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User Name:lockeheart
Last Visited On:Oct. 03rd, 2004, 21:31:30, PDT
Registered On:September 09, 2004
ICQ Number: 30828170
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Biography:Righty O! So this is where I spew some trival information about myself eh?
Bah, how boring.

But I suppose I'll give those reading something.

First of all, I would like to say that growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional.
I am very much a child at heart, and I have a vivid imagination. You can just imagine what I am like when I watch a horror movie.

In case anyone was wondering, yes I am a female, if you couldn't figure it out before. I was minding my own business when one of my friends lured me into the world of anime and I haven't looked back since.

I have many favorite series both manga and anime, and from my writing, albeit a very small amount at the moment, one could say I like Yami no Matsuei. At the moment my current flavours include Yami no Matsuei, Spiral, Full Metal Alchemist, and FAKE. Obviously I have many other favourites, but this is supposed to be a brief entry. *smiles*

I am a romantic, and I believe that love is love. It doesn't have boundaries and it can happen to anyone. Gender isn't really an issue to me, romance and love doesn't often regard that aspect. That could probably be figured out from my writing. Also the fact that I like to write and read about emotions. Don't know what it is about emotions, but I revel in their depiction.

Update: I have found myself a helper for me and my writing -- thanks for the help, you know who you are. I hope we work well together!

Never underestimate the immense power of the soul -- Lockeheart
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