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"I Hate Him" Reviews/Comments [ 76 ]
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 Reviewed By: kyo suki  On: March 01, 2003 12:45 CST
whee, congratulations to one of the sweetest endings for a chapter ever!

yet more work for my printer, the poor thing must have felt alone all the time i was looking out for a new incredible chapter.

you think this story takes too long? maa, i wish it would never end! but i do realize that's impossible, just... go on with it for a little - or maybe even not so little - while longer, yes? pretty please, i beg you!

i so love this!
kyo suki
 Reviewed By: sailor_soldier_sm [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 23, 2003 08:31 CST
I lovew the longness of this fanfic! for once I have something wher eI am not left saying 'that was too short' and it is just too interesting and well done for me to say 'when will this end?'
I love it!
 Reviewed By: pink bunny  On: February 08, 2003 05:16 CST
I have no idea what to write here but I really wanted to review because I liked it so much. ^^ I have been checking the past week or so for any new installments, and I was just so happy to see the new chapter. ^^ Uhm...I can't think of anything else to say...^^;; I'm looking forward to reading about Aya-chan's departure and if Sebastian tries to do anything to Aya...hmm, maybe Aya can get some backbone and kill him or something? Heh...And I agree with Ken and Youji, Aya-chan was just getting what she deserved! She is such a snotty biznatch... ^^
 Reviewed By: babaca [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 07, 2003 20:34 CST
God, when will Aya-chan learn? I found it interesting that she and Ken used to date. And I loved his internal grumbling commentary about her being along. I laughed when he dumped her at the gas station.

How can Aya not notice that Aya-chan is being really rude to Yoji? You promise that Sebastian and Aya-chan are gone? Pretty please?
 Reviewed By: MookieNH [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 07, 2003 17:18 CST
Go, Ken, ditching Aya-chan at the gas station! Poor Yohji, no outlet for all that pentup sexual tension. Sigh...

I don't think it's perverted the way you portray Ken and Omi. Hey, at least ONE couple doesn't have all the issues. Issues, yeah, but not to the degree Aya and Yohji have.

I love the little biting comments and the thoughts exchanged between Yohji and Aya-chan, too. Well written. Really portrays Aya-chan as a heinous bitch!
 Reviewed By: babaca [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 22, 2003 22:16 CST
I don't know why you are putting yourself and this part down. It is good to know what Ken and Omi think of Aya-chan and Sebastian. It was also good that they defended Yoji (someone had to, Aya's not quite capable of doing it yet, since he doesn't know what to really make of his sister).

Ken praying on the back of Omi's bike was hilarious, I was laughing on that part. It still boggles my mind that Aya-chan and Ken used to date in your story.

And I enjoyed the sweetness at the end when Yoji wanted Aya to just get rest and not move things in a direction that could potentially backfire in their future.

Very nice chapter.
 Reviewed By: Enna Namo [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 17, 2003 14:21 CST
As usuall, perfectly written.

But what are you heading for? In the beginning I had no problem to see the aim, healing Aya and protecting him was the purpose.

But what is it now? There is Sebastian, who I don't like and I don't know why you put him in the fic for more then the reason that he is Aya-chans boyfriend. ha. What a boyfriend.

Then Youji constantly trying to get Aya into sex and persuading him that he is loved.

Omi and Ken, mmmmmhhh like bunnies.

What is this all about? I miss the thread. Where is the plot? What is the plot?
 Reviewed By: sailor_soldier_sm [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 11, 2003 19:05 CST
heeheehee. I still LOVE this fanfic! It has really gotten me addicted to Weiss and you are such an amazing writer!
 Reviewed By: MiniMorr [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 07, 2003 21:36 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I've read it all, and I love it!! Couldn't stop reading until 9 in the morning, when my brother came in to claim the computer...
I really like the way you've portaited the persons, they are just as I see them! And poor, poor Ran... Yohji's going to have a hard time getting him back on his feet properly... And one might also hope that Sebastian might have a little "accident", if that's not too much to ask for? *hopeful grin*
Anyway, keep up the good work and hurry up with the next chapter, pleeeeaaase? :)
 Reviewed By: morningwinds  On: January 06, 2003 05:50 CST
This is really a great story , but for how long will Aya treat Yohji in this way ??

I hope you finish this story soon.
 Reviewed By: babaca [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 18, 2003 15:01 CST
Thanks for starting this chapter with the replay from others how everyone had put on drag to make Ran feel more comfortable. This was great because Aya-chan got to see Yoji is a sweeter light, so maybe she won't be so antagonistic about Ran's relationship.

But ... Sebastian has to go. What a waste of pretty boy space. He thinks he can bust up Ran and Yoji? I'd like to see him try, then I'd like to see Ran gut him like a fish.

Will there ever be a chapter when Yoji and Ran go out together and they get away with not having to kill someone? Tell me it's possible. :)

Overall great chapter, I'm always thrilled to read this when new parts come out. Keep writing.
 Reviewed By: MookieNH [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 04, 2003 17:10 CST

The thing with Yohji's talking all the time reminds me of a quote I heard the other day...something like that people who talk all the time may be hiding just as much as silent people...or along those lines, anyway.

I really like the way you've illustrated the relationship between the two. It's nice to see Yohji given some depth.
 Reviewed By: MookieNH [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 04, 2003 09:05 CST
The part with Aya not wanting to be alone, and his undisguised relief at seeing Yohji return was beautiful.

I really love the slow build up for these two, even if Yohji is going out of his everlovin' mind.
 Reviewed By: punker182biatch [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 30, 2002 19:32 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*scoffs at the knowledge that ANYONE would dare downgrade ur work* I'm gonna have to quote Yohji when I say "Beautiful" ... I've been reading this story for days because I can't put it down! But now I have to because I'm all out of chapters! *pouts* Oh well... I guess I'm just going to have to wait like the rest of ur reveiwers... But 3 cheers for u and ur story!!! ^_^
 Reviewed By: kyo suki  On: December 23, 2002 13:57 CST
sorry! i'm really sorry! i know i've been a bad girl. not reviewing the last chapter and all *looks at the floor* huh? my e-mail? it's tani-chan@t-online.de, but i do not deserve getting e-mail from you. stupid me. forgetting to review...
hmm, is it really that weird to print such a good story out? i'm happy that i did. now i can read this without having to start my computer everytime. it's nice, before i have to get out of bed, i can read some minutes an especially sweet or good chapter, just whatever i feel up to, and then start the day. in other words: go to school. damn.most of the days i feel rather like reading on and skip classes, but i don't think that would be a very good thing to do...
anyway, keep on writing! my printer'll be glad to have some more work!
this is the best written story ever, can't help if i'm addicted now, right? i think you should get an award for this or something. but i don't know what i can give you...if you want something, just let me know, okay? i'll try to help!
kyo suki
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