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User Name:Queen baka
Last Visited On:Feb. 11th, 2008, 14:42:49, PST
Registered On:June 06, 2005
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:Has A Marmite Complexion

Laughs with her head tilted back

Is A Water Particle


Having a Love Adventure with PeterPan

But having an in-between parenthesis (affair) with inspiration

Has S






for best friends.



Favourite sport is discussing

Loves. To. Eat.

Will not back down,

Give up.

Wants to see the WhOle WOrld.

Is coursed by Spanish Blood (and silver bullets)

Top pleasure is Speed and Race

Would marry a downpour

Knows everything there is to know about herself


Account on fiction press (which has been more or less abandoned): http://www.fictionpress.com/~thewaterparticle

And on paintedperfectly (most recently visited): http://www.paintedperfectly.com/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=TheWaterParticle

Check me out! (I like writing poetry, not reading it)

Likes- Day dreaming, having dreams, curling up in bed with all done, writing, downpours, sunny winter days, scorching beach days, the idea of being able to fly, the idea of being able to breathe under water, apple pie with vanilla ice cream drools, the perfect cookie, doodling, having time to smile and do nothing, being crazy, clear night skies, the moon, cloud watching on a nice day, Spanish tradition of 'nochevieja' new year's eve, The Farm, Feeling Good, discussing, songs which you can feel,Late nights in Spain, summer vacation, finding someone who cares...

Will nOt include 'Hates'. Do you people eVen know what that word means? Sheep.


Right, these are all the one-shot ideas I have (or two-shots). Many are started. Please comment, tell which ones you like, why, all that jazz, but I do not promise these will be writen, and I don't really want people to tell me to hurry up and do. But...enjoy!

The Christmas Cracker- Sum- AU, Inu-yasha’s Christmas isn’t jolly, or merry, or happy, or any of the advertised descriptions. Christmas is a time for insulting people with red hats and brooding over losts pasts. So why won’t this cookie scented girl give up the mission of Christmas euphoria? (And, yes, this was supposed to be up in Christmas, so now I’m going to wait for the middle of summer, and put it up then, just for kicks.)

Dawn Coloured Ghost- Sum- No one understands how truly powerful InuTaisho was. No one really understands his weakness. This is his story, told through his lover’s eyes. (I mean, he could make a sword that could revive people with just a fang...That, if anything, disserves a one-shot.)

Hearts don’t grow on trees- Sum-Trees aren’t comfortable to sleep in, they give neither comfort nor company, yet their whispers were all Inu-yasha had. A bow tied with past and present.

Self preservation- Sum- They aren’t cowards, it’s just self preservation. An insight in fleeing minds.

The Fight You Can’t Win- Sum- AU There are times, situations, fights, in which escape is not an option, yet they are battles you cannot win. Kagome knows this better than anyone, but can she find the help she needs in another person?

Picture Perfect- Sum- What is this strange contraption, which paints images of reality with a perfect brush? And what chaos can it cause in a era with puppy ears and teasing kitsunes? (Written about 11 pages...it sucks. It's too...happy.)

The Mate of a Mate of a Mate...- Sum- A word can mean many things. A word can cause many complications. A word can erupt chaos...and so much more.

Ms. Perfection- Sum- AU Kagome has a compulsive disorder. She has to live in a world where everything is just right. And then she meets Inu-yasha. She needs everything to be perfect and he’s just...not.

Baboon Face- Sum- Everyone has to wonder, has to ask: Why the monkey, Naraku? Why a baboon? Maybe Onigumo has more influence than we thought... Lets take a trip down memory lane... (What? Oh, come on! You've laughed at him too..._~)

Just a Kid- Sum- A glimpse of Shippo. Of his past, both happy and tragic, of his present of borrowed love, and of the future, not quite the end, but nowhere near the beginning.

Her Reflection- Sum- Kanna is a girl who has no flaws. She gives without asking for anything in return. Yet there is no such thing as perfect. This is the story of a girl who is told she doesn’t really exist.

Frog Wings- Sum- Poor Jaken. Completely devoted. Slightly insane. In serious denial. And very misunderstood. Poor, poor Jaken.

