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"Live and Let Die (Part 3): Learning To Deal" Reviews/Comments [ 280 ]
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 Title: *smiles*
Reviewed By: MrsJoey Wheeler [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 06, 2007 01:13 EDT
I don't know if I've reviewed the other Live and Let Die stories, but this most recent chapter of this installment of the stories. I love these stories and I'm happy that Naraku is finally dead! I'm also pretty happy that Kikyo is finally resting in peace. In short, SHE'S DEAD!!!!! YES! (I've been waiting for her to die in this story. I've wanted her to rest in peace, not to die a horrible death. I love how you did her passing.)I'm happy that Inuyasha and Sesshomaru are getting along. I'd write more, but I'd run out of my characters! I'm going to re-read everything, and reveiw again. Luv your stories! I hope that you end this one awesomely!!!!!
 Reviewed By: TheIYobsessed  On: April 06, 2007 00:44 EDT
Okay, this review is going to suck and I was to ASSURE you profusely that it's not because of anything you did. I should have waited to read it but I was too excited. I like this story :D But it's ate right now and I've been depressed and I had a good day today but I'm not really out of my "mood" or in the mood to review. But since you might notice if I didn't review, I figured I should definitely write SOMETHING to you. Those last lines were amusing. So B's off to China, without so much as a 'see ya'! Awesome. And he's really cool in your story, by the way. I thought he was a very interesting addition to this whole thing. Kohaku is cool too. In a lot of stories they just save him and he doesn't get to be a part of the battle so he's just dead inside but the way you've written it I think he's got a chance of getting over everything now. Kagome and Inuyasha are a really amazing couple in this story. And now I kind of like that she's wearing a green version of his suit. Oh! I also like the way you described it--how she knew she was covered but she didn't feel like she was wearing anything. It does seem like it would be like that! Um what else? Well, the battle was cool. I wasn't disappointed and I'm glad it's over now. Stupid Naraku. >_< I DID however think that Kaede's "sister Kikyou" line was totally cheesy. I know she called her that as a child, and maybe it would come out if she saw her die, but I had a really hard time imagining her do it. It felt so out of place, especially since she just left Rin open, though that added more to the story. Besides that, Kaede's always been the sensible one, not really getting close to Kikyou again because she knows it's not really her. And nothing in this story has really made me feel like she feels differently than that. Though I could just be forgetting things. And it really doesn't matter. Shippou was very brave. I'm glad nothing happened to him. And when Inuyasha and Kagome where still in her time but Naraku was coming and then he was there and they were still in the future... I was getting all stressed! But in a good way. It was suspenseful. And suspence is good!
 Reviewed By: dark irish sorceress [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 05, 2007 23:15 EDT
YAY! naraku is dead! ^_^ great chapter, I LOVE THIS STORY! lol. ^_^
 Reviewed By: Autumn_the_Reviewer [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 05, 2007 23:06 EDT
yeeee haw!!! lol great chapter, loved it when Miroku sucked up Naraku with the Kazanaa.. yay! cant wait to read the next one! keep up the good work
 Reviewed By: GrayPheonix [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 05, 2007 22:47 EDT
There;s still a lot more to this story, but damn, that is an awesome way to complete the battle with Naraku. Thanks for putting int he time for this story. Like all your other ones, this one rocks. I look forward to future chapters very much. Later
 Reviewed By: Ivellios [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 04, 2007 17:15 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This story and all its predecessors are amazing and it would be a crime if you failed to update it.
 Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 30, 2007 00:27 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
ANd more of chapter 17!! Oh yes!! I am so very much loving it!! This Completely and Totally Rocks!! Thanks so very much!! Bravo!! and Whoot!! WHOOTT!!! That bit about Inuyasha learning about zippers is making me think about guys first bad expericence with zippers.. and I couldn't help myself from giggling! That was really cool that they are having the dresses delivered!! It adds to the wonderful mystery!! I love it!! Again all these small extra touches that you add makes the story more full-bodied and flavourful!! It's a real sign of the great talent that you have!! Making the story so much more!! Like the sales clerk even though we may never see her again, her character has dimensions! Oh my, Inuyasha's turn to get clothes... I did chuckle at Inuyasha's short lived relief that he was only going to have to wear traditional clothing only to have Kagome point out the suit he'll have to wear at the reception. Loved the whine that Inuyasha released when he saw the suits! Too cute!! And very clever thinking on Kagome's part to say she couldn't wait to take them off! Love the description of the suit he chose!! Nyummy!! Again the cute whimper! and So wonderful that Kagome recognized that she was getting near Inuyasha's discomfort zone! Kudos!! Whoot!! Excellent that is!! Kagome pulled a Miroku!! She did that!! OH MY!! Lol!! That is too awesome!! Loved it!! I guess she has discovered the joys of Inuyasha's firm tushy!! Wonder if Mama caught that? Have I mentioned how much I love this story and how much you Totally Rock??!! I will mention it again!! You Totally Rock!! Now we find out what he was promised for the days trip and shopping?? Sweet!! Ramen!! That is so pricelessly brillant!! And it works! I loved that they had matching blushes when they answered!! Hee!! Kagome had to bring up that moment when Mama found out about the two of them. Was Kagome sensing/feeling his stress? I see another mentioning of the so-cute nose crinkle/wrinkling!! So cute!! And trust Inuyasha to lead them to the source of Ramen. Mama didn't seem to recall Inuyasha's need/craving/obession for Ramen... seems odd that she wouldn't be aware of it... unless she isn't aware of Kagome buying all those packages for him. That must have been one very big bowl of Ramen he had.. giggles happily!! I am hoping for a extra special reward for Inuyasha ... more Ramen?? The shoes are next? Can't wait! and what a pleasant surprise!! Inuyasha taking the initiative and getting help with his shoes!! Kudos!! Whoot!! That is sooo Brillant!! Shoes that are like Sesshoumaru and explaining they are not made to be hard-stiff but firm leather. I agree with Kagome there as well! If Inuyasha has found a pair of shoes that he likes and doesn't cause him any discomfort that she should get them! Inuyasha caught the exchange.. I know he'll be asking about it much later on and may feel guilty about it. I do love the way Mama has been so assuring to her daughter and through her assuring Inuyasha. Kudos!! Bravo!! I love the way you have the itmes being delivered! I love the interaction with Sango and the two childern. Having them take a break and help out elder Kaede. Very touching! I love the maturity that Rin shows in her character. I do believe that Sesshoumaru has been a wonderful influence on her as well she him. Brillant!! Excellent!! I did love that Inuyasha repeated his train traveling method and had a good giggle at Kagome's blush along with mama's laugh at them. (I agree with Inuyasha sometimes the trians do have a funky smell that you wish you could open windows.) Poor Inuyasha Souta is definitely too overeager at times. I guess he'll want the exact clothing that Inuyasha got today when he sees them? I also really loved the ending! Inuyasha being so tender I loves it!! They actually made love without being vocal this time!! and the way Kagome knew what he was saying without words!!Please keep up the Excellent Work!! Can't Wait for more!! Rock, You Totally Rock!! (now bed calls me!)
 Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 29, 2007 21:48 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Still in chapter 17!! Alrighty!! And Literary Goddess!! I am so very much squirming with the pleasure of reading!! Bravo!! Bravissimo!! The bittersweetness of the siblings reunion was everything that can be felt in real emotions! that was really powerful how you wrote the post-tramuatic stress that Sango could see in Kohaku's eyes! Powerful! And the reality that he may not survive the final battle with Naraku. Wow!! And Miroku, how he had matured!! Brillant!! Amazingly WOW!! Kudos! He went to her and comforted her! Yay!! Miroku/Sango Squish!! Did Mama just tease Inu and Kag about finally appearing?? Yep! She did! All these little extra touches that you include into your stories really enhance the incredible realism of the story! How you make the characters all have more to their personalities! Kudos! Bravo! ...a Rail?! Oh my, they are going to try and get Inuyasha onto one of Japan's trains? I can't wait to read this!! Squeaks happily!! I really like how Inuyasha will face his discomfort to see that Kagome is happy and how she is the same way with him! I can't wait to see his expression at seeing a train for the first time! I wonder how and what will it take to convinve Inuyasha to get onto a train? giggles naughtily... I can see many bowls of Ramen in the future, some potato ships and some special love making. Rubs hands together!! I do love how you brought out the stubborn and determined side of Inuyasha. He is definitely not one to back down from a battle of any kind or size... even a train. I was chuckling quite happily imagining the "talk" they would have had to tell Inuyasha they were not riding on top of the train. Poor Inuyasha I can picture his drooping ears... I can see him being claustrophobic about the train. So happy he didn't panic from it (other writers would have done this and caused a big scene so Kagome could sit him..) but not you! Bravissimo!! Whoot!! Loves it!! And Loves how Kagome understood his discomfort and helped him through it all without causing him any discomfort to his ego. I do like how they reserved taking him into a very crowded place to shop! Again your excellent and superb understanding of the characters is reflected! I LOVE how you explained Kagome's reasoning behind covering his marks and very convinvingly! I think I like it when there is an explanation to the covering instead of her appearing to be 'ashamed' or 'scared' of the mark. Very smart girl to think about protecting her beloved mate!! I'm trying to picture the dress... is there a linkie to see the type of dress? (possible sketching reference later.. winks happily) I was pleasantly surprised with Kagome's frugulness towards the money and the tender re-assurance her mother gave her that it was okay. I was laughing quite a bit with Inuyasha wandering around til he ended up in the stores sexy lingerie dept! Knew the dainty garments would shred? hmm.. that sounds like a fun drabble to write.. giggles... I have the best mental image of one super red inu hanyou covered in panties and I have you to thank for!! So Thank you!! That is oh-so very highly entertaining!! Loves it!! Priceless!! LMAO!! and I love that Kagome couldn't find him so she called for him! I really enjoyed that the clerk was so very funny and understanding about the situation and so was Kagome and her mother! Kudos!! I loved the way Kagome teased Inuyasha with the bra and panties that he "picked out" Yes!! More playfulness from Inuyasha!! He is getting much better with his apologies! Whoot!! More signs of his maturity! You soo very much Rock!! And He willingly helped out a human with no complaints!! Awesome!! Kagome is going to reward her precious Hanyou won't she? He really made an impression upon the sales clerk with his willing help. So very touching! I can't wait for Inuyasha to see his mate in her dress and see the undergarments he picked out. I feel a nice and smexy steamy love scene!! Wiggles happily!! I can see where Kagome got her reluctance.. from grandpa.
 Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 29, 2007 17:31 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Whoo-hoo!! Still in chapter 17!! and so very much loving it!! and slowly catching up!! I'll get there!! The reflection Kagome has in this chapter about Inuyasha's return and their passionate love making was so beautiful. Swoons!! I love it!! and to me felt very realistic in light of her insecurities and self doubts. I can see that this will put them all to rest and from her mind from now on. She certainly knows the gift that is their bond and love and won't take it for granted. Another Blindingly Brillant excellent of your wonderous talents!! I will always reamin in Awe and Delight of your writings!! It's so truly beautiful and inspiring!! The revealation with Inuyasha was priceless!! I was in quite the fits of the giggles with his puzzlement of Kagome's tears and how he was so baffled all the time. It's true. Women confuse the