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User Name:Middlen
Last Visited On:Oct. 21st, 2007, 14:37:04, PDT
Registered On:June 06, 2007
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:Windwalker204
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:Hello and welcome to my profile. If you are here then hopefully it's because you enjoy my stories and are looking to see what I'm all about, but more then likely you stumbled onto this part after clicking the wrong button. For SHAME! Lol just kidding. Okay so let's begin shall we? Oh yes before I begin I am taking idea's to do this profile since my other one sucked, loosely from Baka Gaijin and Starving Lunatic. Bows You two ROCK HARD!! So lets get on with this shall we?
Name:(about the middlen it's from Midxena which is what I used to use when I first debuted myself out on the net a long time ago. It's derived from Midsummers Night Dream and Xena my two loves)

Age: 25

Where I live: In an anime world where I have ears. laughs

Anime: Sailor Moon, Full Metal Alchemist, Saiyuki Reloaded, Gokusen, Inuyasha, Descendants Of Darkness, Utena, Lupin The Third, Fooly Cooly, Ranma 1/2, The Dirty Pair, Trigun and the list goes on.

TV: Family Guy, Futurama, Kim Possible, Xena, Buffy, Smallville, The Old X-Men and X-Men Evolution Cartoons,Young Blades, Teen Titans and Hercules

Movies: She's The Man, Stick It, The Princess Diaries, All the Harry Potter Movies, Dragon Heart, Gladiator, Rome, X-Men though I didn't like the third movie all that well. I was really disappointed with it, Dances With Wolves, Imgaine You and Me and the list gets even longer then the Anime and Tv. lol.

Music: Ahhh music. Hmmm. What don't I like? Heavy Metal I suppose and some rap, but I pretty much like all Genre's of music. My favorite song right at the moment is I'm Still Here By John Rzeznik from Treasure Planet is my favorite song right now. I have other's, but I can't think of them right now. I usually associate music with how I'm feeling at the moment. I've got several theme songs that I listen to. Heh. Theme songs.

Why write?: Because I love it. I love writing out scenes and knowing how they are going to turn out while everyone else doesn't. I enjoy writing suspense and having people enjoy what I write. Also I like to write because I want to see my own idea's out there for people to read and enjoy hopefully as much as I do.

Favorite Pairings: Rei/Usagi of course, Ami/Makoto, Setsuna/Minako, Haruka/Michiru who in their right mind wouldn't like this pairing and I don't mean the one where people turn Haruka into a Man either, BLASPHEMERS! Hotaru/Chibi Usa awww they are so cute together that is when they are older you nasty nasty! Kim Possible/Shego, Utena/Anthy, I also like the Setsuna/Juri pairing from Arisugawa's Locket if you haven't read that story I suggest strongly in going and reading it now! Go Go, I'll wait here. lol. Let's see. I also like Xena/Gabrielle, Buffy/Willow, Dawn/Faith which I recently discovered and have to admit that it's an interesting pairing, Rogue/Jean Gray, Yuri/Ron Stoppable, Raven/Starfire Harry Potter/Hermione, Hermione/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, Harry/Ginny, Ron/Harry I have no least favorite pairing for Harry Potter and the list goes on, but I can't think of them all right now cause that's just the pairings that come to mind at the moment.

Least Favorite Pairings: Mamoru/Usagi I just can't stand that guy. I couldn't stand him when I was first watching the series and my dislike for him grew to an overwelming urge to see him die! bows before Baka Gaijin30 for his outstanding series Mamoru Must Die!, Ron Stoppable/Kim Possible I don't know why, but I simply can not stand this pairing at all. I have actually stopped watching Kim Possible because they did that pairing and it's rather sickening really, Shego/Dr. Drakken okay I don't care what anyone says, EWWWWWWW!, Xena/Ares or any other guy they decide to pair her up with. I'm sorry, but I'm a Xena/Gabby fan all the way and just any other pairing makes me wanna throw up, Starfire/Robin, Rave/BeastBoy why? Just why people? Why must you do that to us? I mean for god sakes BEAST BOY? and I'm sure that there are more pairings, but I can't think of them right now.

Favorite Stories: ABSENCE ROCKS MY WORLD!!! That was the first real story that turned me on to the whole Rei/Usagi pairing, Of Demons and Love, Mamoru Must Die!, Honor Bound, Dark Mansion though I wish that author would finish that story because I'll tell you what I have it saved just so I can read it again and again and yes to my shame I yell at my laptop when I get to the last part that was put up Bows head in shame, All of the Melissa Good stories with Dar and Kerry they rock my world as well, Small Possibility, Alone Together, A Few New Tricks which turned me into a Shego/Kim Possible pairing fanatic and once again to my shame I yelled at my laptop once again at the end of that story Bows head in shame once more, Mind, Body and Soul for those of you that haven't read that I suggest you go read it NOW! it is up there in the greats along with Kirika, Starving Lunatic, Melissa Good and Baka Gaijin, Arigato for your awesome stories!, The Pariah series, Arisugawa's Locket, and many many more, which would take up more then half of this page. lol.

