
Blight My Eyes
[T] by: Kurayami Ryuu
: Angel Sanctuary Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Drama / Angst | Type: Vignette
Latest Revision: April 12, 2006 15:53 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 530 | Visits: 899
Summary: Just five quick paragraphs on what Katan really thinks about when he’s praising Rosiel’s beauty. Probably not shonen ai, I guess, take it how you will... Rated for mild general gruesomeness ^^;
Review(s): 1 Reviews

Dew Drops
[P] by: silver-moon
: InuYasha Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Drama | Type: Vignette
Latest Revision: April 10, 2006 20:41 PDT | Chapters: 6 | Words: 3.2K | Visits: 1.3K
Summary: Drabbles written without the use of names. Like drops of dew on the early morning grass, so beautiful are the lives we lead and the lies we weave. Careful, or we shall entangle ourselves within both.

Illustrious Beauty
[A] by: AphelionKnight
: InuYasha Fan Fiction
Genre(s): | Type: Vignette
Latest Revision: March 23, 2006 16:48 PST | Chapters: 1 | Words: 554 | Visits: 604
Summary: Whether they are youkai, hanyou or ningen, all desire to wish upon my countenance. This simple shrine and golden stand cannot hide me from their gaze, but there is one who keeps me from their hands.

A Letter Home
[A] by: Alice Montrose
: Fan Fiction
Genre(s): | Type: Vignette
Latest Revision: March 15, 2006 15:25 PST | Chapters: 1 | Words: 1.1K | Visits: 595
Summary: Lain Nunez dictates a letter to Alvar's parents. ("The Lions of Al-Rassan" fanfic)