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"Midnight Meets Moonlight" Reviews/Comments [ 87 ]
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 Title: Yay!! *applause*
Reviewed By: Inuyasha's Mate  On: September 15, 2006 12:54 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*stand up and applaudes, cheers, screams* As always, I LOVED it!! I kind of had a feeling u were going to bring Kagome back, but I have to say, I did tear up when I read the way u described Sesshomaru's pain and sorrow at Kagome's loss. It made me choke up, to think about how much pain he was in, for having her then losing her again...I would probably be in his same position if I were to lose Inuyasha... *cries at the thought* But, all in all, it was very well written(not just the last ch., but the WHOLE thing). I must applaud u for being descriptive in ur story, it made me feel like it was an actual episode in the series(as do all ur other works)! So big round of applause on that and high five for getting it finished. Inu:Yes!! THANK U!!! Now she can stop staying up at the computer ALL night waiting 4 ur next ch. Right, Kamine?!? Me:*sweat drop* Ahhehe...right. *freezes for a moment, wide eyed* WAIT!! I just realized, I no longer have anymore of Mujitsu's updates to brighten my day!! She's done...it's... over...*starts crying again* Inu:*once again, paniced at the site of my tears, but trying not to show it* u...U BAKA!! It's not like it's the end of the world!! Me:*gets up from desk, looks out the window, checking to see if he's right* Inu:*sigh, sweat drops* Look, she's just done with this story...I'm sure she'll write some more, maybe some one-shots or if we're lucky, some more fanfics... Me:U promise?? *big anime teary eyes* Inu: Uh...er...well I- Me:OH, Thank u Inuyasha!!*gives him big kiss and hug*I'll just wait for her next story!*exists room, hopeful face* Inu:*still in shock from kiss* Uhhhh...*looks at the computer and keyboard, trying to remember how I taught him how to use it* Ummm...*types last few letters, ears perk up at figuring out how it works, comtinues typing* Mujitsu, if u do really care, please write something more for her...even if it's just a sentence or two.*thinks about what would happen if I found out he was lying, thinks about my tears* Ugh!! PLEASE WRITE ANOTHER ONE-SHOT OR SOMETHING!!! PLEASE, for my sake!! If u mean what u say by loving Me and the Inuyasha cast, u'll do it for us, mostly me!! Shippo: Inuyasha, are u talking to Mujitsu?!*hops onto his shoulder, gasps excitedly* Tell her I said 'hi'!!! Inu:Oi! Not now, runt! My life hangs in the balance for this review!*throws him off his shoulder* Shippo:*screams as he flies to the door* Me:*opens the door just in time to catch the flying kitsune* Ooof... Shippo:AHH! Kamine, make Inuyasha stop being mean to me!*cries* Me: Inuyasha!!*glares at him* Inu:*gulp* Got to go, please write! Write like ur life depended on it!! Me:*threatingly* Inuyasha....*Sango, Miroku, Koga, and Sesshy enter the room* SIT!!!!Inu:*thud* Me:Would u quit picking on Shippo?!?! He's just a little kid!! *continues arguing w/Inu, Koga joins in, trying to defend me* Miroku:*sits at the computer, Sango behind him* See what I have to deal with...*sigh* Maybe u can help me ease my pain by sending over young women, like ur self, to help- Sango:*hits him with her boomerang* PERVERT!! Monk:Sango! It's not like that! Sango:*hits him again, the two start fighting* Sesshy:*sigh, resisting the urge to roll his eyes, jumps over everyone else* Once again, all of u humans review my mate's fanfic, or else... Me:*stops fighting for a moment to hear what he just said* Trust me, peoples, U DON'T want to know what that "or else..." means!!! So review, and he might let u live... Inu:feh...yeah right Me:I said might....but better to be safe than sorry. So, REVIEW, REVIEW, REVIEW!! Koga:I don't know who asks to review more, u or Mujitsu... Me: ME!
 Reviewed By: critical eyes  On: September 15, 2006 05:54 PDT
Thank you for this wonderful fic, I really enjoyed the ride. I´m looking forward to the epilogue and maybe a pregnant Kagome.
