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"The Fight for Kagome!" Reviews/Comments [ 10 ]
 Reviewed By: kagome_rules [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 04, 2004 13:43 CDT
ok i know im not doing this right but off of wolfs rain Tsume he should win yaaa!!!!!!!!!
 Reviewed By: CYOA Athrunxyou luver [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 01, 2004 19:40 CDT
*can't breath cause she's laughing too much* WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!! This is one of the funnyest story's I've ever read!!!!! *Is turning blue and now purple* Can't.......breath............ *Dies* X_X
 Reviewed By: Yamifanner [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 19, 2004 17:19 CDT
Name:Jacquelyn Looks:waist length black hair with golden brown highlights,blue-green eyes,5'1",and is very gorgeous. I wear a hot pink halter top with tight blue jeans and hot pink high heel sandals. Personality:Ghetto,quiet sometimes,and is a nice person Fav.Bishi(can be from Inuyasha,Yu Yu Hakusho,Yugioh or Wolf's Rain):YAMI!! Likes:duel monsters,pink and music(R&B and rap)Dislikes:snotty people,people who act like jerks and mean people Character dislikes:Tea,Kikyo,and Keiko. Hope you update soon. Ja Ne.
 Reviewed By: Tsukiyo_Kitsune_tears [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 18, 2004 17:55 CDT
*sigh* i was not picked but i will stay true to this story. It is pretty funny! *cowers under the glares of her muses* Okay, okay! its really funny!!! sheesh, you'd think that they control my life! *hears in background: we do!* Okay then. well, update soon!!!!!^_________^
 Reviewed By: Lya [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 12, 2004 17:20 CDT
Name: Rayne Looks: blood red hair, with a hint of black roots;Deep blue eyes kinda look like black; 5'4"; i'm wearing a (these are actaully my clothes that i'm wearing now lol)a black shirt that says 'Hatebreed' on it thats up in flames, and black pants that really don't fit that have chains hanging off everywhere, and a belt that has little skulls on them, and i have two necklaces, silver necklaces that look like lil tiny bullets Personality: Mysertious at first, but then goes completly insane! Ha, yup thats me! Favorite Bishi (can be from Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, YuGiOh, or Wolf`s Rain): KIBA! ^___^ Likes: Mostly emo metal (yes its a type of music), heavey metal, emo, and alternative...i'll you some bands, Twisted Method, Hatebreed, Senses Fail...so on...also i love KIBA!! ^_____________^ Dislikes: People, only have an exception of a few not a hole bunch Anime Character You Hate (can`t be Tea I don`t want to bash her in my fics): basically Botan... waayy to over cheerful! alright... if you need anything elese just email me!
 Reviewed By: Grrr [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 11, 2004 03:24 CDT
Name: Lunah-Rose Looks: 5'6", black panther demon, long black hair with neon blue streaks, light blue eyes, wears baggy blood red pants, a black tank top, combat boots & a long black trenchcoat (that i am constantly pulling random objects from that you'd never think would fit in there) Personality: bad tempered, but nice to people i like, with an extreem dislike for anything preppy & or pink, always making funny comments about sereous situations, loves to fight & dance, verry adventerous, is an anarchist, gets blushy & nervous when the guy she likes is around Favorite bishy: koga! koga! koga! Likes: inuyasha, jay & silent bob, wolfs rain, yu yu hakasho, heavy metal, FIRE, motercycles, all weponry except guns (guns are for pansys), lacuna coil, orenges, wolf demons named koga, stormy weather, the word "defenestraion" (means: to throw out of a window), the outdoors, & the colors black, green, blue & red Dislikes: preps, pink, guns, pop music, georege bush Joes from yu-gi-oh the words "trousers" & "purchased"
 Reviewed By: firedreamer [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 01, 2004 23:48 CDT
Name:KatLooks:6'3;Black hair with red and orange flames down to my back;Red eyes that look like their on fire;black fox ears and a black tail with red flames;A red v top and tight black pants that have red flames at the bottom and a silver chain whip hanging from the pants.Personality:Loves to start fires and call people names;bent on killing all men who think their better than me when their not;likes to talk about anything but would rather cause havic or burn things and its only beacuse im a fire demon;likes candy and suger things but i have to eat alot to get suger high;most of the time im the one to stay in control and help other people out.Fav Bishi:kurama is MINE!Likes:foxes;my dog;music from dido and other rock;red and black.Dislikes:people who think their better than you;people who dont do their own thing or at least try to be their own person;other than that none.and that kind of explains me,and im also a fire fox if you need to know:)
 Reviewed By: Cresent Moon22000 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 30, 2004 22:40 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
NAME:Colleen. LOOKS:i'm 6.5 ft tall, has long raven black hair with green streeks, emeraled green eyes with a speck of silver, pointed ears with 3 peircings on the left and 2 on the right, a long raven black tail with green streeks and the tip is green, i wear a T-shirt that says "I LIKE YOU...SO WHEN THE WOULD IS MINE YOUR DEATH SHALL BE QUICK AND PAINLESS!" my pants are big black baggy pants that the sowing is green and they have chains. PERSONALITY:I'm punk but loves to party be with my friends, love's to pull tricks on her older brother Sol,is a kick ass fighter, I'm some time cold to people that i don't know but i am nice and can be really and i meen REALLY hipper(with to much candy and pop, mostly it's chocolate)FAVORITE BISHI: IS FLUFFY! LIKES: I love the show's Inu-yasha, wolfes rain, and YU Yu also writing, reading, music,(heavy metal) basket ball, skate bording, swimming, and kick boxing. DISLIKES: no afence but i hate rap and i hate snotty kids! Characters i hate...hmmmmm ME GOT IT'S JAKEN GRRRRRR me don't like him, him evil and ugly!!!>_> That's it and OH im a Inu(dog) demon!! OK OK OK! Oh and PLz UPDATE SOOOON K!!!!!!! JA NE!!!
 Reviewed By: Tsukiyo_Kitsune_tears [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 30, 2004 19:27 CDT
FUN Name:Lyra Looks:Short red hair that flips out on the ends, ruby red eyes, red fox ears and tail, 6 ft tall, wears black bell-bottom jeans and red tank top that says I AM WHAT I AM, SO SHUT THE HELL UP! Personality: fun loving trickster (of course she is sense she is a kitsune!) that is a kick-ass fighter and luvs to get hyper (off of candy, no pop). random stuffs:luvs the movie Hope Floats and any type of depressing music she can get her hands on. Dislikes: lollipops, they take to long to eat. Fav bishi:Sesshy all the way!! character disliked:Inu, he's a cheating Moron!!
 Reviewed By: Anime-Pinay [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 30, 2004 17:55 CDT
Name:Meadow Looks: Black hair to my knees; Golden eyes; 5' tall. I wear black high tops, Pink and black skirt and a black tank top that has mutiple straps. Personality: Punk and Prep put in one. I'm quiet most of the times but when I open up I talk a litle more. I speak only when needed Favorite Bishi (can be from Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, YuGiOh, or Wolf`s Rain): Youko Kurama or Kurama. Either works Likes: Pink and Black, Music [punk, trance, rock, metal, j-pop, k-pop, j-rock], animals, Fighting utencils. Dislikes: nothing in particualr Charater Disliked: None

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