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"As If!" Reviews/Comments [ 120 ]
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 Reviewed By: Taure [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 03, 2002 11:48 CST
WHAT? No episode 12? :-( awww, I love that episode. Oh well. Waiting for episode 13 then!
 Reviewed By: Gothic Star Girl [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 03, 2002 11:44 CST
.....X.x;; I thought Halloween jokes were throwing toilet paper over trees an' stuff....*shrugs* Ah, well.

Hmm...perhaps Yami began thinking of new traps that are light half proof, so next time Yugi won't help the trespassers out....
 Reviewed By: tefla  On: November 03, 2002 00:55 CST
I think Yami should do all of the above ... except for C. I really like the writing up the bill and the staring at his soulroom door.
 Reviewed By: Gothic Star Girl [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 02, 2002 12:36 CST
Did I fail to mention that, when you said "no sane person would read and like this fic", I, a sane person, am reading and LOVING this fic?

Muses: "...You're sane?"

-.o;;; *warningly* Yes. *ahem* You are not insane, the readers are not necessarily insane, and we all LOVE this fanfic!! *little kid voice* So pwease? I'we wove you fowevew and evew and even a wong time aftew dat if you awe nice and put up da chaptew....and I'w dwaw you a buncha pictuwes! *ahem* So, show us the chapter or the pink bunny gets it. *holds up a pink bunny over a spork*

Angel Yugi: "Is it just me, or is she more crazy than normal?"
Muses: "It's not just you...."
 Reviewed By: Gothic Star Girl [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 02, 2002 12:28 CST
Oi oiiiiiii!! Why is there no chapter? There HAS to be a chapter!! *whines loudly* Star-chan wants to see the sillies for Evil Spirit of the Ring....

*wanders off, then wanders back with a statuette of Angel Yugi* *sing-song* I'll give you this if you put up the chapter....

 Reviewed By: Bronze Eagle [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 01, 2002 18:29 CST
Hahahahahaha. I loved the Trial by Red Eyes eppie. Glad you could use my ideas. ^.~ Too bad you en't doing the next one, though. T.T I agree that it's stupid that they ignore that ep, especially since Yugi and Ryou-chan both know that it wasn't a dream. I guess Yugi figures that Yami no Bakura has been sealed away or killed by the Reaper of the Cards. Although, once Honda points out that Yami no Bakura came back, and all he did to keep him from coming back another time was something stupid like throwing the Ring off the tower, I can't excuse their behavior. ::shakes head:: This is almost the only episode where Ryou-chan gets a central role, but I understand your reason for not wanting to do it. Ah, well. Hope to see the next one up soon!!! Ja ne, minna-chan!!
 Reviewed By: tefla  On: October 31, 2002 23:34 CST
Hey Deeg,

You gotta have a chapter for Evil Spirit of the Ring ... that's just plain mean. I was waiting for this chapter to come out. *sniffs*

*glances around before packing all Halloween decorations away ... the evening being over* *leaves an offering of 20 pixie stixs for the author and the cast*

*sulks silently*

Tefla aka Erin
 Reviewed By: Taure [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 31, 2002 12:27 CST
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Oh my gosh this fic is HILARIOUS. I'm only on ch...33, so yay, I have more to read! It's great, I sit around with my sis and we come up with stuff like this, just not as funny. :-) In your A/N you said something like "it's depressing to see how many ppl read the first chapter and don't go on..." If it makes you feel better, I have to pick myself up off the ground after every chapter. Lord, I really can't wait till you start in on the "Legendary Heroes" trilogy, now that will be soooo funny!
 Reviewed By: tefla [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 30, 2002 09:41 CST
Hey Deeg, are you going to use any of the ideas I sent you on Monday? If not ... could you at least send them back so I could keep a record of them.

