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User Name:RicanRocker
Last Visited On:Jul. 08th, 2005, 22:20:37, PDT
Registered On:December 12, 2004
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:pringlequeen08
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:Yo! The names Rican. Let me tell you a little about myself...

Name: Rican

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Eye Color: Dark brown

Hair Color: Dark Brown, shines red

Height: 5'2...Somewhere around there...

Weight: *shifty eyes* You don't need to know that...

Favorite Anime: Yu-Gi-Oh!

Favorite Manga: Diabolo

Favorite Bishounen: Rishid Ishtar (Odion Ishtar) from Yu-Gi-Oh!

Favorite Bishoujo: Hm...Isis Ishtar from Yu-Gi-Oh!

Favorite Yaoi Pairing: Hm....Ruseshipping...Malik/Rishid...Lemme alone >.>

Favorite Yuri Pairing: I'd have to say Isis/Shizuka

Favorite Color: Crimson red

Favorite Band: Linkin Park (I ordered a frapachino! Where's my friggin' frapachino!?)

Favorite Movie: Queen of the Damned

Favorite Book: Queen of the Damned by Anne Rice

A little about me:

Lemme see...The Rican is a mentally unstable, bi chick. She lives on an annoying military base, and goes to crack job high school. She is one of the highest ranking lower classmen in JROTC, and she finds posers to be utter annoyances. She enjoys reading, writing, tormenting people, and being sadistic. I often find myself arguing with myself, or roleplaying. Even though my parents find me to be a total pain in the rear, I still purposely bug the heck out of them. Not to mention, sarcasm is my strong point.


Ruseshipping Whore! (Will do anything for a fic!)

Peace out! *skitters off*
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