Also there is my home page: http://banes.bravehost.com/Banes_World.htm which I am currently trying to get my Sailor Moon Shoujo-ai Page online. I am currently getting Baka Gaijin's up there and shall be getting my own as well. I also have an account at deviantart http://lestate_kane.deviantart.com but as of right now there isn't much there except one picture. I think it's because I'm not sure what I want to do with it as of right now.

I'd also like to tell you that I make amv's as well. Though I don't know why that's relevant. Anyway if you are curious to see what I've done here's the link. Please stop by and leave me a message on what you think about them. http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=HunterNaito

For those of you that haven't figure it out. I only write about lesbians or shoujo-ai stories. I'll be writing about Rei/Usagi, Rogue/Jean Gray, Xena/Gabrielle and maybe possibly in a later date Kim/Shego as well.

Okay so if you are reading this then please give me some feed back. Maybe you want to see an story done a certain way or you have a challenge for me. Whatever it is don't hesitate to drop me a line with your comments, praises and little boxes of ramen! lol. HEY! I'm starving artist here!

In The Works

My newest story is inspired by Dark Mansion called Breaking Free 14/25?

Okay. Newest story is Rei Must Get With Usagi! Title in the works cause it just doesn't work right now. It's my own little Omake that I haven't decided if I will continue or not. 2/2?

Okay as of right now, I have a new story in the mix. It's called Armageddon. Right now it's 4/?

Also, though For You I Will AKA The Warrior And The Dove is finished. I am currently doing rewrites for it. I can't say that I was totally happy with it. How you will know that I have rewritten it will be because the chapters will now have names instead of being just Chapter 1 and ect.

Planed Stories

On a later date when I finish Armageddon I plan on doing a Kim Possible story. I don't know as of yet what it's gonna be about, but I do know that it shall have kigo goodness. I've been throwing around the idea for the title and right now it stands at High School Drama, but it could change on a later date.

Also I do plan on doing a sequel to For You I Will, but not as of right now. I've been playing around with maybe doing a cross over story arch, but I haven't decided right now. So it's currently on hold until I figure that out. The Sequel is currently titled The Gods Must Be Laughing, but that title could change at a later date.

I also plan on doing a Rei/Usagi one shot/Song fic later on called Could It Be? Just let me get the lyrics and type it up then I shall put it on here.

Also I plan on starting another story called When Souls Collide. It will be a Usagi/Rei story with Utena tendencies. lol.

I do have a Harry Potter Story that I am currently working on. Yes I will probably get that online as soon as I'm finished with it. The reason I'm not putting it online right at the moment is because I'm not sure if I will or not. It's timidly titled right now Harry Potter and The Year Of Betrayal.

For some reason I thought of doing a Harry Potter/Sailor Moon fanfiction. It was one of those nights of not that much sleep and way to much Mountain Dew, but this story probably wont happen until I finish Breaking Free which could be some time, but it's in the though process.

What You Don't Know About

Alright. I have a story called Revelations it's a little under 70 pages shy of being 300 pages long. This is my first story that I have ever written and it's an Original Fiction. This story has been in the works for a total of Eight Years now. I started it when I was a Junior in High School. So when I say I love to write I'm not lying. Do I plan to have the story online? Well considering that it's an Original Xena Story, Yes I do plan on doing just that. The story isn't Xena, but the main character resembles a Xena character, but isn't hence the reason it's Original. I do have plans on getting that published once I am finished with it. Hey if Melissa Good can do it then so can I! lol.

I also have a Robin Hood called Robin Hood, My Way (title pending when I figure out a better one), but I am not sure if I will put online or not. I'm not even sure if I'll attempted to finish it.

Other Announcements

I'm making a shout out for those you that like to draw. If any of you would like to do sketches for my stories that would be great and let me know. I will put the URL's for those pictures up here for everyone to see your sketchy goodness!

Something New for you all that actually check this page out. I've done a sketch of Usagi from my story Breaking Free. Here it is. I hope you all like it. http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs16/i/2007/146/a/6/Nate_Aka__Usagi_by_LestateKane.jpg
Well that wraps up my rant here. If anyone still has questions please don't hesitant to ask me and I shall get back to you once I can.

So without further ado I leave with this.
A pond is calm if undisturbed

but throw a rock in and it ripples

Eventually it will become calm again

but the rock is still there

Leaving the pond forever changed - Taken from Xena, but can't remember the Episode.
Ja Ne!


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