 Reviewed By: Kagome4Hiei [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 04, 2006 19:10 PDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Update soon! This storyis extra awesome!
 Title: WOWW!!!
Reviewed By: Inuyasha s Mate [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 30, 2006 18:18 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wow. . .I'm TOTALLY speechless from ch. 19! That had a LOT of creativity, talent, and imagination put into it! I mean that w/ all my heart! It's just- I'm just- It was so- Inu: Thank u, Mujitsu! You finally found a way to shut her up! Hmm... Maybe I should let her read your works more often. Sesshy: Like she doesn't read it too much already(pulls out list of past loggins to her fanfics, list unravels to 750 miles, all words in fine print size).Me: What can I say she ROCKS hard! Seriously, Mujitsu, you should have me head of your fan club. You have enough good, scratch that, GREAT reviews to have a fan club. Moving on w/ the story. . .hmmm. . .Well, its the most incredible, awesome, greatest, imaginative, creative, cute-(keeps raving on and on about how great it is)Inu: Here she goes again(sits cross-legged, head resting on his hand). Sesshy:(sighs)Same routine humans, you review my mate's fanfics, and u won't end up like what I'm going to do in her fanfic to Kano if Kagome doesn't wake up! Me: Ok, Sesshomaru, that's enough out of u(sweat drop) heh...heh. U are scaring away all the fans(Pushes him out of the office) Inu: And he's supose to be Mujitsu's mate... Me: It's just a fanfic, Inuyasha, a well written, glorious-(Inuyasha covers my mouth) Inu:We get the point!! So everyone review and enjoy Mujitsu's story! Me: Wait!!(free from Inu's grasp) I haven't begun to talk about how great she wrote Koga's lines!! Koga:(knocks Inu on the head) Let her finish the review already, mutt!! Inu:Who you calling mutt!(they fight)Me: Thank u, Koga. I forgot to mention from the beginning that I LOVE the way you have Koga and especially Shippo written in the story! You are real creative and funny with the story, so keep up the good work!! I just have one little thing to criticize on your stories. . .(Inu & Koga stop fighting, dead silence, Sesshy breaks into the office) Sesshy: What's wrong w/ her work?!(Rage building in his eyes) Me:(Hiding behind Koga & Inuyasha)Nothing big, just that a LOT of people make this mistake with spelling. Sesshomaru's name doesn't have a 'u' after the 'o', or Koga's name isn't spelled Kouga, Kikyo isn't Kikyou, Shippo isn't Shippou, ect. If you notice the spelling in the books and the subtitles in the shows, you'll see my point. Just wanted to point that out everyone, not just you, so don't feel too bad. Sesshy:(remains silent, staring at me calmly) Me:(sweat drop) So please don't have Sesshy come back and kill me for that little bit of criticism!!!PLEASE don't have him kill me!! I'm too young to die!!(Sesshy raises an eyebrow, resisting a grin of amuesment) Anyways, much love to the fanfic and all your other ones! Peace, and please hurry with the next ch., please! The suspence will kill me. Good luck!
 Title: Love it
Reviewed By: Chel-So  On: August 29, 2006 03:24 PDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
i love it so far, so muxh emotion. Ihope you update. broken_soul_demons_heart@hotmail.com
 Reviewed By: anime pixie  On: August 15, 2006 14:26 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
omg!!! the way that you ended the chapter is a mojor cliffy. please PLEASE update soon. i can't wait to find out what happens. i really do feel bad for kano. happy writing.
 Reviewed By: rainydays (nsi)  On: August 14, 2006 23:45 PDT
Omgosh! I can't believe you stopped there... I want to read more! I hope you update soon!!!!! Great Job!! This is the only Sesshoumaru and Kagome story I've actually continued to read... I usually like the InuKag pairing.
 Reviewed By: Cochrann [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 14, 2006 13:59 PDT
OMG, you have to update as soon as possible! That chapter was really good and I absolutely adore this story.
