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"Childhood Comedy" Reviews/Comments [ 20 ]
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 Reviewed By: Red Dragon  On: March 07, 2003 22:38 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 7 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Red Dragon"* laughing so hard volcanoes erupt* hehehehe woops i need to learn not to laugh so much but that was the best and thos expressions fit perfectly right guys *looks at the other Dragon Elements*

White Dragon" ya that one was really funy i think it actually kind of made me cause a few tornados heheh woopsy"

Brown Dragon" *still snickering from the ficcy* yea that fic was a good one"

Blue,and Green Dragon nod their heads in agreement"

Red"now what gifts do we give Yami and Yugi and the Author to *thinks for a sec* hmmm OH! i know for Yami he gets a white leather outfitt with little angle wings for Yugi and Yugi gets a Black leather outfit with the buckles like on the show but theres fire red stripes on the side and *giggles* a red dragon on the front *starts drooling picturing Yugi and Yami in these outfits* GAH!! i need to stop im get to into this kind of thing"

White,Brown,Green,Blue"O.O::::" "YOUR NOT KIDING well at least in the get to involved and in the desciptions anyways"

Red * laughs nervously* sry now lets OH!! i forgot Anzu well * cackles evilly* for u deary ill let meet my sister THE BLACK RED DRAGON"

White *GASPS* O_O!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U CANT BE SERIOUS not that i care about anzu but that sister of yours could kill them all AND U KNOW and I WILL ALOW NO HARM TO COME TO RYOU*get into protective mode for Ryou*

Red relax ill take care of the protection of the other i dont want Yugi or Yami hurt anymore then u Want Ryou K?"


Red"now lets see here oh yea the rest of the gives well i also have a special stone called the Clothes stone wich will change Yami's outfits to hot and down right sexy and Yugi's outfits to petite,sexy and apsolutely KAWAII ^___________^"

White" thats good and ill give a adoring stone wich will make Bakura ador Ryou and visa versa"

Red"-_- right and lets see oh and Yugi my darling angel *sighs just thinking of him with Yami and doing all the perfect,KAWAII,and sexy things for Yami*this is a book of how to do spells that effect everyone were everyone but Yami gets effected badly but Yami get a positive and beneficial effect from it *wink wink* and now for the Author for such a superp fic *thinks for a sec* lets see oh i know here my wonderful author a infinite supply of nonexpireing tickets and coupons to all video stores,video game store,and amusement parks and a 10009 Box set of all yami and Yugi in "playtime" *wink wink* well cya and enjoy u three"

White JA hope u like the gift Ryou sends a cool breezy kiss to Ryou"
 Reviewed By: Red Dragon  On: March 07, 2003 21:56 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Red Dragon " Red Dragon here nice ficcy oh and as for the suggestion part well lets see u could make Bakura the girly type in the young age and make Ryou his same sweet self but with a slight sinister side * cackles evilly* grm grm yes oh and i have a gift for Yami and Yugi or should i say several gifts lets see here yes i have a book of 100,000,000,000,ways to tourture your enemies and have fun with friends and loved one *wink wink* and yes a little thing i picked up from another ficcy sry to whoever wrote it its a card called mesmeric control *reads it ablilites*(turn your enemies into groveling dogs *no pun intended Jounchi* make your those you love into eager to please slaves and have any and all under your complete control)either Yami or Yugi can use it *thinks to see if she forgot anything* OH yes one other thing * bigins to chant a little spell that brings out a sparkling neckles* u dont have to take off the Millenium Puzzle cuz i know Yugi u dont trust Y.Bakura anymore then i do but this will enable u to have the same powers i have build romantic get aways for u and Yami Yugi * wink wink* and build minature tourture chambers if u wish * laughs in a sinsister way* well cya
 Reviewed By: Fever  On: February 01, 2003 19:05 CST
Yugi: Tootsie Pop Factory
Yami: Blind date pass with Laura Croft
Ryou: A DVD player
Bakura: A full length mirror
Jou: A leash and KIBBLES N' BITS!!!!
Honda: An electric razor...
Malik: Sailor Moon's magic wand weapon. ( it'll go good with his rod.
Isis: Uhh... a TV...
Anzu: Hehehehe... mutiple things...
1. Saddam Huessien with a revolver
2. Osama Bin Laden with a bomb
3. Anthrax ( why else would i be named Fever??)
4. Her very own acid hole... I kick her in though...
Klonoa: I'd give you the world, but I'm already heading for world domination so I'll give you a lifetime supply of CHIBI SUGAR!!!( i made it up so i hope you go crazy with it...

