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User Name:AngelAnita
Last Visited On:May. 01st, 2006, 07:59:38, PDT
Registered On:November 11, 2004
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:Hewwo, all! My name is Anita, and I'm 17. I live in Toronto, Ontario, which is in Canada.(for those who don't know countries very well)

I'm in my 1st year of my #1 choice College, yay...and...hmm...I LOVE Inuyasha to death :D

Anyway, I thank all those who post their stories onto this site. I appreciate all the hard work that goes into writing each and every story, because I know how tedious it can be to write something, and then have to keep posting all the time.

Yeah...I think I'll stop there. If you ever have any questions about my story, or anything about me in general, you can just email me. ^_^ (oh, btw my email is earth_air_fire_water_69@hotmail.com)

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