Dragon's Son [P] by: Spinshadow Anime/Manga: GetBackers Fan FictionGenre(s): Fantasy / Supernatural | Type: Alternate UniverseLatest Revision: October 21, 2004 08:18 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 4.5K | Visits: 1.1KSummary: [AU] When the new Raitei is born, he comes alone into this world. Thus the celestial guardians must find for him those best suited to aid and guard him.Review(s): 1 Reviews
Heaven's Open [T] by: A Guy Named Goo : Hellsing Fan Fiction / GetBackers Fan Fiction / Final Fantasy - All Series Fan FictionGenre(s): Adventure / Action / Drama | Type: CrossoverLatest Revision: September 29, 2004 22:30 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 4.6K | Visits: 1.1KSummary: Upset over losing control of Lower Town, the "Gods" of Babylon City are up to no good: a dimensional rift connects Midgar to Lower Town, and their experiments with a new microchip have come to the attentions of a couple choice organizations...
Love of My Life [P] by: Gunning Angel : GetBackers Fan FictionGenre(s): Romance | Type: One ShotLatest Revision: September 28, 2004 04:04 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 4.6K | Visits: 1.2KSummary: Kadsuki and Jubei's anniversary is coming soon and Jubei is having trouble voicing out his emotions to Kadsuki. Unable to do so, he manages to tell Kadsuki how he feels in his own way.Review(s): 1 Reviews
No Title [T] by: AquaianGoddess : GetBackers Fan FictionGenre(s): Romance / | Type: One ShotLatest Revision: August 25, 2004 11:35 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 1.3K | Visits: 1.9KSummary: Ban and Ginji have an arrangement
The "Master" Chief [T] by: Rubious2 : GetBackers Fan FictionGenre(s): Comedy | Type: One ShotLatest Revision: August 24, 2004 18:47 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 1.6K | Visits: 922Summary: The Get Backers give Paul a modified version of Halo as a partial payment on their tab.
Something So Right [T] by: cairea : GetBackers Fan FictionGenre(s): Drama / Romance | Type: One ShotLatest Revision: August 13, 2004 16:33 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 937 | Visits: 1.9KSummary: A dark cafe, sleepy Ban and assertive Ginji (Ginji/Ban)Review(s): 3 Reviews
Forgotten Past, Hidden truth [P] by: Piplin : GetBackers Fan FictionGenre(s): Action / Romance / | Type: ContinuationLatest Revision: August 09, 2004 14:12 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 4.3K | Visits: 1.1KSummary: Read and find out. I hate summaries. I hate thinking of them. Their annoying. You wanna know what this fic is about then read. Thank you for actually looking at this summary. Why are you still reading get on with the reading of a fic.
All Smiles [P] by: Viridian5 : GetBackers Fan FictionGenre(s): Comedy / Drama | Type: One ShotLatest Revision: June 21, 2004 19:16 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 1.8K | Visits: 1.3KSummary: Friends take care of each other. When Ban's away, Kazuki steps in to help.Review(s): 1 Reviews
It's About Time [T] by: rhygell : GetBackers Fan FictionGenre(s): Romance | Type: SongficLatest Revision: June 05, 2004 15:18 PDT | Chapters: 2 | Words: 9.2K | Visits: 1.5KSummary: Slash/Yaoi. Contains spoilers for the IL Arc (Eps. 13-21, esp. Ep. 19). Juubei's feelings about the whole thing.Review(s): 1 Reviews
Anime Hostage Wedding: Third Time's A Charm ~_^ [P] by: Reiko Raizano : Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Trigun Fan Fiction / GetBackers Fan FictionGenre(s): Action / Adventure / Comedy / Romance / Suspense / | Type: ContinuationLatest Revision: June 02, 2004 15:40 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 3.9K | Visits: 927Summary: Remember Anime Hostage Wedding: Next Generation? Do ya?? Well, this is the continuation of that! Will the girls FINALLY marry their hostages?? Sorry, no more new people cuz my little brain couldn't handle any more ^^UReview(s): 14 Reviews
Pitch Black [P] by: archangel_barton : GetBackers Fan FictionGenre(s): Romance | Type: One ShotLatest Revision: April 26, 2004 02:50 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 3.0K | Visits: 1.4KSummary: For years he had been living in a pitch black world and tonight, Jubei contemplates on how his blindess made him see life better. My first GB fic. [JubeixKazuki; One-shot Fiction]
First Love [P] by: winterlove : GetBackers Fan FictionGenre(s): Romance / Drama | Type: One ShotLatest Revision: March 26, 2004 04:39 PST | Chapters: 1 | Words: 3.7K | Visits: 1.5KSummary: Inspired by episode 19... Jubei/KazukiReview(s): 1 Reviews
Night Talk [T] by: KatiKat : GetBackers Fan FictionGenre(s): Angst | Type: One ShotLatest Revision: March 15, 2004 09:30 PST | Chapters: 1 | Words: 1.7K | Visits: 2.0KSummary: Ban and Ginji have a little talk. Yaoi, Ban/Ginji.Review(s): 2 Reviews
When you call my name.. [T] by: Sakiyama : Trigun Fan Fiction / D. N. Angel Fan Fiction / GetBackers Fan FictionGenre(s): Drama / Comedy / Romance | Type: OtherLatest Revision: February 01, 2004 13:04 PST | Chapters: 2 | Words: 5.0K | Visits: 802Summary: Saki goes around trying to collect chibis! But what happens when she gets turned into a chibi herself? And falls for Ban?? And gets kidnapped by Vash? Maybe some other animes mixed in laterReview(s): 1 Reviews
The Committee [T] by: A Girl Named Goo : GetBackers Fan FictionGenre(s): Drama / Adventure / Action | Type: ContinuationLatest Revision: January 29, 2004 18:48 PST | Chapters: 1 | Words: 4.7K | Visits: 983Summary: The Get Backers are getting more business than they can possibly handle. Could a clandestine organization known as the Committee, and their 12 employees known as Pawns, have something to do with it?Review(s): 2 Reviews