Zero No Tsukaima Fan Fiction ❯ Zero no Tsukaima The Holy Knights ❯ Chapter 23

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Dust to Dust
“It has been almost two whole days already!?” Zion puts Seth down on the ground in a sitting up position while he stretches his back, “How could he still be asleep?”
Rain kneels down and looks at Seth, even sitting up he is sleeping quite peacefully, “I guess he hasn't been sleeping very well at all.”
Hina quietly says, “He said that he couldn't sleep.”
Rain stands back up, “Hina?”
“I couldn't sleep very well a couple of days ago so I went outside and Seth was sitting down poking at the embers from our fire. He seemed, stressed.” Hina looks at Rain who appears to be thinking about what she is saying, “Maybe he hasn't been sleeping at all for some time.”
A popping sound comes from Zion's back and he sighs, “Well he seemed fine, though if you stay awake for so many days in a row it does begin to take a toll on the body. The best way I can put it is that the effect on the brain is like getting drunk.” Zion begins to stretch his left arm, “It is probably a good thing he did fall asleep even if it is because of exhaustion.”
Airo looks around their surroundings, “So when do you think he'll wake up?”
“I'm sure he could be woken up right now, but it is best if we just let him wake up on his own.”
Airo's face turns from normal to irritated, “So if we get attacked he might not even wake up?”
Zion picks Seth back up and drapes him over his shoulder, “Depends on who deep a sleeper he is.”
“I see.”
Zion turns around and notices two figures walking towards them in the distance, “Guys....” He walks over a tree and places Seth beneath it, “I think that might be the same guy as before.”
Hina moves behind Airo, “But you killed him didn't you Zion?”
“Yea, but how dead can a man that is walking be?”
Airo reaches behind his head and pulls out two knifes, “So he came back for more.”
Zion looks at Airo with a side long glance, “There are two of 'him'.”
Airo pulls off his cloak and lets it drop to the ground behind him, “So he can copy himself and die. What kind of magic is that?”
The two men are now about twenty feet away. Zion was right they are both identically the same as the man from before. Zion's left eye begins to glow as well as Airo's leg. Airo looks back at Hina and smiles. She looks scared but tries to put on a tough face and nods.
“Hina now....”
Hina pulls out her wand and a burst of wind slams into Airo's back as he begins to run forward. The speed is incredibly and after his third step he disappears from sight. The man on the left jumps backwards and starts skidding as the image of Airo begins to reappear in front of the man as they skid backwards. Zion whips out his hand and the ground underneath the second man suddenly rises throwing him high into the air. Rain points her wand at the air born man and lets loose a large blast of fire that completely engulfs the him. The flames are knocked away from the man as he falls to the ground as he seems to have a sphere of wind around him slowing his fall and blocking the flames. The man lands on the ground and charges forward. Zion quickly freezes the ground and the man jumps into the air to avoid slipping or being frozen. The man whips out his hands and the sphere of wind that surrounded him flies down towards the three of them slamming into the ground releasing an explosion of hurricane winds. Zion, Hina, and Rain are all blown back and only Hina manges to land on her feet while Zion and Rain both crash hard into the ground. The man looks directly at Hina, who's hand is shaking, and smiles.
Airo swipes with his left arm to get the man to release his right arm but instead the man uses his wrist to deflect the knife. Airo flips over the man but he does a barrel roll and Airo lands on his back instead of his feet. He quickly kicks his enemy in the gut with both his feet and finally creates some distance from him. Airo rolls backwards so that he can push off the ground and stabs at the man but the attack is dodged and in two fluid motions the man raises his leg straight up and brings his heel down on Airo's back as he is moving past him. Airo hits the ground chest first and tries to sweeping the man's feet but the attack is easily dodged as the man just jumps back. Airo stands up and rubs the back of his neck and craps it a few times a heavily irritated sigh escapes his mouth.
Hina watches as the man starts walking towards her, her hand still trembling. She shakes her fear and points her wand at the man and a powerful blast of water like a river slams into the man but the wind sphere quickly returns and the water it launched in all directions like a rain storm. Zion slowly gets back to his feet and launches a blast of wind at the sphere and it creates a smalls hole and the water hits the man knocking him down to the ground. The man stands back up scowls at them apparently other the crap in his sunglasses.
Rain slowly walks over to Seth to not draw the attention of the man to her. She kneels down in front of Seth and then looks around to see if anyone is watching and plugs his nose and kisses him. His eyes shoot open and she doesn't release the kiss but lets go of his nose so that he can breath. She moves back and Seth seems to be in a stupor over what just happened. “Come on!”
Seth stands up and follows her back to the road and he notices that there are now two of those men from before. Seth runs his hand through his hair and rolls down his sleeve showing his ruins as they begin to glow, “You should have woken me up sooner,” is all he says as he charges at the man. Seth continues charging even as the wind sphere grows around him again. Instead of attacking the sphere he flips over the man and continues to Airo. While the man isn't paying attention Zion uses earth magic to turn the ground into sand and the man begins to sink. Hina quickly uses her water magic to turn the ground to mud and Rain starts attacking the wind sphere with a condensed blast of fire.
Seth tackles the man from the side as him and Airo are having a stair down. Seth punches the man in the face knocking his glasses off his face but the man head-buts him knocking Seth backwards off of him.
Seth quickly gets back to his feet as does the man but his eyes grow large at two blades jut stick out of his gut. The man looks down at the two blades, Airo had ample time to sneak up to the man and then just charge in and stab him from behind. As the man falls to the ground he turns into dust and disappears into the wind, including his sunglasses.
“Thats for the diversion.”
Seth yawns and turns back to see how the other are doing with the other man. The only part of the man that is visible is his hand as he is now buried underneath mud that has been dried by Rain's find into a brick like substance and then frozen by Zion. Airo and Seth walk over to the three of them as the man's hand turns into dust and fades into the wind.
“He must have suffocated or something.” Seth looks at Zion who is rubbing his shoulder, “Seth it is about time you woke up. Do you know how long you've been sleeping?”
He yawns and stretches, “Since my legs have only a little feeling I'd have to guess it's been a while huh?”
Kuro looks up and begins to growl and his first clench close and begin to shake, “Again....” He stands up and walks over to Midori, “Bring them here.”
“What, Kuro you can't be serious, why would I bring them here?” Midori looks genuinely scared of Kuro as he towards over her feminine body, “Kuro please, explain this to me.”
“If they can kill my copies then I would like to know if they can kill me.”
“I can't let you die Kuro, I already told you that!”
Kuro takes off his glasses so that she can see his intense black eyes, “You will bring them here Midori, I am through discussing it.”
Kuro walks away and leaves the room for the first time in months leaving Midori who has collapsed on the floor and is shivering from what she saw in his eyes.