 Title: Oh dear, no, no, no.
Reviewed By: DarkCrystalis [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 11, 2006 08:28 PDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 7 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 8 of 10
Overall Rating: 8 of 10
Whoa, whoa, whoa, WHOA! Stop, stop, stop, stop, STOP! I've loved this story, right from the beginning when I started reading it. BUT...you've just gone and done something VERY silly. Up until chapter 10, it was utterly astounding how you'd managed to keep Sesshoumaru in character the entire time, which makes me far happier than you could ever imagine. Sesshoumaru, to be blunt, is supposed to be a pompous asshole; overall disliked, cold-hearted, and with little emotion. You've portrayed him well, up until this point. However, you've just made a VERY big mistake. To make Sesshoumaru fall in love with Kagome so SOON was something you really shouldn't have done; we've BARELY passed the part where he's admitted to himself that he likes her (he hasn't even told HER that he LIKES her yet); but now he's suddenly in love? If you look at it from their perspective, he's only known her a few weeks, if even that long! If the Sesshoumaru in the future loves her, that's understandable (seeing how he's probably known/loved her for many years), but for the past Sesshoumaru to already have these feelings, in my opinion, ruins the story. I think that his emotions were just thrown into sixth gear and are far too advanced for the storyline's plot. I'm not happy with how this has happened at all; now everything, to me, will seem rushed in the story and the initial feeling of the slow pace between them will have vanished. It feels like, to me, you just wanted to rush his feelings so you could end the story; I couldn't see any other reason why he would fall in love so quickly. Even my boyfriend, (we fell in love quickly as well), but it took US a few months at the least (him maybe a couple). Anyway, my point is, I don't like what you've done with Sesshoumaru--too much, too fast. As well, this story reminds me of another I'm reading, entitled "Phoenix Blade: Time Lapse" or something along those lines--they have the back-and-forth time travel theme, (it's an IK pairing) and the whole fact that Inuyasha knows what will happen in the past, but won't tell Kagome and all that jazz. Perhaps you should be careful in how you approach your story; you don't want it to seem overly similar to a pre-existing fanfiction. HOWEVER, there are other things you are doing well, (putting aside your mistake) which I am going to address. I've noticed that you've got a well rounded plot. Things seem well planned out, there are many twists and turns which will probably show sooner or later, which keep all the readers (including myself) engaged. Also, I'm sure you hear this a lot, but I honestly love your writing style. It sounds professional, intriguing, and is overall admirable. To tell the truth, your story is beautifully written. There isn't too much description, or a lack of it; everything is just as it should be. If there hadn't been the rushing of feelings, I'd say the story is amazing; however, with that huge error, I'll have to keep reading before I critique how I feel about it. Sincerely, -DarkCrystalis
 Reviewed By: anime pixie  On: July 07, 2006 09:59 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
i love this story!! it's wonderfully written and thought out. i cannot wait until the next chapter is posted. the plot is original; i've never read a fan fic like this one before. keep up the good work. happy writing.
 Title: WOW
Reviewed By: Koga or Kouga/ Kouga's Girl  On: June 28, 2006 17:28 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
OMFG you must keep writing!! Your story actualy made me cry ONCE (guy stabs her with a truth telling shot) ok ok A LOT... That was the best story i ever read... I have a major obssesion with the whole inuyasha story line... Ok this is gettin a bit creepy now!?!?!?!
