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"Purity 3: Forever" Reviews/Comments [ 1105 ]
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 Reviewed By: Akihana-not signed in  On: April 26, 2005 23:04 CDT
I agree. that review was just dumb. sure, i haven't liked some of your characters, but thats just my problem. no reason to bitch at you about it. I love Nez though. i guess because she reminds me of me a lot. scary, ne? I think there are plenty of readers out there who support you, and will gladly track down and beat stupid flamers. you have us, sue. Great chapter, as usual, and see ya soon.
 Reviewed By: Aitu-- not signed in  On: April 26, 2005 22:41 CDT
Great addition to the story! Sorry I haven't reviewed for awhile. *ducks and covers as a precaution* I've been busy working on my own writing ventures: several pieces in communication research, a few dealing with theories of rhetoric, and who can forget all of those damn philosophers from the ancient Greeks to the post-modernist (I'd love to forget them.. really-I would!) Needless to say, to me, reading your story equivalent to what finding a fresh-ice cold-Figi-brand-bottled water store in the middle of the barren wasteland. (See, it's even the good water!) Tonight was one of those points where I just wanted to rip my hair out of my head because of the contradictions from those horrid philosophers. For bringing me a mini vacation for my mind, I thank you greatly! haha. And at the same time, I apologize profusely on the behalf of those heinous people who write horrible things that are untrue. I personally love the character of Nez, I really do. I was just thinking to myself earlier today: wow-Sue really has created a vast empire-All these new characters, all of their lives, all of their stories. It's overwhelming when you think about it. How long ago did you start all this again? It feels like I've been reading your stuff forever, haha. Great job, it really is amazing. Well, I've been truant from my studies for too long and I think I hear them calling my name. Damn it... They found me. :( Well, once again, great job, and I cannot wait for more! --Aitu
 Reviewed By: HAB  On: April 26, 2005 22:29 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Once again your writing amazes me. I loved this chapter and can't wait to know what happens next. Please update really soon
 Reviewed By: EAP  On: April 26, 2005 22:29 CDT
DAMN those cursed lunar cycles!!! That scene was absloutally breathtaking, I can't believe it was the full moon....Grrr. And I'm getting the heeby-geebies from that last bit. Is something going to happen thats going to prevent Nez from saying something to Ryo? *cough*death*cough* I hope not. I can't believe you actually get reveiews like that. I don't understand how people would take time to write that out to tell you. Jeez. And your Grammer Beta rocks, by the way. I mean, I haven't heard 'pigeon-livered troglodyte' in a long time. She must be one of those super smart kick ass people. Uh, back OT...I really liked this chapter, one of my favorites, just because of the beginning. I hope you keep writing and updateing despite whoresonned mandrake's!!
 Reviewed By: kitcat99 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 26, 2005 22:14 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Yes! The scene I was waiting for...heh heh wondered how he would break the news about pups. It was pretty much how I though it would be here wondering about it being against the biological laws. But he is right a quarter-demon with miko powers is kind of against the laws anyway. =P I guess his pups if he has any will have to abide by the same rules as other hanyou even if they will only have a 1/8th demon blood? Anyway keep up the good work and don't let stupid people get to you. To that flamer: If you don't like clueless people than don't watch Inuyasha at all. You have to admit as far as Kagome goes Inuyasha is just plain old dense. Though he does seem to start to realize what is going now. (don't want to spoil it so I won't say more) We'll see when it all ends what happens but until then fanfiction keeps me going and this series is one of the best out there. I like Nezumi, Sierra, Toga and all of your characters and you characterize the original characters quite well. Looking forward to more and to see if Toga changes diapers. ::evil smirk:: I'd like to see that illustrated. I have a feeling if Nezumi and Ryo have a pup she would find a way to get him to help. Eagerly awaiting the next installment, Kitcat^_^
 Reviewed By: cj flutterbye  On: April 26, 2005 21:53 CDT
Ooo very close... I see Nez is getting warmer to the idea anyway, of being closer, of having a -*cough* real relationship with Ryo. I Love the whole kitten-nipple-naked-covering-the bits stuff... LOL. I'm still Loving the story. Love all of your well rounded characters, and their believable reactions. I'll sit at work patiently waiting and hoping for updates - a break I always look forward to.
 Title: IKMS
Reviewed By: IKMS [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 26, 2005 21:51 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Has it slipped Ryo's mind that he still needs to mark Nez? The action looks like it is really starting to head towards a big showdown and the poor gal is still vulnerable. I love how you make sure to keep all the original characters in the story, even if it's just a little bit here and there. I really enjoy getting your updates so thank you for all the chapters!
 Title: Applause
Reviewed By: Wlfhund  On: April 26, 2005 21:40 CDT
Clapping, Clapping, Clapping. Oh, wait. Is that bitchy of me? Oh Hell! Either way. BRAVO SUE! BRAVO! I enjoy your eloquent way of assisting certian slammers into the realization that they are not all they truly believe themselves to be. Their apparent lack of intellect and understanding of plot lines above porn smut is so beautifully stated when you get loose! Sue... I have to tell you. I love you!! The chapter though: THAT I REALLY LOVE! That cat is gonna get hurt! I was rolling! But, I really am suspicious of the impending trouble I think I smell coming. Suspense is painful. Thanks for everything! Wlfhund
Reviewed By: kiaraecko  On: April 26, 2005 21:32 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
hey great chapter!!! i love this story. it brings out the charaters so well! i can rally picture Nez when she says things to Ryo, and how Ry would react. this is a great story! keep up the good work! thanks for a wonderful chapter!
