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"Red Digivice Diaries" Reviews/Comments [ 154 ]
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 Reviewed By: INICLOF  On: May 02, 2003 00:14 EDT
Style of Writing: 8 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
very well written, i must say you are very good i cant wait to see the chapter 19
 Reviewed By: KaneR  On: April 25, 2003 08:48 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This is a pure example of young people today and the everyday problems of a child's life. A masterpiece if there ever was one. If you, Lord Archive, changed the characters and maybe the settings and sent it to a publishers, you might have a chance of it being published. But it's only an idea...
 Reviewed By: Mikey B23 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 28, 2003 06:38 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Mikey B23 must say, although he's not into this kind of thing, this one was preety good! Its no wonder over 3500 people haved visited this story!
 Reviewed By: drags  On: April 21, 2003 22:50 EDT
Originality/Creativity: 7 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 6 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
so whens entry 19 gona get finished?
 Reviewed By: Izumi Ryu  On: April 08, 2003 10:53 EDT
Thanks, Eclipse. Digi Advisor seems to have gone silent. *holds out "V" sign* We win. *shrugs* Oh, well.

I have considered writing a fic like this, but we'll see how well I can pull it off. Not a Digimon one, mind you, but just the same. I've only written Action/Adventure fics. It'll be interesting to try.
 Reviewed By: Michelle  On: April 07, 2003 09:30 EDT
Style of Writing: 7 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 8 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 7 of 10
Overall Rating: 8 of 10
What I like most here is the fact that you've managed to write a lemon fic that actually has a plot. You've heard it before, you'll hear it again. You've managed to introduce a few new things to the plot that I've never seen before. I think the biggest complaint I have is some of the phrasing I've seen you use.

While it does get dull to see the same things used over and over again, one simply does not refer to her breasts as 'mounds' as Sora did after she poured chocolate over herself. This isn't the only thing I've seen that seems just a little awkward. It's not exactly that I disapprove, it's just...strange to see certain things described in the ways you've described them.

Please do not take offense at this.

I hope you don't mind me reviewing some of your other fics in here as well...
One idea I found particularly interesting was the crossover with Tamers. (Birdramon, Guilmon). "The Shuffle" is one of my favorite fics out there, and I really can't wait to see what happens next.
 Reviewed By: Dark_Phoenix_of_Chaos [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 06, 2003 23:05 EDT
....I hate it when she goes on my computer --;

*Eclipse no BAKA!!!*

anyways, great chapter as always....by the way....when are ya going to work on your Ranma fics...and when ya going to start "Cats Eye"?
 Reviewed By: Dark_Phoenix_of_Chaos [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 06, 2003 23:03 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
While, I may not agree totally on all character associations,I do agree with Izumi that this fic at least has INFORMATIVE backing to go with it.

Why do I doubt that the Ignorant Flame writer; Digi Advisor, has yet to stop Flaming the fic....

Congrats! ya gained a new reader for life!
 Reviewed By: PJX  On: April 05, 2003 16:32 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This is a crzy ass fict that leaves me hanging. Gawd write more!
 Reviewed By: Lord Archive [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 03, 2003 11:34 EST
> I only read this fic once when I came across it out of boredom one day. All I was doing throughout the rest of time was criticizing!!!

Please try criticizing about something you actually know about. You have displayed little knowledge of Digimon and the real world.

> By the way, for your information, spankings don't work on rebellious teenagers! Who was your psychiotrist, Dr. Spock?

Hospitalizing the teen doesn't work either. For most teenagers that would make them MORE rebellious and prone to leave home at a young age.

How a teenager needs to be disciplined varies from person to person. In most cases revoking privaledges will work better that inflicting physical punishment on a child. But there are some kids that slapping them around is the only way to get their attention. If you paid attention to Digimon, you would know the Chosen would respond more to the former, where as only someone like Ranma from Ranma 1/2 or Yusuke from Yu Yu Hakusho would get better effect from the latter.

It's all a matter of a person's psychology, but if you understood anything about psychology-- then you would've understood what this story was about a long time ago and not offer short-sighted critizism that is of no help at all.
 Reviewed By: Digi Advisor  On: April 03, 2003 11:07 EST
I said my peace with my final words to you. It's clear that you have a one-tracked mind. I won't go any further in this debate with you anymore since it'll only continue to wear on our nerves. You need not worry, I can find better fic writers.


I only read this fic once when I came across it out of boredom one day. All I was doing throughout the rest of time was criticizing!!! By the way, for your information, spankings don't work on rebellious teenagers! Who was your psychiotrist, Dr. Spock?
 Reviewed By: Canis Black [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 02, 2003 23:37 EST
Ah to be able to see the world through the rose-colored glasses of ignorance.

Honestly, at least 50% of all teenage American males will admit to having had sex of some kind, even if it wasn't the traditional kind of sex. Blow jobs, hand jobs, etc. Those all count as a kind of sex. And for every person who says that they haven't had sex, it's probably a safe bet to say that at least one in twenty of those has and is just too embarrased or afraid to admit it.
You seem to know very little about romance in real-life as well, since you seem to think that it is without pain, screwups and other negative things. Hate to break it to you, but real-life romance has lots of those things. In a way it's like a rose, it can be really nice and all, but its still got its thorns and can hurt like a son of a bitch if you're not careful.

