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User Name:cbs2cbw
Last Visited On:Jul. 04th, 2007, 10:58:35, PDT
Registered On:June 06, 2005
ICQ Number: n/a
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Biography:maybe one day i will post my fanfics. I have another acount on fanfiction.net, Ranko-chan
There are a few fics that i have posted there
Desperation is the only complete one.
Scars is a WIP but maybe one day i will get the inspiration to finish that one.
I am currently working on one that i hope will be a real hit, Untitled as of yet, it is sort of AU, but not really, it will be Ranma, but well if anyone is interested in proofreading...

I love anime. Unfortuantly my husband does not share my pashion so it has deterred me of writing. But I still find the time. I love Ranma, it has to be my fav. Kenshin follows close behind, as does Inuyasha. Then a more recent discovery of Kyo, of Samurai Deeper Kyo to be more exact, haven't seen many fics for that series, although it is left rather finished, but that didn't seem to keep people form writing Kenshin fics now did it. I hope to see more for this series, who knows maybe one day america will get an anime channel, if it hasn't already happened yet (I have satalite).