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User Name:KS Claw
Name/Nick:Katja Soegaard
Last Visited On:Aug. 25th, 2004, 22:53:22, PDT
Registered On:May 05, 2002
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:snakekat9
Biography:Name: KS Claw

real name: Like I´m gonna tell!!

sex: Female (last who thought I was a boy is no longer among the living::devilish grin::)

age: 17

birthday: 11th july 1985

country where I live: Denmark, Europe

languages I know: Danish (duh), English, alittle french and a teeny bit of latin and spanish. Oh, and a very little bit of Japanese as well.

My hobbies: Drawing, watching SWATKATS, reading fanfics, fantasy and sci/fi-books. zapping around on the net, writing fics, watching TV and playing computer.

Fav comics: Witchblade, Spawn (when I need something spooky) Darkness, Spiderman, Dragonball Z, W.I.T.C.H and Elfquest.

Fav movies: EVERYTHING with Jim Carrey and Sean Connery (except "The cable guy" and "The russian house") Everything that has to do with dragons ("Flight of dragons", "Dragonheart" etc.) Comedies, Disney movies, and Action and sci/fi. And romantic comedies as well, if they aren´t TOO crappy! And movies with ghosts, werewolfs and dinosaurs

Fav books: Anything DL and FG. Everything thats fantasy and sci/fi. Alittle horror once in awhile and finally, everything that tells about the supernatural (UFO´s and ghosts, etc.) and anything about dinosaurs

fav comp and PS games: Spyro 1 & 2, Jurassic warpath, Final Fantasy IX, Claw and Quest for Glory, and what I have reached so far of "Bermuda Syndrome", and Tomb Raider

Fav actors and voicegivers: Frank Welker (Dr. Viper, YEAH BABY, YEAH!!!) Eddie Murphy, Jim Carrey, Sean Connery, Nickolas Cage, Chris O'Donnell, Russell Crowe, Robin Williams, Barry Gordon, Danny DeVito, and Arnold Swarzenegger

Best friends on the web: Unicorn Unity, Timva06, Kristen Sharpe, SageSK, Samantha Walker, Wolverina, Lionscape, Glen Battilana, CL Furlong, Newton Langly, Lord Havoc, Maria B aka Dragonfly and Amanda Taylor

Fav TV-shows: SWATKATS the radical squadron, Digimon, Pokémon, Darkwing Duck, Jumanji, Spiderman and Ducktales.

Places I got art (and this is just 3):

The snakepit: http://www.geocities.com/unicorn_unity/ksclawmain.html

Side7: http://www.side7.com/art/katjsoeg/gallery.html

The Lionking FA Archive :http://fanart.lionking.org/imgarchive/?FanArt/Ks_Claw+hi+++1

Projects of art: Several requests and arttrades

Projects of fiction: "Nexus", "Johnny and Ann", "Be Nice Vegeta", "Bad News", "Alien"

Oh yeah! I do requests and arttrades! So ask me if your interested!
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