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User Name:Jade Rose Dragosani
Last Visited On:Dec. 05th, 2004, 16:36:32, PST
Registered On:December 12, 2004
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:Jade R Dragosani
Biography:Evolution of my Pseudonym: My real name is Amy, but I prefer Jade. As a name it was actually evolved rather than something I just pulled off the top of my head one day. It started as just Jade for an RPG that I'm actually no longer a member of as they kicked me out a rather long time ago. At the time I created it my character needed a name and I'd been listening to Aerosmith's Jaded all day. So it worked. A few months later my wonderful friend AJ chose to make the biggest mistake of his life and throw Brian Lumley's Necroscope at me. I loved the book and fell in love with the main villain’s last name. So I stole it and thus became Jade Dragosani. I carried that name until the end of my freshman year when my friend Mike in a moment of what he thought was great genius began calling me his Jade Rose. The name stuck and ever since I've been Jade Rose Dragosani. I use the name for pretty much everything writing related from here/FFNet to the school newspaper and my poetry submissions.

Notes about my work: I realize that I have many stories on here that are old and remain unfinished. I won’t promise to do anything with them though I will TRY. The fact is I spent a year and a half in foster care and haven’t been near any of them in far too long. Also anything I had on disc or manuscript seems to have been confiscated and thus will never be seen again. I however have some wonderful new stuff to share as I get it typed from manuscripts and fitted for this site. I’m looking forward to once again sharing work with people again. It’s been far too long since I’ve done any of this. For your connivance I’ll be making a list of stories that are finished, in progress, abandoned and being re-written.

Notes about leaving Reviews: I have nothing against getting reviews. At the moment I have it set only on signed reviews because I'm new to this site and doesn’t know anyone over on this site. Once I get to know who I'm dealing with I'll probably relent on this. I have only a few things to ask when you're reviewing for me. I know that I'm talented because I've heard it from a variety of different sources. I accept my talent even if I don't see it as bordering on absolute genius as some seem to. Therefore I ask that when leaving notes to the theme of Wow this is so wonderful, do more like it! I ask you to explain WHY it's so wonderful so I know what things I'm doing right. The same holds true when something isn’t up to par. Explain why. If you think something isn't as good as it could or should be I ask you to tell me about. Don't worry about what you're saying if it's the truth because I can honestly assure you that I will, and have, told people that something isn't what it should be based on previous works. I don’t' do it to be bitchy or mean. I do it to better the person writing because nothing is learned from the same old comments every time.

OTHER INFORMATION: Please feel free to talk to me about my work, or just talk to me, on AIM. Some stuff about me. I'm 18 and live in Troy, Ohio. I'm a senior and am looking to attend Bowling Green State University. I want to teach either English or music. I play the violin and cello. I was once in the color guard for the marching band and bear the scar to prove it. I spend far too much of my time involved in the school plays so writing is becoming rare. I do a lot of reading. If you're into science fictions or romance or horror please talk to me. I love discussing books and can go on for AGES if I'm not stopped by somebody. My friends and I are avid Magic, the Gathering players and play every morning and hold parties for the express purpose of playing. We don't have lives. Fell free to talk to me online if you so wish. I won't bite. Hard.
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