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User Name:ZaPhA
Last Visited On:Mar. 18th, 2004, 06:03:16, PST
Registered On:November 11, 2001
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:Hi!.I love Digimon, Harry Potter, His Dark Matirials, Warner Bros. cartoons,

Robotech the New Generation, bisicly all the Cartoon

Cartoons,Sonic,Evolution (the video game).Of coarse,theres more to add to this list but these are the esentials.I dislike SLASH, YAOI AND YURI!!!!!!No, I don't dislike the people who write it, I just won't read it.

My favourite characters are Ken/Digimon Emperor and Tom Riddle.My favourite couples are Kenyako/Kaiyako and Ron+Hermione.Couples that I support are Kenyako/kaiyako, R/H, Sorato, Taiora and D/H. Couples that I Think are O.K are Takari, Daikari , Daiken (even though I don't read Daiken or support yaoi, it makes the most sense out of all the 02 yaoi couples), kenkari/kaikari and any straight character/OC coupling. Rest asured that I will not go into any yaoi or yuri fics or sites just to flame, I think we all have a right to are own opinions, so please respect mine!