard a scream from behind him. "Juu watch out!" It was Kat. He turned quick enough to save his head from being knocked strait off by a moving sack of green and orange arms.

Unfortunately this dodge came at a price. One of the other demons Slammed into Juu’s back, a swamp-water green demon that seemed to be made of pure muscle once you got past it’s one, enormous eye. Juu stumbled forward, angry that he’d been caught off guard by that leg-less creature. Juu swirled around, blocking another attack from a mass of legs in the color of salmon pink. He drove his staff into what he could only assume was the creature’s abdomen. It grunted and looked stunned. ‘I cant Keep up like this. I have to make my shadows work.’ He thought as his spell started to unravel slowly. "Shit!" He yelled aloud.

He was now aware of the referee’s talking. "Yukio is now flustered as his opponents gang up on him!" Juu growled, his attention diverted just long enough that this ‘pure muscle’ opponent manage to slam into him knocking him onto his back. He heard Kat yelp, she was worried for him. Juu growled and held the heavy demon off of his chest. This one was heavy enough to break ribs.

Then it happened. In a flurry of speed the demon crashed down on him as he cast a spell. He was only safe because he was sinking into his shadows. He broke a few ribs but they wouldn’t matter soon, because he was a shadow. One that began to close in and devour the demons, getting a rather loud yell from the referee and a loud cheer from Kat.

As soon as he had consumed to enemies he stumbled out of the ring and over to Kat. Juu smiled. "A jolly bunch of idiots." Mashiki glared at the two of them. Hatred in her eyes. It was decided, she wasn’t going to stand for any more of Kat’s antics.

Kat was taken by surprise as Mashiki punched her with surprising force. Kat went stumbling out into the open air and the warm sunlight. ‘Well, at least I don’t feel like my skin is burning off.’ Kat looked at Mashiki. ‘My patience is another manner.’



(Whines) Shooooort! Oh well. I’m still far from my prior 10+ Pages that I could turn out per chapter per week. Oh well. I’m working towards that again. In any case, this is yet another chapter with a bad name. I’m starting to see why I don’t name the chapters for my big projects.