 Reviewed By: Inuyasha's Mate  On: June 10, 2006 13:57 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
First off, I want to apologize for not reviewing sooner, Mujitsu(Moved, computer not set up in a long while). Second, I just want to say I adored this fanfic, almost as good as FRFP. Sesshy:What do u mean, almost?(growls softly)ME:It was only 2 points away from being just as good.Sesshy:(glares at me) That's what I thought.ME:(sweat drop)Anyways, I saw that you kept closer to Fluffy's character, and tried your very best to not be OC. Which, as we all know, is very hard to do when you have your own ideas for a character. Especially Mr. Fluffy-pants, he so fun to play around with in story lines!!... Sorry, gots carried away.Inu:That's for sure(growls at me, mummbles)Suppose to me my mate...clinging onto that dog like a puppy.ME:I can hear you, remember? But to get to the point, it's a bummer to hear that you no longer do any personal responses anymore to your LOYAL fan(s)Just 'cause I didn't have my internet set up for 7 months of- Inu:(covers my mouth)O.K. That's enough out of you, remember, we might have young viewers reading this... I think what she's trying to get at is, she misses your personal responses, but she will have to learn to deal w/it.ME:(free, clears throat)Yeah, but-Inu:(death glare)ME:Heh-heh...Yeah. Personally, I can't wait until the next chapter. But I have to say I did tear up alot at Sango and Miroku's gravesite ch. and (sniff) Inu-Inu-Inuyasha's...(tears forming)d-de-death(breaks down into tears) Waah!... Inuyasha don't die.Inu:(paniced at the sight of tears) Don't cry!! I'm right here, it was all just a part of Mujitsu's story, I haven't left(holds me close)ME:(Sniff,sniff)Right...It was just so real and so well written. And she's the only author I know of that can make me feel the story actually happened and can make me cry like that(sniff)Inu:(thinking to self)Note to self- kill her for making my mate cry like this.(Outloud)Well she does do a good job, honestly, I even thought I was going to be sat a few times when Kagome would say "sit" in her fanfics(trying to get me to stop crying)ME: Alright(sits up,claps) You heard it live ladies and gentleman, Inuyasha approves. So I suggest you all that haven't reviewed this lovely, beautiful, well thought out, brilliant... Sesshy:To make it short for those of you readers, just review the story before I hunt every single one of you down and- ME:Sesshomaru! He's threatening off his own accord, you know the fanfic is good!! First Inuyasha, now Fluffy, what parallel universe are we living in!!!(The Inu-brothers stare at me) Ahem...Point is if you all don't make Mujitsu happy, then I won't be happy, and you don't want to see me unhappy.Inu: Mostly, I will not have my mate,Kamine(me), unhappy. So if she's unhappy I will hunt you all down and give you all a rosary bead necklace and have you all submitt to my demands to reviewing this masterpiece.ME:Ohh...Inuyasha(stary eyed)Your so adoarably forcefull, I knew there was a reason why I mated with you.Sesshy:(twitches)To much sharing...ME:Review! Review! Review!(sees Inu trying to slip out)Come here you adorable dog!Inu:Hey! I'm not a-(I tackle him to the ground outside the door) Ahhhh!Sesshy:Yeah...ME:(outside the door) Ahhh-ha!! I got your adorable ears, you can go nowhere now!!Inu:(Pops his head through the door)Please...Help me, Sesshomaru!!(gets pulled back out, screams)Sesshy: No, too entertained. If you worthless humans review, maybe she'll keep hold of Inu so he can't kill you, but I will for those of you who don't, I'll-Mujitsu:FLUFFY!!! Are you in here?Sesshy:Got to go...(Runs away)Mujitsu:(Comes in)He was here... Sesshy come back, I'm only going to smother you with my undying affection towards you!!!(Sees him) Got You!(tackles him, they fall ontop of the computer)ME:Nooooo! My computer!!
 Reviewed By: MsKittyKyo [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 03, 2006 06:20 PDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Such a wonderful story. Sess and Kag make a great couple. Looking forward to more chapters.
 Title: Awesome!
Reviewed By: rainydays [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 02, 2006 20:04 PDT
wonderful chapter! ooh... sesshoumaru is ticked off.. hah. It's so weird to see Shippo like that... I mean I'm used to the little fox demon.. not a killing machine. anyways, thanks for the update!! I loved it!
 Title: wow : o
Reviewed By: Hab  On: May 21, 2006 21:20 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
i think this is one of my most favourite fics ever. ^_^ i love it sooo much i don't even know how to say it. L M A O. and this has to be my most favourite lemon EVER. you have a talent for writing so don't ever stop. and i don't mean fanfiction. i mean writing in general. love habby
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