Short chapter this was ... hmmm ... what to bring the cast next ... *gets idea*

*returns twenty minutes later with lots of Halloween candy and decorations* *gives a few packs of candy to Yami Bakura and Ryou and then gives Deeg a few bags* (Leaves a single bag for the rest of the YGO cast to fight over)
 Reviewed By: Bronze Eagle [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 29, 2002 20:56 CST
^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ Ryou-chan shows up in the next chappie!!! Yay!!!! ^^ Actually, those Swamp Battleguard card thingies really do raise each other's attack points in the card game, but I don't know by how much. ^^;;; Hmmm, I'll try to think of more things for Evil Spirit of the Ring ... Still haven't seen the ep since last time though ... ^^;;;; Gyah, I don't know any of the lines. Hmm. Mebbe one with Anzu pulling the wrong magic card back from the graveyard ... Ryou-chan being jealous of Bakura-kun when he goes down that lil dark spirally thing (you know, when Lady of Faith gets destroyed) ... Something with Ryou-chan having trouble posessing his own monster (I don't know if that's allowed ... ^^;;) ... Erm ... Yami-kun being the one trapped inside the DM, instead of Yugi-chan, and Yugi-chan being in charge of rescuing them all (poor them) ... Don't you think it's odd that everyone stands around crying after Jou gets destroyed, while Yami-kun barely blinks after Honda-kun is sent to the graveyard? ::sigh:: No one ever cares about Honda-kun. Oh, well. This has been an extremely long review, so I'm going to end it now. ^^;;; Ja ne, minna-chan!!
 Reviewed By: ZeroSystolic [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 29, 2002 18:02 CST
"Rex: Meet the top link of the food chain! Serpent Night Dragon!

Joey: Guess Blue-Eyes don't eat, then."

BEWD IS A WEAK LITTLE PIECE OF *BLEEP*T THAT CAN'T HELP ANY DECK CAUSE HE IS VIRTUALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO UPGRADE...alot...! *bleep*ck! *twitchtwitch* ... *ducks and cowers as random Junk is thrown at her... [hmm... If SETO heard that, he'd kill me... Lol...]*

On the Other hand, Red-Eyes and Serpant Night Dragon... and... other... Dragons, that are not Light, rule! ... heeey... YOU FORGOT RED EYES... no wait, Jou didn't know about it yet... errm... Now I confused myself.

Ha! I suddenly remembered Why I liked Rex so much before... o_O... Rrrr... haha, Great chapter... o_O I honestly don't remember reading this chapter before... eh heh... *run awaaaaaaaay!*


 Reviewed By: tefla [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 28, 2002 19:38 CST
Hmmm ... new chapter ... Yay DG.

*brings out a plastic bag filled with pixie stixs and hands them out to everyone*
 Reviewed By: Bronze Eagle [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 28, 2002 16:15 CST
Poor Ryou-chan. He wasn't in this eppie. T.T Ehhhhh, scenes for Evil Spirit of the Ring ... You could do something about Yami Bakura getting trapped in a card, instead of Ryou-chan's, since he was in control of their body and all ... For the ep before, you could have Yami getting all offended when Jou says, "Man, I hate magic." ^.~ Something with Ryou-chan trying to get Yugi-tachi to kill him, of course ... I haven't watched the ep in a while, so I'm afraid I don't remember many of the specific lines. ^^;; And I'm too lazy to type these up in "scene and line" type format. Hope you can use these ideas anyway. ^^ Ja ne, minna-chan!!
 Reviewed By: The Pharaohs Light & Dark  On: October 27, 2002 15:46 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
PL: Hi! Thought we'd drop in on your new residence.
PD: It's satisfactory. Still can't believe FF.N deleted it.
PL: That was horrible but we are still reading.
PD: We're waiting with bated breath for you to do the Rebecca eps. *sighs* That girl was screwed up...
PL; Tell me about it. And a huge attitude prob.
PD: Anyway, thought we'd say hi. And we did so...
PL: What the hell are we still doing here?
PD: *shrugs* Who knows? *turns back to review* So... love the fic!
The Pharaohs Light & Dark
 Reviewed By: ZeroSystolic [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 26, 2002 10:19 CDT
.....Then Does it make you feel better that It took me this long to read this chapter...(Considering Its my first time on the internet in a while) ? o_O I Did NOT Rip Pegasus off...! I mangled his quote... [Now you're probably going 'Sure, sure...' in the most inhumanly sarcastic tone...]

How come we skipped right from Duelist Kingdom, to Rebecca, to the Virtual Game, and then probably to Battle city? I WANT OTOGI...! grrr...roar.
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