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User Name:Nara
Last Visited On:Sep. 21st, 2003, 21:21:10, PDT
Registered On:June 06, 2002
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:Panabelle18
Biography:;P Well, you've asked for it. This is me, Panabelle. Formerly, I was Nara or Kate or something of the like, I can't remember. Decided to go back to my roots here, since Panabelle has become who I am and there's no denying it.

I'm a writer first and foremost. I like to pretend I'm an artist, but I'm really not. And technically I'm not a writer right now either - one needs time to write. I have not the time. I am a student in her first year of college, and as goeth my college girl lament: *insert inaudible mumbles, and a face that hasn't slept in 6 weeks, here*

I graduated from high school this past June, day after I turned 18 (*unenthusiastic, monty-python-esc* yay), and I find it somewhat disturbing that my graduating class labeled me as a cynic. But then again, there are worst things...I work in my town's Kmart as a checker, and to tell the truth, it's really not that bad. I'm not really religious, but I do believe in God, and have worn my silver cross religiously for four years - rarely do I take it off.

I'm in desperate need of a car. I have the money for one...kinda...

I'm an anime-adict, I admit it openly. Originally, I knew not how bad cartoon network can be. And then Ash found out and made it his personal mission to teach me otherwise; he has become my anime pimp...currently, I'm the better part through Trigun (mine), Love Hina, Beserk, and too many others to count (all his). I'm still an avid Adult Swimmer...simply because they aren't intended for lit'le kids.

I'm also a vegetarian. Technically. I eat chicken *only* because I'm too lazy to eat *right*. I don't eat meat simply because I've eatten enough of it in my lifetime, and I don't really like the idea of a heartattack. The concept alone seems painful enough.

And that's about me. If I had time, I'd update more often than I do. But...I don't. So, you're just gonna get my nice little bio. I'm usually open for conversation on AIM or MSN, provided I'm not swampped and have run past the procrastination safety-line.

-Panabelle ;P