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"Kagome's Diary" Reviews/Comments [ 42 ]
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 Reviewed By: inu youkai Ashiyame [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 24, 2006 20:32 CDT
ZOMG ASHI SAYS U NEED 2 UPDATE!!!! IMMEDIATELY!! IF NOT, SOONER!!! T_T It's such a good fanfic! And you haven't updated in a while ._.;;; So please update? PLEEEASE?! O_O!!
 Reviewed By: inuyashalover1221 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 24, 2006 15:02 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 4 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
U may be way off in the original series but OMG! this fic is so freakin LOL!!!! But why? R they gonna get together? What is Kagome gonna do? Plz update ASAP! This fic is on my fave list of course. God this iz 1 of the best fics i've read in a while. Plz update,PLEASE!!!!
 Title: The Artist Formally Known as EmilyHigurashi
Reviewed By: FullmetalFangirl [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 13, 2006 21:36 CDT
THIS FIC IS FANTASTIC!!! I absolutely love it! There's just one problem - PLEASE UPDATE!! I'm dying here!! I want Kagome to go find out what the deal is with poor wittwe Inuyasha! He is such an adorable, sad little puppy ^^
 Title: oh my
Reviewed By: golden_kitsune [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 22, 2006 13:49 CST
oh my i laffed more, then more, then sniffled, then laffed
 Title: What Happened In A Nut Shell
Reviewed By: cheesylovesong23 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 03, 2006 16:20 CST
Alright, for all you guys confused about the last chap, what happened was basically thus. DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU HAVE NOT READ CHAPTER 10!! (Below the dotted line are SPOILERS) --------------------------------------------- Alright, basically, the reason why Inuyasha is now upset is because in his mind Kagome has been joking about the things she wrote. That's why when Kagome asks what she did he replies, "Nothing, why would you do something about words you don't even mean." Or something to that effect. He feels this way because Kagome hasn't really been acting AT ALL that what she has written is true, so recently in the story he has been considering that the whole thing was a joke. This doesn't take well with him though, obviously...
 Reviewed By: Anime Lady PIMP [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 03, 2006 13:14 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I was laughing to I got to the end and now Im just kind of well...stunned ya know.Im not sure why though.I don't get it what does that mean.Im kind of just woke up and I just don't knowwww *yawns*.Maybe it will come to me latter.Anyway update when you can.
 Title: update
Reviewed By: inuyasha_girl92 [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 31, 2005 16:38 CST
that is such a funny story and you should really update soon!
 Reviewed By: Anime Lady PIMP [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 31, 2005 01:09 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*laughing hystericly(sp)*I can't breath ....I can't breath!What the hell is going through her head?!?! I guess thats a way to tell somebody you love (orlike) ! Thats a really funny chapter.I think its the funnist thing I have ever read!
 Title: YA!
Reviewed By: Anime Lady PIMP [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 24, 2005 17:49 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This story is so funny.Im going to put it on my fav list. I think I'd die from that much embaressment (sp!!)
 Reviewed By: inu youkai Ashiyame [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 16, 2005 00:16 CST
lol chapter 7 was GREAT!!! the ending has me officially hooked forever....oh and i forgot 2 mention....u have been so great with ur updating!!! i can never keep updating in a reasonable cycle rofl...such a perfect author u is....XD well im countin on ya 2 NOT LEAVE TEH ASHI HANGING!!
 Title: OMFG!
Reviewed By: inu youkai Ashiyame [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 24, 2005 18:29 CST
OMG U MUST WRITE MORE!! MUST READ MORE, MUST READ MORE, MUST READ MORE!!! so please update ^-^ oh and btw i like the usage of Gwen Stefani, i love her! lol ur a great author, i admire u!
 Reviewed By: EmilyHigurashi  On: September 06, 2005 18:36 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I LOOOOOOVE THIS STORY!!!! PLEEEEEASE KEEP UPDATING!!!! It's so hysterical and I love thinking about a slightly insane side of kagome that you don t see in the anime or manga lol. Seriously, im really enjoying this! Keep writing! :) btw ive read all your stories and i think you are an AMAZING writer! :)
 Reviewed By: Lil_Kag [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 05, 2005 08:36 CDT
keep going! It's SO funny! Waoh!!! You're GOOD! Don't STOP! I'm gonna be waiting! The thing with the butter and the butter ninja! An the pole dance! My cheeks hurts from laughing so much. You have to continue!
 Reviewed By: inu youkai Ashiyame [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 29, 2005 00:58 CDT
 Reviewed By: Kotzana252  On: August 10, 2005 18:01 CDT
O.M.G! I love this fic. you rock at this. Sorry if I'm too happy but I'm just like that sometimes. Anyways I think tou rock at writing. althrough I think you spelled a few thing a little wrong but who cares it's still a great story. Keep writing!
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