The howl of the wind/ Her heart- Sum- desperation can drives us to the very edge, of borders undiscovered. Love can be found in the strangest of places, in both vengeance and hope. The border between love and hate is blurred. What happens when you dare cross the line? (this is gonna be a Kagura/Kouga piece)

Doggy Style- The Inu-yasha characters are doing it doggy style- as in, I’ve turned them all into dogs in a very strange AU. Who knew canines had such a level of understanding…? (No, you're not suffering from hallucinations. Yes, I'm turning them into dogs...all of them.)

Not For All The Love In The World- AU Arranged marriages do not have happy endings. Women are inferior, abused at will, they are dolls to be shown and played with, and Kagome is the most desired of them all. She is bought, and her new life begins, but has she really signed off her own demise? (I am really liking the idea at the moment, and, if it weren’t for the low spirits I have, this would be half-done.)

(Tired, think of title later)(something like…Cinderella’s Shoe…? Pffft…) Everyone knows Kagome is a girly-girl—she loves baths, girly chats, and has a shockingly pink bedroom. But what if it had been her mother that had died, and not her father? What if she were brought up by all guys, and THEN she fell down the well? What if I make Kagome---a tomboy? A real AU. (I am in love with my own idea...)

Monsters- Kagome had been attending a full-time boarding school for a few months, ever since the mysterious incident that causes her to have terrible nightmares at night- which’s screaming triggers the decision of moving her to ‘The Well’, the area for troubled children. There she will meet new people, new problems- and make new friends. But the question is; in the end, will she be able to face her monsters, on will she finally give up to these memories- declaring them too much, and succumb to the darkness?Angst/Romance…I think you can guess the pairing. Started.


Work Taken Down For Repairment

Five Points To Make Your Heart ExplodeMore or less have the plot in my head, so not many problems with this, apart from the fact that's it's not high up in the list of priorities. (What priorities?)

Cinnamon Cigarettes: Much is changing in this. Same basic idea- it's gonna be spicy and sweet in one go, just like Kagome, but the idea is turning more angsty and longer.

That's good, right?


Have a cousin on Here: Deadly Crimson. Copy and Paste her into search, I know you want to

and A friend: Naraku's Koibito (Yes, she's in love with Naraku, you must get over it. If you're looking for a good slash story, she's your girl.)

Anyone who reads my stories- just review godammit!


News Of The World:


Song Of Momento: Nature Boy

I am officially free! Summer vacation has started and I’m…tired as hell. Teehee. I’m not updating as much as I would like to, and I’m sorry. The time I do spend home I never seem to settle on the computer for writing. My inspiration is dry as a fig.


There may be a new story coming soon! I’ve written the prologue and more than half of the first chapter, but now I’m stuck again because of a plan I had that doesn’t fit with other aspects of the story. When I resolve it, write more, and if I manage to not waver in attention, you may be once again amazed on how much my writing style has changed. I have high hopes for this story. Mainly because of the title- it rocks.

And say bye bye to Cinnamon Cigarettes as you know it because it’s going to change drastically (if it ever comes out again). I have a new, shinier, virgin plan for it with a few scenes I’m looking forward to writing.


Oh yes, as many of you know I’m Spanish but (obviously) know English. My father’s side of the family are one the production of the third in series of a recipe book. A truly wonderful cooking guide to old Spanish recipes with step-by-step snippy, witty instructions accompanied with a photograph for each and every movement made (What the hell could be made easier? Even I cooked something out of it!). Every recipe also has a little story/anecdote at the start.

The book is now being traduced by none other than yours truly, and, having a deadline, I will be giving that attention, which will take time off fanfiction. And, not only will I be able to change untranslatable stories and create my own, I will win a share of the profit! So, yeah, once it’s (hopefully) out, I will force you to buy the book. XD. Ok, I’m off to write SOS (changing the next chapter people, so tune in!)

Toddles and toodles for now, munchkins! Queen Baka is back in town.

Oh yes, Crimson Tears… I love you CT!

The next chapter will be up before I go! Promise!

Lets cross fingers for good results in August (it all depends on the borderlines now!)

Oh and I took the quotes down because they were annoying me. Boo.
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