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User Name:blitzballbabe
Last Visited On:Dec. 16th, 2002, 11:55:34, PST
Registered On:July 07, 2002
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:lxl Tei lxl
Biography:Real Name: T-Chan

Job: crappy student and artist!

Fav Animes: BBC2040 Ranma1/2, Escaflowne, Akira, Dragon Ball GT, Gundam Wing, Cowboy Beebop, Vampire Hunter D, Ah! My Goddess, Bastard!!

Fav Game: Dead or Alive, FF10, & Devil May Cry

Pets: dogs, cats, sister, and brothers

Family: mom's house/ then dad's house

Best Friend: Ape/Lunch/Goku Kyra & Starki!!

Fav Movie: American Pie 2

Fav Food: um... cheese pizza with nacho cheese on it with tator tots on the side with cheese nachos on it and cheese pringles

Fav Game Charrie: Tidus and Dante

Person/People I Look Up To: my four year old lil cousin Dalton (my all time fave singer!)

Fav Anime Song: Uhh... my favorite game song is To Zanarkand on FFX! ^^

Fav Sport: Basketball and Soccer... its a tie

Things I do when bored: I play with Chase, and some other things. Oh by the way no body else can have me for the fact I am property of Chase, who is my husband!

Teii's Bio: She was born in Deli (umm... dun ask) and her dad and mom were Rikku and Wakka (so she's 1/2 Al Bhed and 1/2 Island Chic!) she also has a twin sister named Starki was is great at speaking Al Bhed, and a younger sister named Salci, who is great at being a pest. Teii left home to play blitzball in Luca like her daddy always wanted ^-^ She left behind her sad crying mother, her best friend and twin sister, and a younger sister who always looked up to her. Soon her story started as she reached Luca. She joined an all girls blitz team named Choas'. Soon she became the star of the team until it fell apart after its star goalie quit forever due to getting married ;_; Teii soon returned home to her family... Sadly Deli was attacked and burned down by Al Bleds! (DUN DUN DUN!) Thinking her family was dead Teii went back to Luca and vowed to kill Sin (she thought it was Sin who killed them... Teii rushed into things without thinking a lot) no matter what. After a few years of learning to fight Teii turned 17 and she was ready to face Sin, she just needed to find it 1st. Later on she runs into a fighter, Zid the young 'charming' fighting who loves to flirt and win hearts of all the girls.. He came to find Sin as well, his home was the Monk Island. So this is where the story starts...