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"Par Tout Autre Nom" Reviews/Comments [ 734 ]
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 Reviewed By: Amethyst (not in)  On: May 25, 2004 17:29 PDT
 Reviewed By: tbiris(not logged in)  On: May 25, 2004 13:52 PDT
 Reviewed By: stillontheboat  On: May 23, 2004 16:19 PDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Seeing as how I'm constantly on the prowl for satisfying Inuyasha fics, I find it amazing that this fic was able to slide under my radar for so long! Even though I'm not exposed to Yu Yu Hakusho as much as I am to Inuyasha, the witty barbs and interesting dialogue caught me, hook, line, and sinker. There are just two counts in terms of grammar, however, that keep me from concentrating: one- change your use of the word "unconscious" to "subconscious" (they aren't sleeping on their feet), and two- add -ly to many of your adverbs. Other than the occasional dropping of a pronoun, I can't find a single major fault with this story. Thanks for a fun ride thus far.
 Reviewed By: Flamethemightydragon [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 23, 2004 11:16 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Omigod! I LOVE this story! I found it and I read it all at once. I couldn't stop! I can't wait to read what happens next. Update soon!!!
 Reviewed By: Amethyst (Not in)  On: May 22, 2004 20:28 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
If there was a higher number than ten to give you then I would give it. -_-' I wish I had your skill at writing. >_
Reviewed By: Silver Neko [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 22, 2004 08:34 PDT
*Worships on the shrine before reviewing.* Man, you have some. . . obsessive fans. Not that I'm not one of them! I'm an obsessive fan too! Lol. . . ^.^;; God of deception! I didn't know what god I thought he was, but that fits so well. . . Poor Miroku and Sango, having to give away Kagome. . . And I still love the flower! Kagome has friends almost as obsessive as your reviewers. . . How did Eri get a hold of her number? Irrelevant and unimportant questions here, but at least I've stopped with the sharp objects. . . ^.^;; Write more! Please! I'm curious! Really! =^.^= Pleeasseeeeee?
 Reviewed By: SuzumiTenshi [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 22, 2004 05:34 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I think this was a funny chapter! You really did catch the Miroku and Sango relationship prefectly! I want to read more! I really really want to see what Kagome does when she sees Kurama again!!! ^-^ V Great job!! I love this story to death!
 Reviewed By: akuma_river (not signed in)  On: May 22, 2004 05:25 PDT
Man what a chapter. Funny I thought Miroku would be the god of hentaism. lol. But great chapter. Love your fic as always.
 Reviewed By: Okaasan-7 [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 22, 2004 05:15 PDT
I love the idea of Shippou, Souta an Kagome sitting around watching 500 year old home movies!
 Reviewed By: SuzumiTenshi [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 22, 2004 01:32 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I LOVE IT! I really want to know what happens next now that Kurama has met the 'husband'! Your fic had also been posted up on the imaginative love site, so if you want go to: http://devoted.to/kurama_kagome
 Reviewed By: Crazy Fanfic Chibi  On: May 21, 2004 19:28 PDT
0_o ... *scurry... bow... worship* YOU ARE A FANFIC GODDESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *builds shrine* ALL MUST HAIL THE WRITER OF ONE OF THE BEST FANFICTIONS OFF ALL TIME!!!!!!!!!! *worship worship* YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!! YOU MAKE ME LAUGH UNTILL I HAVE TO EITHER LEAVE MY COMPUTER OR DIE!!!!!!!! AND THIS IS THE ONLY FANFICTION THAT HAS MADE ME BOTH LAUGH AND CRY. AND THE SECOND TO MAKE ME CRY!!!!(the first one was a Fruits Basket fanfic where Yuki dies... I forgot the name... And if you haven't seen/read/worshiped FB- you are missing out one some of the GREATEST bishonen of all time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Kagome's past with her not being able to raise her kids... *sniff* Oh well... I'm only about halfway thru the story... It's looooooooooooooong. But I'm compleatly addicted and I'm rambiling... *contenues to worship at the shrine she has created in Deviation's honor*
 Reviewed By: rosie13 (spell chek!)  On: May 21, 2004 17:39 PDT
just to clear up a few things-- I am a COMPLETELY horrible speller. so here are a few mistakes i'd like to correct (corrections are in italics)--...cliffhanger once in a while ..., --...so incredibly rude! --I am phsychic --But just a pang. --
 Reviewed By: rosie13 (not on)  On: May 21, 2004 17:26 PDT