Even caring parents can make mistakes, and it happens all to often that parents attempt to mold their children into what they wish their children to be regardless of their children's feelings. This often done not because the parent doesn't care, but out of a misguided wish to have their children do better in life than themselves. There are also occasions when the parent believes firmly that his or her way is the right way, and that later in life the child will come back and thank him or her for sticking to his or her guns and making the child go through with it. I've actually experienced the last, when my mother insisted that I do something so that later I would not lament over lost opportunities, and you know what? I'm glad she forced me to do what she did because I ended up benefitting from it.

Whose says Miyako's parents didn't contact Daisuke's? In the American dub, his parents weren't exactly portrayed as being the model parents, so it's not too much of a stretch to think that they simply didn't care, or just gave Daisuke a verbal slap on the wrist and went on their way. Such things happen all the time in real life.

Properly discipling children is necessary, but proper discipline doesn't involve beating your child to a bloody pulp. I've been the recipient of corporal punishment before, and only on a handful of occasions can I remeber being hit anywhere other than my behind, and most often it was by people who weren't my parents.

Finally, I choose to take your comparison to Lord Archive as a compliment and I thank you for it.

Good day
Canis Black

"May you be plauged by rabid black mutt puppies."
- Anonymous Mental Ward Escapee -
 Reviewed By: Lord Archive [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 02, 2003 23:22 EST

I don't not back down from my comments on Japanese view of sex. It is part of their culture where sex out of marriage is common place and accepted. That is hardly a racist statement. YOU are the one who is trying to make more out of it by placing derogatory words to it to make it racist.

I don't know anything about romance? How many times do I have to tell you this isn't a romance story. It's a story based on real life. Something you have demonstrated little knowledge of.

Miyako as a slut? Maybe, she is being a bit too free with sex. A flaw in character to make her more human. People make mistakes.

Miyako as a hooker? Guess you either aren't reading the story or you don't know what hooker means. Miyako would not resort to having sex for money.

Elaborate what about Mr. Ishida? Go watch Digimon if you want to know why he feels he screwed up with his life.

What self-serving parent would force their kid to do what they want? Man, what dream world are you living in? Parents have been entrapping their children to do their wishes for as long as there has been human history. This isn't true of all parents, far from that, but it has been a common occurance since before ancient Egyptians figured out how to write.

Of course the Inoue family told both Daisuke's and Koushiro's parents about Miyako sleeping with them. They weren't exactly pleased to learn that both parents knew and didn't inform them.

Slapping or spanking a child is discipline. Repeatedly punching a child and inflicting serious injury is child abuse. Vodka's statement was the latter, not the former.

Digi-Advisor, there is still a question you have not answered despite being asked about a dozen times: If you don't like my series, why are still reading it? I am not going to change my story because you disagree with it nor will I stop writing it no matter how much you annoy me.


Yes, I am a little outdated in some of my information. However, while there are ultra-modern individuals in Japan, there are still people who hold dear to tradition. I try to base how traditional or modern they act by their protrayal in series. For example, Sora's mother was depicted rather strongly to be traditional, so I keep with older values for her. Miyako, on the other hand, was not protrayed with any sort of traditional view, so I try to use more modern point of view for her. But it is kind of hard when Japanese culture is rapidly changing.

As it is Hikari who is pregnant, abortion is not an option as it is abhorent to her very nature. I know very well that is treated as a form of birth control. 33% of all pregnancies in Japan end in abortion. What's more, no one has to know but the girl and her doctor.

As for cell phones, there has not been much need for them to be used or referenced.
 Reviewed By: galrin [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 02, 2003 20:51 EST
Um... I don't mean sound all too critical Lord Archive, but you're a bit... outdated with your view on Japanese people. You have the common view of the japanese that pretty much applicable to the 1980's.
The idea of honor, family tradition, etc in Japanese society is falling to the wayside rapidly as it becomes replaced with materialism and sometimes harsh modernism.
It's not much of a exaggeration to say that the japanese are becoming more and more like, say, americans.
So you get a girl pregnant. The question asked in Japan by the teenage girl is not what she will name the baby but rather on whether she can afford to have an abortion or not. Sad but true. Next question asked is who cares outside that girls circle of family and friends. No one gives a rat's ass.
As for women regarded as sex objects... Japan is rather notorious for being rather sexist. Males are greatly preferred over females whether its intentional or not. I mean there is a special train car just for women so they don't get sexually assaulted by men.
Also, where are the cellphones Lord Archive? Japan is famous for it's cell phones. Nearly ninety percent of the population has cellphones of all shapes and sizes. I mean in the digimon movie where all those people take out their cellphones when they ring, it's not a exaggeration. Everyone has one! I've seen five year olds carting them around!
 Reviewed By: Gray  On: April 02, 2003 18:05 EST
You know DigiAdvisor, "beat the living daylights out of my child" isn't proper discipline, it's child abuse. If you think beating up a child is a good means of discipline I pray that you never have children.
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