 Reviewed By: serendith (NSI)  On: April 26, 2005 21:12 CDT
I won't go into another tirade on the idiocy of 80% of the people on the web. If you ever do get fed up and just want to post them in your community I think you would be valid in doing so. I know that I wouldn't mind checking it daily for updates (I am not a member as of yet but that is because I am not a very active internet person and I don't like to join things that I won't contribute to). Anywho, my two cents ... onto the story. I have so many favorite lines! It isn't often that I read a story that has me laughing outloud. You have a real talent - I would even go so far to say that you should consider script writing - you have that sort of quick wit. I also have to believe, from your writing, that your romantic life must be amazing for you to be able to come up with such scenes (kudos to your husband!). I mean dear god - I had to turn the air conditioner up! *grin* Finally, I have to ask - are you able to choose the adds at the bottom of your story? My amusement in them continues with this chapter's advertisement being "soft paws/claws 13.99" *giggle*
 Reviewed By: OROsan0677 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 26, 2005 21:10 CDT
People, if you don't like the story or have a certain problem with it....DON'T FUCKING READ IT!!!!! It's people like them that piss me off. Well, Sue, I'm glad you still update for us reviewers who actually do not have a problem with it...continue with the good work. (Even I know you will.) Just ignore those reviewers 'cause they don't know what the hell they're talking about...Anyway, about the story, poor Nezumi, she's starting to feel guilty about suggesting Ryomaru to take another job, without the violence. I hope everything works out for the best! Which I know it will...It wouldn't be a Sueric fanfic if it didn't have a happy ending, ne?
 Title: *floats away of big, pink, WAFFy cloud*
Reviewed By: DarklessVasion [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 26, 2005 21:09 CDT
Awww...Ryo wants to huggle his Nez-bear all night. I wonder if this will become a regular thing between them. If Ryo can talk her into it, it could go a long way in making her more comfortable with intimacy. -- The legend of the Shikon no Tama. After seeing with her own eyes the reality of Ryo's family and heritage, how hard can it be to believe in a little magic and time travel thrown into the mix? Ryo kinda skimmed over some of it, but his retelling of the tale and his explanation of how his father "protected those who couldn't protect themselves" showed his regard and respect for InuYasha and how proud he was to continue in his footsteps. I think that Nez unnderstands how much Ryo's hunting job was a part of him. His voluntary taking of a desk job was the same as walking into a cage. Sure, it has a door (and a window?) but it's a cage nonetheless for someone as active and 'wild' as he. Nez can't like feeling like it is her fault that he is denying a part of himself, even if she never asked him to quit. Maybe on one of their 'cuddles' she can get him to open up more and she can do the same. -- As always, wonderful. - Hihyou Hime *snicker*
 Reviewed By: Firedemon86(not signed on)  On: April 26, 2005 21:09 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
OMG!!! i can't believe someone wrote that, do people have any manors anymore? I'm so sorry, that would just destroy me if someone wrote that about one of my Oringal Charaters. I personal LOVE Nez, I know you proably don't care just thought I'd share that. I mean don't call her a b*cth honestly look depth of her charater, she lost her mother so earily which proably profoundly changed her, I know I would been. Her father is very indifferent and doesn't seem to take interse(sp) which proably only lead to more problem. She's in love with a guy that can be so dense.( not offense to Ryo, I love his charater too) I mean, had it be me and all that Demon stuff came flying at me I'd be lost, or booking the first plane to anywere. I mean you have to feel for her charater if not respect her. A then to call her a b*tch, THAT'S JUST WRONG! Your right it is those kind of people that make posting hard and I'm soo happy you don't let them stop you and I'm so glad that you still have the strength to share your wonderful stories and amazing charaters. Well now that I've said my peice ( which just shows how much that upset me I read the chapter top to bottom went and did something else for like a half hour but it was still bugging me so I had to come write something to you)SO please update any of your stories soon and I hope no one else is as cold and completly insensitive.
 Reviewed By: Kesstral [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 26, 2005 20:51 CDT
Have grammar-beta respond more please! I really love her style of putting down those who disrespect you. Seriously.. what did that person have against Nez? She's a lovable character... if a litle demanding (not that she realizes this) on Ryo. Of course if she did realize she'd feel really guiltly, illustrated by her worrying about Ryo's happiness with his new job. Lol.. did ryo scream a high pitched shriek? (I was gonna say like a little girl but I really don't like how that demeans girls) And I agree with the declawing thing, I refused to let my parents declaw our cat. It's so CRUEL!
 Title: Hubby's wench
Reviewed By: Inuyashas kagome [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 26, 2005 20:50 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Another fantastic chapter as always. I'm so sorry you have to put up with this kind of stuff. What do people expect? Perfect characters, who never put a foot wrong? Now wouldn't that be boring. Would we have all fallen so much in love with InuYasha and its characters if they weren't flawed in some way, if they were perfect? Nezumi is no different, she's not a ***** she's just human, nobody's perfect and she's no exception. And that's the fun part, getting to be witness to her discovering herself, and her feelings, And watching her realize where she might be right and where she might be wrong. I find it ironic that reviewer chose to say such things about Nezumi, because if they had just exercised some patience, they would have found that Nezumi is starting to realise some things about Ryo. Sigh, people are stupid. (((HUGS)))
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