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"Spamalot!" Reviews/Comments [ 10 ]
 Title: Let me on it
Reviewed By: Mike Manazure [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 23, 2004 08:57 CDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I've got the time now to write and my muse is caught inside my cabine so I ask you if I may wirte the Megacrossover HP and the Ring of Power. Do mind that I'm a bit novice to megacorrovering, but I'm very partial to Harry Potter, Chihiro, Sakura and the DeeGeeMon March02 folk. Please let me work on it....I'll send you my attempts to be approven as worthy if I may
 Reviewed By: Tri-Stater  On: April 12, 2003 08:55 CDT
Interesting idea with "Ring of Power." (I don't think that's a referance to Lord of the Rings, is it?) You know, if you do continue it, for some reason, I see something or other going wrong at Hogwarts, and, when Dumbledore asks what happened, the rest of the cast simply points ans says "Jade did it!"
 Reviewed By: Lord Archive [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 31, 2003 22:49 CST
...quickly considering work is still hectic...

I hate my computer.
 Reviewed By: Lord Archive [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 31, 2003 22:47 CST
Gray, sorry about not replying sooner. Been busy at work. If you want to talk about my reasonings for calling Digimon Cyber a Digimon meets .Hack//Sign series, I'll discuss it in detail over email: archive@mich.com

Hopefully I'll be able to respond
 Reviewed By: Gray  On: March 17, 2003 12:20 CST
Flood of crappy fics does pretty much describe what fanfiction.net is currently getting. When there's people that have only seen two or four episodes of //sign and no other information writting for it, and even people that have not seen //sign writting for //infection expansion, one does tend to get paranoid. Looking again with a bit more sleep, and a bit more removed from the newest batch of junk, I can see the gaps where .hack stuff could be fit. Still as the description now stands, there isn't any .hack stuff that wouldn't apply to any online setting, so calling it Digimon meets .hack really rubs me the wrong way. Especially as .hack has a heck of a lot of subtle stuff throughout that a lot of people seem to have missed.

On a side note, you still haven't answered my question of how much of .hack you've actually seen or know of. It's easier to be less critical if I know lack of references it due to lack of sure knowledge than because of missed subtlties.
 Reviewed By: Lord Archive [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 17, 2003 10:12 CST
Gray, the elements you are refering to would be much more apparent in the second half of this series, but I did not reference those as if I ever decide to continue it or another author decides to work with it would give far too many spoilers that would defeat the purpose of the plot twists. All I've listed so far is the set up, not the true plot. I think you're being a little too over critical about referencing .hack, though floods of crappy ficts would do that. ^^;
 Reviewed By: Gray  On: March 16, 2003 22:24 CST
The thing is, the only things that could possibly be considered .hack themed in Digimon Cyber, apply to other online settings just as well. The themes of running away from reality, the Liminality theory behind the real world being affected by in game events, and the mysteries of the Tablet and Epitaph of the Twilight are no way shape or form found from what I can see. As such I think calling it .hack meets Digimon to be a horribly wrong label, digimon meets online gaming would be better.
 Reviewed By: Gray  On: March 16, 2003 20:10 CST
Digimon Cyber: I've got two things to say. First of all how much do you actually know about .hack? This is particularly important as I've seen plenty of stories for .hack at fanfiction.net that the people know little of the game, and/or the anime, and as such do a horrible job as they hit pitfalls someone knowledgeable wouldn't. And I know quite a bit of spoiler stuff for .hack, and I don't want to accidently wreck a surprise in a comment. Second, this isn't Digimon meets .hack, it's a Digimon World 3 fic. I see no elements or themes, or suggestion of elements or themes that are actually .hack, other than a slight parallel between beating Zanbamon and the way Orca and Balmung won their fame. And one or two very minor things that could easily be applied to any other story set in an online world.

On a side note, mind doing some sort of update at FF.net? Even something in your profile that says "go to mediaminer for any new stuff".
 Reviewed By: Lord Archive [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 16, 2003 20:44 CST
Gray, the reference of Digimon meeting .hack was a Digimon in a virtual game world. Yes, it's a lot like Digimon World 3, but the storyline is more complex and does include some elements from .hack not present in DW3. I wouldn't do a full .hack fict until I've seen the entire series at least. It would be an injustice to a complex series to 'fake it.'

After FF.net wrongly deleted Neo Digimon, I have not been to their site at all and refuse to do so until their policies on fict deletions change.
They gave no specific reason why beyond 'it violated a rule,' which it did not. Nor did they give a means to appeal. Though, you're right I should at least put a 'go here' message.
 Reviewed By: Alan Wilkinson  On: March 16, 2003 07:43 CST
Ring of Power

Very interesting stuff, though I'm surprised Yugi's grandfather would try and order Yugi around with Yami in the wings. Will the Chosen get to bring the Digimon with them?

Digimon Cyber interesting concept, though more new Digimon would probably be required.

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