dickens right out of men to the ends of time, I doubt scientists will ever make any leeway in understanding. LOL!! I do so love how you follow RT way with having a serious matter gently lightened up with just the right touch of humour! Never too much! Just perfect!! I do love the way you are demostrating his levels of maturity with regards to Kagome - how he comforted her, made love to her all without his usual grouchy, self-defensive defenses. You are Positively Astounding!! Kudos!! WHOOTT!!!!! And how you have Kagome also maturing and showing it realistically as well! With her understanding Inuyasha more and getting the right idea behind his actions without jumping to the wrong conclusions. I do like it when the sounds he makes are called purrs but I really love it when it's referred to as growls. (I think dogs do "purr" just not the way people think - after all every animal has happy sounds) And this love scene!! Again another beautifully written and touching scene! I can never be able to express truly the pleasure I have when I read the tenderness with which you do this!! Not enough words to do so... so Bravo!! Bravissimo!! (I think I'll need to create some words for you!) How Inuyasha is concerned and still has some guilt about Kagome being sore from the Full Moon love making all goes to show his deep level of caring and love for her, waggles eyebrow... she needs to show him more often that she isn't 'hurt' from repeated lovemaking... sore yes, not hurt. I really loved the last thought Inuyasha had before he drifted off to sleep that Kagome was reclaiming him just as much as he had reclaimed her after that incident with Kouga. I love it when they re-affirm their connections. Sighs very romantically... Please keep up the most excellent work!! Races around squealing with much joy!! Love the thoughts of Kaede, she is the grandmother to all the IY gang isn't she? Mama is a wonderfully protrayed character in your stories! Very understanding and firm when she needs to be. I really enjoyed how she wants grandchildern just not yet and lets them be together. Really touching that it brings up for her fond memories of her late husband! Sighs very happily!! Kudos!! (giggles) Bravo!! I read the giggle and stop that and can only wonder what is Inu doing to Kagome... Love the playfulness that Inuyasha can show with Kagome. That was really cute what he was doing to Kagome. Will there be more scenes of playful Inuyasha? That was an adorable way for them to make love! Very cute!! as I grin hugely! When you wrote preztel... I got hungry for one.. LOL!! Great work!! and that was funny asking Kagome if the preztel Love was going to tide her over for the day!! So cute!! Loves it!! Have I told you that you are truly Awe-Inspiringly-Awesome?!! Bravo!! Bravissimo!! WHOOT!! WHOOTTT!!! Giggles.. I love it when Inuyasha wrinkles his nose, it's so very cute! I liked when Sango woke uo that she accpeted Miroku's warmth as they slept for what it was and didn't over-react another great example for her maturing and of his maturing. I love the way you protray Sango's emotional upheaval so very realistically. Kudos!! Whoot!! Whoot!
 Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 29, 2007 14:18 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Still on Chapter Sixteen and now we are at part three!! Kudos! Bravo! Bravo! Yay!! I am so very much loving this story as it continues to progress and evolve! And now we are onto part three!! Hooray!! So Kagome has introduced Inuyasha to the wonderful world of massages!! winks happily. I would gather Inuyasha would have some very talented hands when it comes to massaging his beloved mates back! Did you research massage techniques or was the privilege of going to a therapeutic Massager? Sighs! I also so very much love all these realistic additions you include into your stories! They serve to enhance it without overwhelming it or being too much! What a nice way to show Inuyasha her appreciation for his back rub! Loved how you made it into a wonderfully delightful love scene. A silly question... why was certain body parts burning? Blushes... Well... That was certainly a hot love scene. Fans face... whew... I love it when he flops onto of Kagome afterwards. It's romantic... and that was really sweet how Kagome asked Inuyasha to make love to her again... "Love me"... Kagome, I like it when she initiate the love making. I wonder if she would tire him out and be still raring to go one of these days? Giggles... and how Kagome still is able to go for those finger magnets that are his ears. I really do very much enjoy the way you describe and protray the lemons in your stories! They are always so very tender and very hot! Exciting! I had to giggle that Kagome woke up Inuyasha this time to make love to him and he asked if Kagome had enough and her reply 'never' Swoons very happily! Kudos!! Bravo! Whoot!! Whoot!! How you make it seem like everytime they make love be like the first time for them! That so Totally Rocks!! Excellent!! Awesome!! Literary Goddess I am wiggling from the joy of