And also have Bakura in the bathroom with the door closed and Yami taping from the outside with Ryou. Ryou says he's going to fling the door wide open. Then he counts to three and opens the door fast. Bakura was (is) taking a crap with a guitar singing Singing on the Toliet. Bakura calls them stupid idiots and slams the door... wee!!! That would be fun!!! For more ideas on videos, ask me at Sunferla@aol.com
 Reviewed By: Red Dragon of Egypt  On: August 22, 2003 20:05 CDT
RD:hey red again ok this one is dedicated stictly on presents and of course all the good ones are for the authoress and Yami and yugi i love ya both soo much*gives them bothe a hug*ok now lets see*snaps her fingers and to colossal magically enhanced bags of gifts*ok now were was i oh yeah yami and yugi bothe get leather outfits by the bushel load of there choice in color um Kloana(sry if i misspelled your name i really dont mean it id never dis a fellow yugi and yami fan)dearry you get a crystalized forges authuress pen guranteed to make any art or drawing u do not just become a reallity but can also be slightly altered by the person u want to draw to make him mainly yugi an Yami/THE KING OF GAMES/duelGod into the cutest sexiest men on the planet and now lets see seto then new flexable barbie joey gets a brand new endless supply of all his favorite food and items of his choosing plus a card that lets him chose any powerful duel monster that he can use to protect yugi(i saw that last epsiode of joey's betrayal and i want to thank him for it he is a good friend)and everyone gets anzu-killing DDs and DOTs (direct dammage spells and damage over time spells)of your choice and of course yugi and yami also get staffs like the DM only gold and red(G for Yugi R for Yami)that lets them do whatever they want with enough power to take out thousands of evil yamis pegasases*shudders*and punish seto cuz i still semily like the guy and of course enhances the "FUN"they can have with eachother oh and and endless suply of chocolate and my personaly fav sweet tarts hehe gets the lips nice a ready for kissing authoress u get some to and yami and yugi and the authoress all get endless blessings from Gaia(the planet not duel monster)and a power of the elements of their choice well TTFN ta ta for now and ENJOY hehe
 Reviewed By: Kale  On: December 23, 2002 21:31 CST
awsome story!!!
really funny!!!!!!
please write more soon!!!!
 Reviewed By: Madyamisam [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 16, 2002 08:08 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
 Reviewed By: yugiohlover  On: December 08, 2002 14:25 CST
WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO WRITE MORE!?!?!? Everybody would like your fic for Christmas, but some can't wait that long. LIKE ME! Please write more soon!
 Reviewed By: Rach-Chan [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 19, 2003 22:36 CST
'Sup Klonoa,
If your gonna start asking quetions then I wanna ask a few:
Bakura-Will you go out with my yami.She obsessed with you and Vegeta.
Ryou-(gives a sweet, innocent smile)Will you go out with me?
Seto-Can I have your trench-coat for my friend Beth?
Yami-How do you fit in those tight leather pants.(drools)
Yugi-How can you stnad being near yami without jumping him?Isn't that hard?

And I wanna give some gifts too.

Ryou-A brand-new hi-tech computer.
Bakura-A whip.(I think he knows what its for)
Seto-A Barbie from my friend Beth.
Yami-The most adorable Yugi plushie the world has ever seen and a
'How to torture the evil bitch Anzu/Tea.'
Yugi-A 'How to keep too many athouresses from glomping you book'(Rachel-(my yami)the poor kid needs it)
Jou-A leash that's gold plated and a book called 'I should listen to the ultimate cute guy Seto' By my friend Beth.
Rach-Chan-Well, I guess thats all I have to give,Oh wait. heres a gift for you Klonoa!
(Gives Klonoa a tape of Yugi and Yami at 'play')


Rach-Chan-Umm, the internet?

Ja ne,
Rach-Chan and Rachel.
 Reviewed By: yugiohlover  On: November 02, 2002 13:51 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I love your fic, but you should torture Pegasus. It's funny when you torture brainless nuts. (trust me I've done it, a lot) Why do you have to torture Anzu, she is one of the only girls in the show. I wish I could give her a box of candy (that blows up when she opens it {Mahahahahaha}) Please write more or i'm going to die!!!!!
 Reviewed By: Charmeleon [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 12, 2002 18:02 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
Hey, you did a wonderful job. There were a few grammar mistakes, but otherwise, this was very, very, very, very, very funny. I really loved the one when Yami's father sat on a whoompie cushion. I think that that is the best prank. Anyway, keep going. I want to laugh some more.
 Reviewed By: Lone Spirit  On: October 07, 2002 22:36 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Yami Malik:At least I didn't get toruchered.
Oh YEAH YOU SHOULD DO YAMI MALIK!!!! *Thinks about it* MWAHHHHH!!! Oh and can I be on you show as a co-host?
 Reviewed By: little aibou  On: October 04, 2002 11:09 CDT
 Reviewed By: Yugioh_gurl  On: October 01, 2002 19:01 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
your fic is hilarious! ^_^

Yugioh_gurl: *laughing* cough! cough!
Joey: Here you go! *slaps Yugioh_gurl on the back*
Yugioh_gurl: Owww! *falls face down in dirt*
Joey: Opps... *runs away*
 Reviewed By: Brockiepoo15 [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 01, 2002 13:39 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Lol!! Great job!! Please write more!! Keep it up!!

-Brockiepoo15 PikaRppr1 =)
 Reviewed By: GOODwriter123456 [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 30, 2002 19:31 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I can only say three words ha, ha, and HA!

It was funny Yugi driving a wrecking ball crane
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