Arggh!! That was soooo annoying!! I can't belive eyou left off with that cliffhanger!?! This has to be the most cliffhangy chapter you've written so far. Garr, dammit! GARR!! I know cliffhangers leave you all these lovely reviews saying "Oh my gosh I love you update soon!" and "Dammit you bastard I wanna know what happens GODDAMMIT!!", but do you have to always make it so ridgid and 'oh-my-gosh-i-have-to-know-what'll-happen-or-I'll-die'? I mean a subtle cliffhanger once in a hwile is nice, but with all these loose strings? I wouldn't be surprised if you get a few death threats in the mail tomorrow. And the next day...and the next day...and forever more until you update next. I'd think the time bombs in the mailbox will *ahem* encourage a little faster update!-- You know, sometimes you are just so incredibly ruse! You probably changed the whole chapter set up because I predicted what would happen!! I am phsychoc, when I wanna be. It's kinda cool, cause then I get to freak people out with my "awesome powers". Kind of liek "awesome writing powers" except I use my mind (ha ha! nyeah xp), and i don't have an incessantly charming and equally annoying and posessive kitsune on my head telling me what to do. I actually feel a pang of sympathy for you. But jyst a pang. You won't get much more than that.-- Okee, time for the most sticky-outie part of teh chapter. Like most other times, it is the evry last line, where Miroku says I am a gos. Dude, that was like all, "Oh my god I'm here and I look like Shinju which means I might be related to him and now you have a whole other mystery to solve so screw you!" Well, maybe not the 'screw you' part (not that he wouldn't have minded) but you get the gist. You just keep piling up the twists and turns in the story, don't ya? What's cool is you have alot of twists to the plot, but they all keep in order without forgetting any and without getting mixed up. That's a cool thing about you. (One of the many)--Hmm, I wonder how many friends you have. I have a little clique of mine at school... Eww, I hate that word. clique. It sounds like a bag from gucci or something. I don't wanna be a too-small-for-anything-useful bag!! Of course I'd be insanely popular and sold to obsessed and fashion-chic models, but at teh price of my dignity? Nuh uh. I don't think so. Selling my soul to the fashion devil isn't worth it. Now if here was a Sexy Bishonen devil, I'd be halfway to hell, bathing in lava and socializing with the local hunchback cronies by now.-- I just thought of a manga i've gotten into that I think (hope) you would enjoy. It's called Under teh Glass Moon and it ah sthese two sexy bishonen taht are to die for, quite literally. I read the first book 7 time,s to be honest. Yes, I am that addicted to the series. Here's the back-cover summary (or the most important parts of it): "Enter a world where the black arts-and fabulous fashion- rule supreme. Luka Reinhardt is the 21st century's most powerful Dark Wizard. He and his introverted alchemist brother Luel, are neighbors with teh two witches- Madame Batolli and her daughter, Nell." Neo, a czechoslovacian Spirit Master has come to train under Luka as his apprentice. Luka agrees, only after realizing the boy's hidden power and that it could boost his even more. (yes Luka is twisted that way... he's also the Master of Bondage. Kind of silly, really) That's all I'm gonna tell you for now, but you can look up more on it on Amazon.com or something. Thera re only two volumes out, but its so tantalzingly good I read the second one 5 times (so far). And the Bishonens!! There's this evil guy Fuan (his name reminds me of a baby deer) and he is the hottest guy to ever walk on the non-existant manga world!! (besides Youko Kurama, that is) I seriously reccomend this series, since it's gotten me so completely hooked i thought you would enjoy it as well. You know the saying; great minds think alike! (woot! I am full fo self-confidence boosters today! Go me!)--ou ahd better appreciate my lengthy reviews. I pour my goddamn heart and soul ino these things just to make you happy. And where does it get me? Not even one mentioning in you Author's notes in the beginning of the chapter! I'm so upset, I'll only leave you with 26 lines! So Nyeah!! They call them fingers, but I've never seen them 'fing'.... Oh wait, there they go.
 Title: Oh gosh!
Reviewed By: momiji_mouse  On: May 21, 2004 01:47 PDT
Gee... I thought that nothing could top your last cliffhanger -- guess I was wrong! Great chapter, with very unexpected developments. And interesting tangents to think on: Musou said that "the falling of every great miko has always been a man, a man willing to become youkai to catch her eyes".... so who is right, Kaede or Sango?? Reiko was to have met Kagome and they would have fallen in love.... would that have been enough?? He would never choose to turn youkai and the jewel would remain safe, heartache avoided and lives saved??? Or is Sango correct, that his soul is predestined to evil and it's only a matter of time before he snaps and gives into the hunger for power and blood???? And Kurama obviously changes things....Deep thoughts.... But like everyone, I can't wait to see how Miroku and Kurama fair, and if Miroku gets all possessive and strict over Kagome. And of course I look forward to Kagome fighting and showing her powers, and the shock when they realise she's more than a sort-of miko who's just "sensitive"! Great, GREAT story.... edge of the seat stuff! Please update soon!
 Title: Nooooo
Reviewed By: The Black Kat  On: May 19, 2004 21:14 PDT
nooooooooo you can't stop there! You have to update! I want to know what happens already...why do you leave us in such agony....waiting and waiting and waiting...please hurry and update again soon.
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