this story like I do with all your stories!! Oh my!! I am crying along with Kagome! and that is the sign of a truly gifted Writer, someone who can weave me into their story and have me feel what the characters are feeling and see what they see. I love that in writers and is grateful to the writer who offers me this. I bow to you!! Thank you so very much!! Poor Inuyasha he has been so programmed into thinking that if Kagome cries it's his fault. But I got all WAFFy with the way he was able to coax the reason for her tears out of her! I really loved how they talk to each other! How Kagome finally truly understands the depth of his love and commitment to her after he returned to her. I also loved and thrilled at the way Inuyasha was firm about her insecurities with Kikyou by letting her know that Kagome was his Mate and nothing was going to change that and if she harmed Kagome he would hunt her down. That, I felt, meant so much to Kagome! Bravissimo!! Excellent!! Sheer Brillance and Beauty!! and now we go onto chapter 17! I must start off by saying how I love the title. It conjured up all kinds of cute images for me! and a small comedy scene of Inu with a shoe in his mouth. I really do love and appreciate the way you leave no character lacking for anything. They are all full bodied and superbly presented! I loved the way Miroku after returning with Sango from their talk allowed her her space. How the others also allowed Sango her needed space!I did get confused with the placement of Sango and Miroku. Wasn't Sango and Miroku already sitting next to each other? the two paragraphs seems to contridict the other... or am I really confused? But Miroku's maturity with his behaviours towards Sango's feelings has really been realisticlly presented and wonderfully executed!! Literary Goddess, I love it! And sweet little Rin that was very touching how she misses her Lord but has so much faith, trust and love in him. I thought it was great that Sesshoumaru told her he was going to check on something and would be back. I really enjoy the way she has made the subtle and wonderful changes upon the stoic "ice" Lord working her magic. How very much alike the brothers are.
Reviewed By: ladytokyo [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 26, 2007 12:16 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
update date it's been too long!!!!!!!!!! please update soon. very very very very sooooooonnnnnn!!!!!!!!!1
 Reviewed By: Dragon Rider [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 22, 2007 20:00 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Please update, Please
 Title: Chpt 22 review
Reviewed By: Autumn_the_Reviewer [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 20, 2007 21:55 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
well, it took me the better part of the day to read up to this point, and i have to say, im not disappointed. This is a tremendous fan fiction, and i eagerly await updates. Considering I've been reading this almost nonstop since 6:30 am, and its now 9:50 pm, i dont think i can be very patient. But i'll try. I loved how you did the wedding. Not too many details to bewilder, and just enough to satisfy. Beautifully written. So hurry up and update. :D
 Reviewed By: White_Silken_Lover  On: March 19, 2007 20:16 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Umm hi. I gave you all ten's because, I think your a great author and you've written all of those fanfiction. You deserve every review and award you get. Another reason I'm writing is you usuallly write at least 2 chapters a month and seeing as it's the 19th and you haven't written any chapters this month. Any I can't wait till your nexy update. Really this is my favorite fanfic after all. Do you think you'll do another Live and Let Die? Cause I really do love this fanfic. Sorry if i repeat myself but I really do love it. Anyway my fav part was when Sess helped them at first. Then he was helping them again. Plus he watched over them while they mated. I LOVE Sesshomaru.!!! Well hope you update soon. Your No.1 reader. White_Silken_Lover P.S. Please update soon cause if you don't I won't be able to read it for 1 month.
 Title: mid chpt 7 review
Reviewed By: Autumn_the_Reviewer [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 19, 2007 17:26 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
i havent even finished chapter seven, but i wanted to comment on my feelings with this chapter. Im at the point where inuyasah is reflecting his feelings for kagome after he pondered the illusion. It made me miss my mate (he died due to illness), and i just remember how it felt to be loved and cherished as much as you portrayed inuyasha and kagome. This chapter has invoked a sense of longing in me, that i havent felt in sometime. Thank you for writing this beautiful story (as well as part one and two). It may have brought me a sense of sadness and longing, but it touched me in a way that very few stories do. Please continue to write, you have a gift.
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